RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (Full Version)

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BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/29/2017 4:37:04 PM)

Imagine how leftist trash would react if it were Christians doing this kind of thing?


In Yemen, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates, gay Muslim men can be stoned to death. Why? Sharia law dictates this.

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/29/2017 5:25:05 PM)



Imagine how leftist trash would react if it were Christians doing this kind of thing?


In Yemen, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates, gay Muslim men can be stoned to death. Why? Sharia law dictates this.

Imagine . . . .

The relationship between U.S. conservatives and African religious leaders is inhibiting the right of LGBT people to live freely and without persecution both in the United States and Africa. In Africa, people’s lives are threatened not only by vigilantism but by government action. If we agree that African churches should be allowed to map their own agenda in the global church, then the conservatives should let go of Africa. Unfortunately, they will not, at least not without a fight.

Your ignorance of reality is pitiful.

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/29/2017 6:52:23 PM)





Imagine how leftist trash would react if it were Christians doing this kind of thing?


In Yemen, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates, gay Muslim men can be stoned to death. Why? Sharia law dictates this.

Imagine . . . .

The relationship between U.S. conservatives and African religious leaders is inhibiting the right of LGBT people to live freely and without persecution both in the United States and Africa. In Africa, people’s lives are threatened not only by vigilantism but by government action. If we agree that African churches should be allowed to map their own agenda in the global church, then the conservatives should let go of Africa. Unfortunately, they will not, at least not without a fight.

Your ignorance of reality is pitiful.

Hilarious!!! [:D]

You howl about my ignorance.... While in the same breath howling that A SINGLE CONFERENCE in Uganda, as reported by a far left howler propaganda blog (HuffPo), makes Christianity morally equivalent to the horrific persecution by Muslims all over the planet against not only gays, but also against women, Jews, atheists... Anyone and everyone who isn't exactly like them (to include even other Muslims)

Priceless [sm=rofl.gif]

Drink a beer, get whipped nearly to death. Hold hands, have a cigarette, question Mohammad... Do any of a million things we take for granted here in the West and you are risking your life


And they take those values with them wherever they go, in the name of their bloodthirsty god

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/30/2017 1:33:20 AM)

Jesus said, ye without sin cast the first stone.

What does the blood-soaked Koran say?



The Quran contains at least 109 verses that speak of war with nonbelievers, usually on the basis of their status as non-Muslims. Some are quite graphic, with commands to chop off heads and fingers and kill infidels wherever they may be hiding. Muslims who do not join the fight are called 'hypocrites' and warned that Allah will send them to Hell if they do not join the slaughter.

Unlike nearly all of the Old Testament verses of violence, most verses of violence in the Quran are open-ended, meaning that they are not necessarily restrained by historical context contained in the surrounding text (although many Muslims choose to think of them that way). They are part of the eternal, unchanging word of Allah, and just as relevant or subject to interpretation as anything else in the Quran.

The context of violent passages is more ambiguous than might be expected of a perfect book from a loving God. Most contemporary Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret their holy book's call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Islam's apologists cater to these preferences with tenuous arguments that gloss over historical fact and generally don't stand up to scrutiny. Still, it is important to note that the problem is not bad people, but bad ideology...


vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/30/2017 1:10:56 PM)


You howl about my ignorance.... While in the same breath howling that A SINGLE CONFERENCE in Uganda, as reported by a far left howler propaganda blog (HuffPo), makes Christianity morally equivalent to the horrific persecution by Muslims all over the planet against not only gays,

You have your blinders on. No matter how much evidence is presented to you Islam will always be the greater evil in your mind. Contrary to what you believe, it is not just a single conference in Uganda but there is a long history of religious persecution of gays that can be readily seen.

Most Christian denominations take the position that homosexuality is immoral, so there is only slim separation between Christianity and Islam on this issue. They are both equally evil when it comes to the persecution of human frailties. Why you would take such glee in this topic is beyond my understanding. it seems a pretty disgusting aspect of your personality.

In today's society, many Christian denominations welcome people attracted to the same sex, but teach that same sex relationships and homosexual sex are sinful.[53][54] These denominations include the Roman Catholic Church,[54][55] the Eastern Orthodox church,[56] the Methodist Church,[53][57][58][59] and many other mainline denominations, such as the Reformed Church in America[60] and the American Baptist Church,[61] as well as Conservative Evangelical organizations and churches, such as the Evangelical Alliance,[62] and the Southern Baptist Convention.[63][64][65] Likewise, Pentecostal churches such as the Assemblies of God,[66] as well as Restorationist churches, like Jehovah's Witnesses and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also take the position that homosexual activity is immoral.[67][68]


BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/30/2017 1:24:35 PM)

So in your howler head, the religion that says "ye without sin cast the first stone" is worse than that cult which casts stones wherever its members go

Indonesia's Crackdown on Gay Men Moves From Bars Into the Home

In Yemen, Iran, Mauritania, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and the United Arab Emirates, gay Muslim men can be stoned to death. Why? Sharia law dictates this.

That's not even counting what they do to women and everyone else (to even include other Muslims)

MasterDrakk -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/30/2017 2:35:38 PM)

As I have said at the outset: Good for China, that is where American flags are made.

bounty44 -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/30/2017 6:40:21 PM)

ah heck mnottertroll. I hadn't seen you for a few days. I was hoping the moderators finally caught up with you, but alas.

MasterDrakk -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/30/2017 9:44:36 PM)

Ah heck dogshit44 unfortunately like syphilis you are always with us; rotting, stinking, useless, ineffective, impotent, foetid, and the list of your disgusting evils goes on and on.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 12:22:15 AM)



Most Christian denominations take the position that homosexuality is immoral, so there is only slim separation between Christianity and Islam on this issue. They are both equally evil when it comes to the persecution of human frailties. Why you would take such glee in this topic is beyond my understanding. it seems a pretty disgusting aspect of your personality.

"slim separation"? Seriously?

I, for one, think it's a gaping chasm between: "We believe you commit immoral/sinful acts" and "Let's throw these two off a roof!"

I guess, as with many things, it's a matter of prospective.

WhoreMods -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 5:48:51 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr



Most Christian denominations take the position that homosexuality is immoral, so there is only slim separation between Christianity and Islam on this issue. They are both equally evil when it comes to the persecution of human frailties. Why you would take such glee in this topic is beyond my understanding. it seems a pretty disgusting aspect of your personality.

"slim separation"? Seriously?

I, for one, think it's a gaping chasm between: "We believe you commit immoral/sinful acts" and "Let's throw these two off a roof!"

I guess, as with many things, it's a matter of prospective.


DaddySatyr -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 6:49:51 AM)

Non-equivalence, from the start, but it does kind of show a bit of what's on offer.

The Catholic Church has entered the 20th Century while the murdering scumbag Muslims are still lost in the 8th.

Well played, indeed.

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 6:58:50 AM)

In the defense of Muslims, leftist trash compares their behavior to that of other people in the dark ages...

You can't make this kind of stuff up [:D]

WhoreMods -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 9:20:41 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Non-equivalence, from the start, but it does kind of show a bit of what's on offer.

The Catholic Church has entered the 20th Century while the murdering scumbag Muslims are still lost in the 8th.

Well played, indeed.

Tell that to the Africans who are dying of AIDS over the bullshit the vatican has spent the last seventeen years spouting about condoms.

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 10:22:45 AM)




ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Non-equivalence, from the start, but it does kind of show a bit of what's on offer.

The Catholic Church has entered the 20th Century while the murdering scumbag Muslims are still lost in the 8th.

Well played, indeed.

Tell that to the Africans who are dying of AIDS over the bullshit the vatican has spent the last seventeen years spouting about condoms.

Africans are dying of AIDS because of Catholics shunning condoms?


To what insane depths will you not howl... [:D]

What percentage of Africa is practicing Catholic, and what percentage of good, practicing Catholics in Africa engage in sex with multiple partners...

The current Aids epidemic in Africa has far more to do with popular African myths like, raping virgins will cure you of AIDs rather than the good practicing Catholics in your deranged howler imagination

WhoreMods -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 12:50:50 PM)






ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Non-equivalence, from the start, but it does kind of show a bit of what's on offer.

The Catholic Church has entered the 20th Century while the murdering scumbag Muslims are still lost in the 8th.

Well played, indeed.

Tell that to the Africans who are dying of AIDS over the bullshit the vatican has spent the last seventeen years spouting about condoms.

Africans are dying of AIDS because of Catholics shunning condoms?


To what insane depths will you not howl... [:D]

What percentage of Africa is practicing Catholic, and what percentage of good, practicing Catholics in Africa engage in sex with multiple partners...

The current Aids epidemic in Africa has far more to do with popular African myths like, raping virgins will cure you of AIDs rather than the good practicing Catholics in your deranged howler imagination

Africa is full of catholics. Do you think the French and Belgium colonies converted the populations to islam?

DaddySatyr -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (12/31/2017 1:23:08 PM)

Well, well, well! I see you've spent some time on the grounds crew with butch (learning how to move those goalposts).

We "start" with an attempt to equate Catholicism/Christianity with Islam, supposedly because they treat gays the same.

You go right for the Spanish Inquisition which, while a factual occurrence in the history of Catholicism, it is some five to six hundred years in the past.

When I point out that the Catholics/Christians have changed their stances since the late 15th/early 16th centuries, you change those goal posts to AIDS, because, after all, The Catholic Church/Christianity recommends sex before marriage, homosexuality, intravenous drug use, and sharing needles with others.

Nice try, but you can't blame the spread of AIDS on a group that doesn't condone the acts that lead to it. Perhaps the governments in Africa or the ones that insist that the African people should emulate the morals of "civilized" Western society?

Either the Catholic Church/Christians condemn these activities that are the pathway to AIDS' growth or they don't. One can't be on both sides, even though they try to talk out of their mouth and their ass, at the same time.

Then, don't forget to add the growing number of separatist "Catholics" in Africa, caused by societal views on marriage Vs. chastity which was formed in 2010.

vincentML -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (1/4/2018 4:56:55 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr



Most Christian denominations take the position that homosexuality is immoral, so there is only slim separation between Christianity and Islam on this issue. They are both equally evil when it comes to the persecution of human frailties. Why you would take such glee in this topic is beyond my understanding. it seems a pretty disgusting aspect of your personality.

"slim separation"? Seriously?

I, for one, think it's a gaping chasm between: "We believe you commit immoral/sinful acts" and "Let's throw these two off a roof!"

I guess, as with many things, it's a matter of prospective.

It doesn't matter what you believe, Michael, if you are wrong, and you are absolutely wrong in this case. Charismatic Christian denominations have been very active in promoting governmental and civic action against homosexuals in Africa while the trend has been quite the opposite in Asian countries. I gave you the sources to read but apparently you wish to lie down with ignorant dogs and pontificate against the information I provided. In the past thirty to fifty years the Christian movement against gays in Africa has grown considerably. Don't blame me for your continuing ignorance. Lay the blame on your partner in ignorance, Bosco.

BoscoX -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (1/4/2018 5:22:13 PM)



It doesn't matter what you believe, Michael, if you are wrong, and you are absolutely wrong in this case. Charismatic Christian denominations have been very active in promoting governmental and civic action against homosexuals in Africa while the trend has been quite the opposite in Asian countries. I gave you the sources to read but apparently you wish to lie down with ignorant dogs and pontificate against the information I provided. In the past thirty to fifty years the Christian movement against gays in Africa has grown considerably. Don't blame me for your continuing ignorance. Lay the blame on your partner in ignorance, Bosco.

You're such a pathetic little pile of dogshit [sm=rofl.gif]

You've provided one partisan propaganda article about one conference in Africa wherein three men allegedly said some things about gays that you don't like... And you are howling that that makes "Christianity" just like Islam...



What a moron... [:D]

Words can't describe how pathetic and stupid you are

Seriously [:D]

tweakabelle -> RE: Furious Palestinians burn American flags (1/5/2018 2:18:42 AM)

I for one don't see an awful lot of difference between Islamist fanatics throwing gays off roofs and Christian fanatics murdering doctors at abortion clinics.

I do see a great deal of difference between, on the one hand, the attitudes of the overwhelming majorities of both Muslims and Christians who unreservedly condemn these murderous fanatics and their abhorrent behaviour and on the other hand the actions and beliefs of those fanatics who claim to act in the name of either religion .

It is grossly (and in Bosco's case deliberately) misleading to suggest that the actions of these fanatics faithfully represent either the teaching or practice of either religion. They don't. Almost all Christians and Muslims would agree that the fanatics don't represent anyone but themselves, and that their beliefs and practices are an evil perversion of the religions those fanatics claim to represent.

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