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I had lunch with my tax person and....

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I had lunch with my tax person and.... - 12/26/2017 1:16:06 PM   

Posts: 14840
Joined: 6/10/2008
From: Somewhere Texas
Status: offline
You know, tax accountants should enjoy tax season, I mean that is when they make the bulk of their money, but according to the CPA that handles my taxes, it can be a bit unnerving.

As with something my tax accountant said today when I dropped off all the info she needed to do my taxes.

It seems that one of her clients, a woman who has recently decided to join the health/excercise craze has been coming up with questions concerning deductions.

Okay, that is a good thing.

Except that she asked if she could deduct the purchase of a number of sex toys as a health expense since female orgasms are good for cardio and muscle toning.

Well, when my she told me that, I waited a few seconds before asking, "well are they?"

She just did an eye rolling face palm and proceeded to ask me about some expenses for property improvement.

However, I am really interested, I mean doms purchase various items that fall under the sex toy umbrella for use on subs, and if they can be deducted as a health expense, why not?

The same would be true for single women who do not wish to deal with the assholes running around out there.

And then would not the batteries also qualify?


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RE: I had lunch with my tax person and.... - 12/29/2017 12:40:24 PM   

Posts: 25191
Joined: 11/25/2007
From: Apple County NY
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If you’re buying them in a pharmacy, you could probably lump them in under first aid. After all, you could use a Hitachi on a sore muscle.

But if you’re being audited, it might help if you can prove you pulled a muscle removing stumps.


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RE: I had lunch with my tax person and.... - 12/29/2017 8:56:39 PM   

Posts: 1076
Joined: 6/10/2015
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The rule on medical expense is you can only deduct costs only to the extent that unreimbursed expenses exceed 7.5% of your Adjusted Gross Income in 2017 and 2018. This means on a $50,000 AGI, you could only itemizes items past the $3750 ear mark. Not sure how many people are spending that much on sex toys. But even if you do, the first $3750 cannot be claim with a $50, 000 AGI. So the $20 worth of batteries, or the $80 Hitachi wand will not make a dent in your itemized medical expenses. So unless you have a ton of other medical expenses, this is bogus.


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RE: I had lunch with my tax person and.... - 1/14/2018 10:20:24 PM   

Posts: 652
Joined: 8/31/2016
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Speaking of taxes, I wonder how many 'Findoms' pay tax on thier 'earnings' ?

Or, if any are aware that tax investigators could be checking sites like this now ?

(in reply to DocStrange)
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RE: I had lunch with my tax person and.... - 1/15/2018 1:14:50 AM   

Posts: 10215
Joined: 1/26/2004
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Speaking of taxes, I wonder how many 'Findoms' pay tax on thier 'earnings' ?

Or, if any are aware that tax investigators could be checking sites like this now ?

Who gives a shit?

We used to have a whiny babyman here who used to gloat about how he would report such people to the tax investigators because, like ever other woman on the site, they wanted nothing to do with him. I think it gave him a tiny chubbie to do so. I doubt he ever really did it though. He was big on talk, and microscopically small on action.


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RE: I had lunch with my tax person and.... - 1/15/2018 1:25:57 AM   

Posts: 652
Joined: 8/31/2016
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Aaaaahhhh. Poor guy.

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