RE: Agressive Males? (Full Version)

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Greta75 -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/5/2017 10:28:17 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

spend the money on the kids.

IF they have kids. That would require a man.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 12:53:47 AM)



Isn't it in the news recently that some lady got killed after meeting her date in Tinder?

Well, it was a second date with a female so, when there's a thread about aggressive females that will be germane.

heavyblinker -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 1:33:30 AM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

When I was raised men were to be the aggressor and women were to be passive.

The old “men chase and women choose” concept.

But now it seems that if the “chase” is more than a onetime offer of dinner, it is sexual harassment. (In the work place asking twice can legally be considered sexual harassment)

So I guess my question is; are men to stop being the aggressor, stop chasing and just let women chase and choose?


Everyone should be mortally terrified of any and all glimmers of attraction they have for other people, and should never pursue anyone ever.
If they do, they should be publicly shamed, sued and the word 'stalker' should be tattooed on their forehead.

Greta75 -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 1:43:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Isn't it in the news recently that some lady got killed after meeting her date in Tinder?

Well, it was a second date with a female so, when there's a thread about aggressive females that will be germane.

I am a straight woman who only date men so whenever I talk about dating, I only talk about men being my danger, as I don't date women at all. But basically, gays, lesbians, heterosexual, same caution is required. Gotta go with the gut. Which is what LTE saying is irrational.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 3:00:02 AM)


I am a straight woman who only date men so whenever I talk about dating, I only talk about men being my danger, as I don't date women at all. But basically, gays, lesbians, heterosexual, same caution is required. Gotta go with the gut. Which is what LTE saying is irrational.

I was telling you that the young lady who went missing and was consequently found dead was not involved with an "aggressive male"

Just dig those heels in, though.

LadyPact -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 2:47:47 PM)


For entertainment purposes, it might be interesting for people to compare this thread to any of the "why don't women answer emails" threads that have been on these forums for the last ten years. Go back and SEE what women say about what happens to them when they reject someone sending a first contact email. Don't listen to me on the subject. Listen to them. Read how many women get cursed out, threatened, get the "you're to fat to f^ck" line and other ridiculous crap for doing nothing more than telling someone no. See how many accounts of telling someone no just means they should plead, beg, annoy, and use other tactics to get the other person to change their no to a yes.

While you're at it, check out to see what certain men have to say. The males who say that, as long as the person is responding, it's perfectly ok to keep pressuring them. That if a person doesn't respond favorably, that the attitude is that it's perfectly fine to just write them again after some time has passed to try again. Read what they have to say about "reasons" that it's ok not to have to accept no.


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
People like you keep saying things idiotic things like "yes means yes and no, no" and some how think that will fix everything and don't realize that you are actually being a pedophilia apologist.

I seriously don't get why kinky people who don't like any subject that comes up have to drag pedophilia into it, but if it's really necessary for the hundredth time to go into it, I can explain.

You can't get consent from somebody who isn't legally mature enough by law to give consent.

What that means is, whoever the adult is in the situation is supposed to be the person who has enough common knowledge to realize this and NOT SEEK CONSENT FROM NON-ADULTS IN THE FIRST PLACE. No, it doesn't matter if age of consent is lower in other countries or how females of child bearing age were able to wed in the bible. If you live in the dang United States, you're not supposed to be propositioning non-adults for sexual interactions.

Is it really so dang hard around this place any more NOT to have a thread where flipping children are brought into it?

porcelaine -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 5:32:05 PM)



Also, I am prompted to point out that male dominance not about BDSM in this context but about the grand design and about the correct treatment and respect by men for those they lead, protect and provide for.


Can you please expound on your interpretation of grand design as it applies to this discussion? Thank you.


cloverodella -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 5:52:44 PM)



Is it really so dang hard around this place any more NOT to have a thread where flipping children are brought into it?

It weirds me out that this happens in so many threads. We're adults, talking about adult things. Minors have nothing to do with BDSM or sex. What is the need to bring up pedophiles or the other -philes associated with adults desiring minors? Like, why are children even on people's minds on the forums?

Milesnmiles -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 7:08:06 PM)


ORIGINAL: longwayhome
You do however continue to attack other people's positions in a more or less strident way whilst claiming that you don't actually hold a position yourself.

You then try to create some kind of moral high ground for yourself by claiming that you didn't actually say what you implied or almost said.

it's a great mechanism for creating accusation and counter-accusation which could be entertaining if you like that sort of thing.

My position on these subjects is clear and unequivocal.

No means no. Pursuing someone after they say no is tantamount to harassment. Women are harassed by men they say no to. Men are in a position to avoid such harassment merely by behaving properly and not assuming that pursuing is some kind of game women really like deep down but wont say out loud. Men are not in a difficult position here but many repeatedly put themselves in a difficult position.

You question these things over and over but try to side step criticism by claiming that you do not really hold the contrary position and are only asking questions. It is an interesting rhetorical technique which attracts a very predictable response from people.

Your outrage at the responses you get is clearly some kind of psychological pay off for you, but you are the only one who is actually surprised at it.
When did people start considering insults to be a replacement for thinking and reasoning.

When you can think and reason again get back to me.

Milesnmiles -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 7:11:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: cloverodella

In your reply to longwayhome in post #30, you said

ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

"I have started three threads just to have conversations about topics that seemed to be in the news and mostly to hear what others have to say on the subjects. For the most part I have not given my opinion on the subjects and yet without even knowing how I stand on the subject, I have been called a sexual harasser and an advocate for rape and that without the "slightest error". "

Yet you have given your opinion in every reply in some way or another. For us it is obvious you knew where you stood on the subjects of consent and male aggression before starting the topics. That is what we've all responded to. Your back-peddling that you didn't think that way is pretty easy to see through. On that note...

Thank you for finally admitting the following (emphasis mine):


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

I have become tired of people thinking it's okay to "arm" young innocents with simplistic slogans like "yes means yes and no, no" and concepts like "consent" and then sending them out into the real world where there are people who could care less about such things.

So I guess you think it's okay to sent young innocents out to be raped and molested, well I guess we now know where you stand on the matter.

Milesnmiles -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 7:30:26 PM)



ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
People like you keep saying things idiotic things like "yes means yes and no, no" and some how think that will fix everything and don't realize that you are actually being a pedophilia apologist.

I seriously don't get why kinky people who don't like any subject that comes up have to drag pedophilia into it, but if it's really necessary for the hundredth time to go into it, I can explain.

You can't get consent from somebody who isn't legally mature enough by law to give consent.

What that means is, whoever the adult is in the situation is supposed to be the person who has enough common knowledge to realize this and NOT SEEK CONSENT FROM NON-ADULTS IN THE FIRST PLACE. No, it doesn't matter if age of consent is lower in other countries or how females of child bearing age were able to wed in the bible. If you live in the dang United States, you're not supposed to be propositioning non-adults for sexual interactions.

Is it really so dang hard around this place any more NOT to have a thread where flipping children are brought into it? [/color]
Thanks for agreeing with me.

Milesnmiles -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 7:40:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: cloverodella



Is it really so dang hard around this place any more NOT to have a thread where flipping children are brought into it?

It weirds me out that this happens in so many threads. We're adults, talking about adult things. Minors have nothing to do with BDSM or sex. What is the need to bring up pedophiles or the other -philes associated with adults desiring minors? Like, why are children even on people's minds on the forums?

Why? I think children should be protected, don't you and with the simplistic "Yes means yes and no, no" there are no qualifications and thus covers everyone including children and so the idiots that keep spewing forth this nonsense should be reminded of the possible consequences of their trying to force this on everyone.

Greta75 -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 8:12:35 PM)

So are you saying children should be warn that IF they said "No" to a man, a man will not interprete it as No? And that they need to take extra measures to protect themselves from men?

The reality is. The good guys will know how to take No as No as simplistic as that.

The bad guys will come up with a gazillion excuses how she doesn't mean No when she says No.

And there are bad guys out there.

My advice to any women is, or kids is that, make sure you get a bruise from him, to prove that you didn't want it and he forced it upon you.

With no physical injuries, people might doubt you and accuse you of being consensual.

One of the reason is, let's say you did agree to hang out in his home when he invited you back for a drink. But maybe you thought you just want to chill for a drink and not wanna go further but the guy mistake it as a full invitation and sending mix messages.

Then you better fight and claw his eyes out to prove you were not consensual. Or the law will not be on your side.

As too many males got away with rape because the woman didn't fight back physically and only said No verbally which cannot be proven.

I mean, I just remembered when I was 17 and having sex with a 21 yr old. I told him, this means nothing to me, it's just sex, PRIOR to engaging, I told him I don't want him to think that this means anything. But after the sex, he told me I clearly have feelings for him. And I said, um...., no..., I literally meant what I said when it's just sex to me.

And like, he said I'm in denial and fucking lying. That I obviously have feelings for him.

That my actions cannot lie. And I'm like, "Look, if I had feelings for you, I'd tell you! I have no reason to pretend I do not have it!"

It's just sometimes men just get it in their head about things and so convinced of something that is not true.

It's like my other thread about my issue with my male friend, and someone is insisting I am reacting out of romantic feelings. That's such a male perception. It's like me and my BFF back in the equivalent of a high school, where the whole school thinks we are lying about not dating. Because we were BFF. But we were not interested in each other that way. We were just best friends.

I also think that when a woman "friendzones" a man, but if she really love him as friend, she can be perceived as interested. But she is not.

cloverodella -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 8:13:50 PM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

So I guess you think it's okay to sent young innocents out to be raped and molested, well I guess we now know where you stand on the matter.

Yes, I stand on the side of logic. You stand on the side of... men confusing a simple concept because he doesn't like the answer. Ever notice how it's only men who question these things? Women have no problem explaining harassment or coming up with examples of times they felt or have been threatened.

For someone with a habit of saying people don't stick to the OP, it's pretty bullshit for you to start calling me a pedo encourager in a convo about men and women and then act like it''s a part of the conversation.

You don't need to respond to every post, you know. It's clear straws are all you have to grasp for.

LadyPact -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 11:19:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles
Thanks for agreeing with me.

I didn't agree with you. I said pedophiles aren't within the subject of consent because non-adults can't consent. Are you being obtuse on purpose?

It matters about as much if a person who is not legally an adult saying "yes" about sexual contact as it does if the same person says "yes" they would like to rent a car. The ADULT in the situation is perfectly aware that the non-adult can't legally consent. Are you suggesting that the term "jail-bait" isn't common enough that the majority of adults in the United States are unaware of what it means?

I don't know why you are trying to twist your idea of "it's not as simple as yes means yes and no means no" has to reach so far for you to drag the idea of non adults into it. Personally, if you are actually talking about consent, you have to consider that non adults can't. But, if it's still an issue, here's some cartoons:

BitaTruble -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/6/2017 11:51:33 PM)


ORIGINAL: Milesnmiles

Why? I think children should be protected, don't you and with the simplistic "Yes means yes and no, no" there are no qualifications and thus covers everyone including children and so the idiots that keep spewing forth this nonsense should be reminded of the possible consequences of their trying to force this on everyone.

Arent you the poster that used the term yes means yes?

Clover used the term no means no. You put quote marks around a term that was not written, in this thread at least by anyone other than you.

If I missed the post where clover actually used that term ‘yes means yes’ I will stand corrected.

Calling some a pedophile apologist is vile. Can you back up that opinion with the post that Clover actually wrote that lead into forming your opinion?

Milesnmiles -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/7/2017 4:37:39 AM)


So are you saying children should be warn that IF they said "No" to a man, a man will not interprete it as No? And that they need to take extra measures to protect themselves from men?
I have no idea where you came up with this at.

First I wasn't even talking about a child's NO but about a child's YES and that a minors yes is not yes but should be considered as a no by adults and so the simple "yes means yes and no, no" is fallacious in the case of minors as well as in many other cases. In other words, when I was a minor I would have said YES and given my CONSENT to several of my FEMALE teachers in a heart beat but even if I did those FEMALE teachers should have known better and considered it a big NO and not a yes.

The reality is. The good guys will know how to take No as No as simplistic as that.
As I have pointed out several times already, the simple "yes means yes and no,no" can fail here as well. There are adult slaves that want their "no" never to be accepted as no, so do we neigh such ones their sexuality?

The bad guys will come up with a gazillion excuses how she doesn't mean No when she says No.

And there are bad guys out there.

My advice to any women is, or kids is that, make sure you get a bruise from him, to prove that you didn't want it and he forced it upon you.

With no physical injuries, people might doubt you and accuse you of being consensual.

One of the reason is, let's say you did agree to hang out in his home when he invited you back for a drink. But maybe you thought you just want to chill for a drink and not wanna go further but the guy mistake it as a full invitation and sending mix messages.

Then you better fight and claw his eyes out to prove you were not consensual. Or the law will not be on your side.

As too many males got away with rape because the woman didn't fight back physically and only said No verbally which cannot be proven.

I mean, I just remembered when I was 17 and having sex with a 21 yr old. I told him, this means nothing to me, it's just sex, PRIOR to engaging, I told him I don't want him to think that this means anything. But after the sex, he told me I clearly have feelings for him. And I said, um...., no..., I literally meant what I said when it's just sex to me.

And like, he said I'm in denial and fucking lying. That I obviously have feelings for him.

That my actions cannot lie. And I'm like, "Look, if I had feelings for you, I'd tell you! I have no reason to pretend I do not have it!"

It's just sometimes men just get it in their head about things and so convinced of something that is not true.

It's like my other thread about my issue with my male friend, and someone is insisting I am reacting out of romantic feelings. That's such a male perception. It's like me and my BFF back in the equivalent of a high school, where the whole school thinks we are lying about not dating. Because we were BFF. But we were not interested in each other that way. We were just best friends.

I also think that when a woman "friendzones" a man, but if she really love him as friend, she can be perceived as interested. But she is not.
Sounds like good advice to me, although I'm not sure why you seem to think only men are the bad people, I'm pretty sure that there may be on or two bad women out there that do some of these things as well.

cloverodella -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/7/2017 7:30:03 AM)


ORIGINAL: BitaTruble

Calling some a pedophile apologist is vile. Can you back up that opinion with the post that Clover actually wrote that lead into forming your opinion?

As to the "yes means yes, no means no" thing, I've been saying that, if not in this thread, than I did in his inane consent posts.

But to calling me a pedo apologist? To my recollection, I've never posted anything to do with minors and gross violations of their personhood. The link between this post and pedophilia are in his mind, and his mind alone. I'm glad I'm not privy to what else is there.

CaptR -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/7/2017 7:50:54 AM)

Guess I'll have to stop dippin her nipples in hot tea now. No more camomile coercion at bedtime, no more Twinnings torture in the morning. I swear, some people just have to ruin EVERYTHING!

submaleuk33 -> RE: Agressive Males? (12/7/2017 8:41:07 AM)

For me I think when women are allowed to be they’re a lot more aggressive than men and can’t take no for an answer

I also find if a mans who says the wrong thing and he’s criticised or people complain he’ll apologise but I don’t think a woman would

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