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Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/27/2017 2:57:02 PM   

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It was announced today that a man and a woman are to get married. The man is ginger, bearded and slightly balding. The woman is American and has good teeth. The man said 'I love the woman very much, so I want to marry her'. The woman said 'I love the man very much, so I want to marry him'. The bearded ginger man's parents said, 'We have grown fond of the American woman, who has very charming teeth, and wish them every happiness in their future life'.


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/27/2017 3:27:27 PM   

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And I love it!

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/27/2017 4:35:54 PM   

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Good for you, WS!

Myself, I love McFlurries, at MacDonald's, on occasion. It's all about horses for courses, really.


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/27/2017 5:40:46 PM   

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I am very happy for them.
This is going to be very interesting.

The bride's mum is so cute, I hope she visits often.

DailyMail has about 30 articles on the event, it appears to be rocking the UK.

Daily Mail- Harry reveals romantic proposal to Meghan


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/27/2017 6:38:47 PM   

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I think they are adorable. I was a big fan of Princess Di and how she seemed to be raising the boys before her death. I remained interested in them, so I have followed these two. However, Suits is one of my favorite shows, so I hate that she will be leaving it.

I hope they have children as cute as Prince George. He is so expressive that he cracks me up!

I am also interested to see the reaction of people to having a biracial royal.

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/28/2017 11:43:17 AM   

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I feel like in the UK, biracial women and men are considered very attractive and hot and much sort after. Especially the black/white mix.

So I doubt they even have issues or think much of the "biracial" part. More like American media making a big deal about it about her being biracial.

They don't have the stigma of black slavery baggage like the US.

But very cute couple. Harry feels it was love at first sight! So we know his type.

Nice to see the two boys find happiness.

I thought William and Kate was such a perfect match.

And it looks like Harry also did good.

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/28/2017 1:37:49 PM   

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I feel like in the UK, biracial women and men are considered very attractive and hot and much sort after. Especially the black/white mix.

I think you may have been misinformed there, Greta: they get a lot of shit from racists of either colour, rather than just from one bunch like everybody else.


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/28/2017 1:54:28 PM   

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greta knows more about race in the UK than she does about the right wing winning in germany


<) )╯SUCH
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Duchess Of Dissent
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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/28/2017 3:51:29 PM   

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I think you may have been misinformed there, Greta: they get a lot of shit from racists of either colour, rather than just from one bunch like everybody else.

It doesn't seem that way. The only African friend I have in my life is African British. (I say this because Africans are very rare in Singapore, you mostly only see them on TV) And he was working in Singapore. He is married to a white blonde blue eyed British woman and have a biracial son. His son is just 2 years younger than me.

When I holidayed in the UK, I spent a week living in their home. His son took me around and was my "tour guide".

I tell you, that's not what he tells me. He doesn't feel any racism in the UK. And his kid also doesn't feel it.

There is like no baggage. And apparently, they felt quite happy and normal and was never made to feel out of place. They were from Redding. When I was there, I didn't see alot of black people in that area. Seems to be quite a white neighbourhood they lived in. And they didn't feel like they were discriminated, not accepted or like anything.

And as a black man, my African British friend said that, it was very easy to get women of other races in the UK. They flock to you, you don't even need to get to them in club. It seems like, being black is cool. Biracial even cooler.

He doesn't have the bitterness of African American men. Like he was just no baggage and very positive. He also used to tell me that in the UK, if you are poor, you will still be okay and there is plenty of free parties to go to and have fun. But in Singapore if you are poor, literally, you're screwed. Like that was his impression of living in the UK and living in Singapore. I don't know how easy it is to be poor in the UK. But yea, in Singapore, you need money, for sure. No welfare.

And from what I understand. The race that British whites are most racist towards are Pakis. Not Blacks. Maybe if Megan was Pakistani, maybe there might be more issues, but I think there is like zero feeling about her biracial-ness. Because her white and black mix is so accepted as normal over there.

And Harry has been dating Megan for awhile, and I never see the British Tabloids made an issue about her race or even mention it. They were more about who is this nobody commoner that the prince was paying attention to. That's about it.

It's now because it's marriage and American media are paying attention as one of their own is getting married to a prince, and then they keep bringing up that she's black, because like in the US, the black thingy is such a big deal.

Like personally, Prince Harry is getting married, and most of the American media headlines can only start writing the word "bi-racial" in the headlines which is like WTF, doesn't even deserve a mention, it means nothing in Britain. She is an American woman. He is a British boy. She is an actress. He is a Prince. That's all that is needed. Who cares she is bi-racial except Americans with the whole black baggage.

I think it boils down to alot of Africans in UK are immigrants from Africa, and many have married white women. They just don't have the same chip on their shoulder as African Americans who weren't even born during slavery era. I tell you, the whole energy is different. With that positive energy, they don't find racism because, they don't get jumpy over every stupid thing.

They don't feel victimized. I remember there was all these issues about African American being angry about British African playing roles of slaves in movies that portray American slavery era, as they felt the British Africans never experienced it so they would be unauthentic. AS IF they the new generation of African Americans experienced it too.

< Message edited by Greta75 -- 11/28/2017 4:11:54 PM >

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 5:03:25 AM   

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I feel like in the UK, biracial women and men are considered very attractive and hot and much sort after. Especially the black/white mix.

I think you may have been misinformed there, Greta: they get a lot of shit from racists of either colour, rather than just from one bunch like everybody else.

It'll be interesting watching the Daily Mail readers twisting their heads around the fact that she's got black heritage. Not to mention that she has a rep as a 'do-gooder'. I suspect their fawning adoration of everything the royals do (other than being nasty to poor Di, obviously) will trump all other considerations, though.

Seems like a good woman to me, anyway. Prince Ginga's done well, on balance. If the UK *must* go all sponge-brained over the royals yet again, we could do worse (and indeed have done worse, recalling that goosestepping crone Simpson) than Meghan. (Why is there an 'H' in that name? That's as silly as Colin Powell's forename being pronounced Coe-lin.)


Oh good God, it looks like I was wrong about those Mail readers. They *don't* seem to be entirely happy with Meghan, sadly!

"10 Best Responses To The Royal Wedding From Daily Mail Readers:

""How absolutely extraordinary that, with all the beaurtiful [sic], British and European aristocratic women around, he settles for a highly unsuitable, divorced, older person, of course it won't last"

< Message edited by PeonForHer -- 11/29/2017 5:12:06 AM >


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 6:32:35 AM   

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From: Somewhere Texas
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While I am happy for the couple, and do wish them the best, I must voice a few concerns.

1) Americans have a fondness for bacon on everything, which may prove problematic at meal times.

2) The American sarcastic streak has yet to be defined by science as to its limits, and the British are often at a loss on how to deal with it.

3) And finally, has anyone thought to give the prince the "How to understand what an American Woman means when she says ________"?
I mean seriously, without that all important manual, there is a good chance that the prince is going to say something, and she will reply with the standard pissed off American female response of "Do what you want."
He will then go off and do what he wants and come home to face a woman who has mutated from the sweetest thing in the world to something Satan and God would avoid on a good day, and get whopped upside the head with whatever blunt object she can find.

Here, if one of our British users will forward this to the prince, for his own safety, is the basic list.


1 Fine: A lot of women use this word to end an argument when they don’t want to talk about it anymore. When a woman says, she could really be saying just shut up. Also, sometimes when a woman says I’m fine, she often is far from ok. What she really means is I’m not ok but I don’t want to talk about it. She could alos mean, “I’m still too upset to talk about the issue.

2. Whatever
: This is like ‘fine’ except that it is significantly worse. Most times, this spells trouble.

3. I don't want to talk right now:
Sometimes, when a woman says that, she really doesn’t mean it. It is sometimes a passive way of getting a guy to pay attention as a sort of test. In other words, she's checking to see if he cares. A little prodding and the lady who says “I don’t want to talk right now, will be talking non stop.

4. You don’t care: She knows that you love her and you care so don’t get upset when she says that cause she means something else. What she actually means is that you have not shown how much you care in while and she needs to be reassured. Next time she says that, don’t get angry just shower her with enough tender loving care.

5. It’s really nothing: It is definitely something and she expects you to know what that something is. If you are not a mind reader and you don’t understand your woman, you’ll never guess what it really is.

6. It’s Okay: This is one of those dangerous statements that women make. When she says it’s okay, she could really be mean, I’m taking my time to plot how to pay you back for whatever it is you have done. Most of the time, it is accompanied with ‘Fine’.

7. Yes Sir or Yes boss: Careful there, it’s not a sign of respect, she’s only being sarcastic. You may have said something to her and she goes like ‘Yes Sir’. It doesn’t mean she’ll do as you say, she just wants to kill that topic of discussion.

8. It’s up to you: You better be careful when she says that. It could be a test and your decision will be scrutinized and judged, especially when she gives you an idea and you are not buying it or you want to do something she’s not okay with. To make your decision, you need to weigh up the consequences of doing what you want.

9. I’m sorry: No she's not. Sometimes, women would say I’m sorry just to get their way or get pout of a bad situation. Though, it is genuine sometimes.

10. Go ahead:
Do not think she is fine with your decision or she’s giving you permission. Most of the time, she is daring you. Don’t do it because she’ll pay back and it won’t be funny.

11. I hate you:
She doesn't really hate you, it's just anger speaking. This is not to say that’s what a woman means every time she uses these words. She could really mean what she is saying sometimes. There are some women who are as straight forward as men and they mean what they say.


One special note, when a woman says go ahead do not, under any circumstances do whatever she seems to be telling you to do. This is a combination of threat and dare (regardless of what the woman who wrote the article I referenced says) because the odds are that if you follow this statement with an action, the authorities will never find your body.

Especially if she is an American.

And lets not forget what happened the last time a British royal married an American woman, I mean there was a world war, he had to abdicate, and a few other nasty things. I am not saying she was at fault, but I am not too sure that God or the Gods really approve of such things.


Boy, it sure would be nice if we had some grenades, don't you think?

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 10:53:07 AM   

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I thought the "bacon on everything" thing was just Elvis (who it seems to have killed) rather than Americans in general?


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 10:57:38 AM   

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just for jeff:)

PS the brits know sarcasm, and why most americans are so useless at it.Its not confusion.


<) )╯SUCH
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<) )> WOMAN
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Duchess Of Dissent
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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 12:54:38 PM   

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Fast reply

Honestly, has the British monarchy been anything but deadly boring since Henry VIII died?


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 1:55:42 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Spiritedsub2

Fast reply

Honestly, has the British monarchy been anything but deadly boring since Henry VIII died?

I think it's kind of their job to be boring, really.


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 3:43:00 PM   

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Making their enduring popularity something of a mystery.


Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes round in another form.
~ Rumi

Laughing Dolphin

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 4:22:54 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Spiritedsub2

Making their enduring popularity something of a mystery.

No, seriously - I think that's crucial to the way it works: Because they're so bland, people can project all sorts of qualities onto them. The Queen is called 'serene', 'majestic', 'noble' ... all these wonderful epithets and more ... because she just manages to talk and act without offending anyone. I'm not a royalist, I should say. That's just how I think it works for people who *are* royalists. The whole point of them is that they should be blank slates for royalists to project upon. That works best of all if they are utterly and completely bland, as Elizabeth has been for her entire reign to date.

It's a very, *very* weird institution, a constitutional monarchy. A bit less so for the other royals - but even their role is odd. Well, Meghan seems to have a few brains - I think, with training, she'll get it together. I think her experience as an actress is probably the best training anyone could ever have for the job she's about to take on. Key things: smile an awful lot, don't say anything offensive, and have babies. As per Duchess Kate. And don't think about anything too much. The UK monarchy is a blindingly, insanely, irrational institution. It's so far beyond stupid there isn't even a word for it. You can't do the job if you ever stop to think in any depth about it.


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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 10:04:09 PM   

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I love the part about how once Meghan starts receiving income from the royal coffers, she would have major tax headache as USA wants to tax her for IT! Maybe she needs to ditch US citizenship and just stay 100% Brit.

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/29/2017 10:07:41 PM   

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""How absolutely extraordinary that, with all the beaurtiful [sic], British and European aristocratic women around, he settles for a highly unsuitable, divorced, older person, of course it won't last"

Old Grandmas commenting that live in the stone ages, and don't get that Harry wants a woman who can be elegant in public but down to earth enough to go camping with him in the wild. That's Meghan. Other aristocratic women may turn their nose down at camping. (Even I would balk at camping for a date and would probably never be with someone who likes camping as I am a city girl. But It tells me how down to earth she is.)

I realise that both William and Harry chose really elegant looking women who, even though Meghan is not royalty but just the way she sits, walk, and hold herself. She is elegant. Really really princess-like.

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RE: Man and Woman to Get Married. - 11/30/2017 11:26:18 AM   

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""How absolutely extraordinary that, with all the beaurtiful [sic], British and European aristocratic women around, he settles for a highly unsuitable, divorced, older person, of course it won't last"

Old Grandmas commenting that live in the stone ages, and don't get that Harry wants a woman who can be elegant in public but down to earth enough to go camping with him in the wild. That's Meghan. Other aristocratic women may turn their nose down at camping. (Even I would balk at camping for a date and would probably never be with someone who likes camping as I am a city girl. But It tells me how down to earth she is.)

I realise that both William and Harry chose really elegant looking women who, even though Meghan is not royalty but just the way she sits, walk, and hold herself. She is elegant. Really really princess-like.

Of course, there's them as think he just mistook Megham Markle for Angela Merkel after a heavy night on the nose candy...


On the level and looking for a square deal.

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