RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (Full Version)

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DaddySatyr -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/1/2018 9:48:09 PM)



There are usually three main ways children become addicts. The first two are youth curiosity and peer pressure. The third is a desire to escape their reality. In all cases the first drugs most often used are alcohol and marijuana. For most this is just part of growing up and has no long term consequences. But for a significant minority this experimentation leads to abuse and addiction that will destroy their lives.

Yes my daughter started out on marijuana but with her addictive personality she quickly moved to more powerful drugs as she built immunity and needed more and more and more powerful drugs until that is all that mattered to her. Overdose after overdose...
She drained the families funds in one unsuccessful treatment after another... until she finally left telling us she would rather die then stop.

I am not saying marijuana is worse than alcohol in fact of all the mind altering drugs it is the least harmful. What I am saying is we already have enough drugs and the problems that come with them. I think adding another will only increase the suffering directly by some users but also in the injuring and killing of innocents due to overdose or abuse.

I must tell you I am really no better than those I have been raving against. Before my daughters addiction I too was for the legalization of marijuana. I did not understand the personal consequences until it was too late.

I know I may as well be talking to my dog as most here... I just pray that through their ignorance they do not suffer the pain myself and my family have gone through... Despite what you may think It can happen to you or someone you love.


I was going to answer posts in order, until I got to this one.

butch, forget everything else that goes on, here. I want to say to you: My heart goes out to you and your family. I mean that, sincerely.

While my stance has always been one of freedom and personal responsibility (and therefore I grudgingly favor even recreational legalization), I also know the havoc that addiction can wreak in a family.

Having as large a family as I do (child of divorce and re-marriage and two grandfathers being one of thirteen children), I have seen what every sort of addiction does to people and families.

If you feel comfortable sharing your daughter's first name (or a nickname), I promise I will add her and your family to my prayers.



MrRodgers -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/1/2018 9:48:39 PM)



There are usually three main ways children become addicts. The first two are youth curiosity and peer pressure. The third is a desire to escape their reality. In all cases the first drugs most often used are alcohol and marijuana. For most this is just part of growing up and has no long term consequences. But for a significant minority this experimentation leads to abuse and addiction that will destroy their lives.

Yes my daughter started out on marijuana but with her addictive personality she quickly moved to more powerful drugs as she built immunity and needed more and more and more powerful drugs until that is all that mattered to her. Overdose after overdose...
She drained the families funds in one unsuccessful treatment after another... until she finally left telling us she would rather die then stop.

I am not saying marijuana is worse than alcohol in fact of all the mind altering drugs it is the least harmful. What I am saying is we already have enough drugs and the problems that come with them. I think adding another will only increase the suffering directly by some users but also in the injuring and killing of innocents due to overdose or abuse.

I must tell you I am really no better than those I have been raving against. Before my daughters addiction I too was for the legalization of marijuana. I did not understand the personal consequences until it was too late.

I know I may as well be talking to my dog as most here... I just pray that through their ignorance they do not suffer the pain myself and my family have gone through... Despite what you may think It can happen to you or someone you love.


I cannot imagine your pain. You are correct in the end what philosophy would tell us, that mankind should be able to enjoy every single intellectual and physical pursuit he chooses, without altering his mind in any way.

To be honest, it is in fact what one could argue...a mental defect. curiosity is not enough. Almost all of the critical advances made by man, were done without any drugs.

However, on the industrial side of hemp, society is victimized by the few powerful and are with the planet...paying a heavy price.

Then there is the extremely high cost of law enforcement, interdiction and imprisonment.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/1/2018 9:50:58 PM)



Using pot for the high one gets, pales in comparison to the medical benefits and industrial a wide margin. One of points of the OP. As usual, the high flying capitalist wanted no part of that competition.

Same could be said of everyone who consumes even a few alcoholic drinks a week. I don't drink but a couple of Coronas a month. Nothing hard at all. And who are you to suggest...continually ?

Plus in my limited historical experience, pot does not 'numb' your mind and in particular, nowhere near what alcohol does. In many cases in fact, it stimulates the mind. Alcohol kills 1000's or more brain cells every time one drinks.

The propaganda that cannabinoids actually increase Parkinsons just that, bullshit. It decreases them even almost eliminating them and in fact also has eliminated Epileptic seizers in many 1000's of patients.

A dab of cannabinoids in fact that they can take a Parkinsons patient with almost no ability to function back to almost normal in minutes, is breathtaking.

I agree that your assertions are probably true. In fact, I will so stipulate, but I have an honest question:

In most of the medical use cases, is there any advantage to smoking weed (and therefore, invoking the "high") over taking THC in another form?

MrRodgers -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/1/2018 10:00:20 PM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr



Using pot for the high one gets, pales in comparison to the medical benefits and industrial a wide margin. One of points of the OP. As usual, the high flying capitalist wanted no part of that competition.

Same could be said of everyone who consumes even a few alcoholic drinks a week. I don't drink but a couple of Coronas a month. Nothing hard at all. And who are you to suggest...continually ?

Plus in my limited historical experience, pot does not 'numb' your mind and in particular, nowhere near what alcohol does. In many cases in fact, it stimulates the mind. Alcohol kills 1000's or more brain cells every time one drinks.

The propaganda that cannabinoids actually increase Parkinsons just that, bullshit. It decreases them even almost eliminating them and in fact also has eliminated Epileptic seizers in many 1000's of patients.

A dab of cannabinoids in fact that they can take a Parkinsons patient with almost no ability to function back to almost normal in minutes, is breathtaking.

I agree that your assertions are probably true. In fact, I will so stipulate, but I have an honest question:

In most of the medical use cases, is there any advantage to smoking weed (and therefore, invoking the "high") over taking THC in another form?

To be honest, I don't know enough to form an educated opinion.

I will tell you that from personal experience I'd like to think yet unbiased, the only time smoking was better than say a pill or oil, (concentrates) was in the speed and efficiency with which it took away migraines and back pain.

That's all I know but not only is research speeding up on concentrates effects, dosage etc. but also their wider use.

DaddySatyr -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/1/2018 10:11:18 PM)



To be honest, I don't know enough to form an educated opinion.

I will tell you that from personal experience I'd like to think yet unbiased, the only time smoking was better than say a pill or oil, (concentrates) was in the speed and efficiency with which it took away migraines and back pain.

That's all I know but not only is research speeding up on concentrates effects, dosage etc. but also their wider use.

That's kind of why I asked.

Everything I've read/been told by people in the know is that taking a THC pill is as good as (or better) than smoking weed.

I agree that there's probably not much physical addiction to smoking marijuana, but I believe that an addict can get hooked on just about anything that has some kind of "mind altering" affect.

Don't believe me? Try to take my Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi© away from me!

So, using the (less?) non-mind-altering form of THC would seem to be a simple solution to me.

Lucylastic -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/1/2018 10:32:18 PM)

I have a friend who has epilepsy who has a rough time with medication and if he feels symptoms coming on, he smokes rather than takes oil, as it hits the brain/blood barrier faster than digesting edibles (because of the digestion delay).
It seems to be that way for quite a few neurological based problems, if only it had been allowed to be researched properly before now(the last five- ten years)

DaddySatyr -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/1/2018 10:40:32 PM)

I'm sure there are some cases where smoking is more advantageous and, where regards medical uses (legitimate ones), I am 150% for the prescription of ANY form of THC that is considered appropriate by a physician.

I've never used any form of THC, medicinally. I'm using the L-Dopa, which works fine. I've been offered weed and refused it (on principle, based upon family history).

I'm not making a case against medical use. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the actual parameters. In the vein of: doctors, prescribing non-narcotic pain killers, as opposed to handing out morphine like candy. like they did in the 70s.

MrRodgers -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 1:01:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr



To be honest, I don't know enough to form an educated opinion.

I will tell you that from personal experience I'd like to think yet unbiased, the only time smoking was better than say a pill or oil, (concentrates) was in the speed and efficiency with which it took away migraines and back pain.

That's all I know but not only is research speeding up on concentrates effects, dosage etc. but also their wider use.

That's kind of why I asked.

Everything I've read/been told by people in the know is that taking a THC pill is as good as (or better) than smoking weed.

I agree that there's probably not much physical addiction to smoking marijuana, but I believe that an addict can get hooked on just about anything that has some kind of "mind altering" affect.

Don't believe me? Try to take my Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi© away from me!

So, using the (less?) non-mind-altering form of THC would seem to be a simple solution to me.

No question for medical purposes but there will always be those who will feel a need to smoke it. You are correct BTW, pot does not present a physiological addiction, it doesn't impair any organs in that way.

But psychologically, it is possible.

MrRodgers -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 1:08:45 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

I'm sure there are some cases where smoking is more advantageous and, where regards medical uses (legitimate ones), I am 150% for the prescription of ANY form of THC that is considered appropriate by a physician.

I've never used any form of THC, medicinally. I'm using the L-Dopa, which works fine. I've been offered weed and refused it (on principle, based upon family history).

I'm not making a case against medical use. I'm just trying to wrap my head around the actual parameters. In the vein of: doctors, prescribing non-narcotic pain killers, as opposed to handing out morphine like candy. like they did in the 70s.

And now it's opiates. A close family relative hung himself at 51 because just about every weekend it was g/f, sex, drugs (prescription) and rock & roll. During the week, it was withdrawal. Next weekend...repeat. The note said: I hate that bitch.'

They can take a toll on you.

DesideriScuri -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 6:24:41 AM)


I’ll tell you asshole who I am... I’m the father of a brain dead daughter so fuck you. Pot is a gateway drug as is any drug including alcohol... what we have now is bad enough we don’t need another path to abuse... simply for your pleasure. I am talking about the so called recreational use of pot not the medical benefits.

I take no pleasure in it. I thought i made that abundantly clear.

I'm sorry about your daughter, but whatever her story doesn't prove that all pot smokers will have the same results nor does it give you standing to decide what someone else can put into his/her body.

DesideriScuri -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 6:38:19 AM)


ORIGINAL: DaddySatyr

Using pot for the high one gets, pales in comparison to the medical benefits and industrial a wide margin. One of points of the OP. As usual, the high flying capitalist wanted no part of that competition.
Same could be said of everyone who consumes even a few alcoholic drinks a week. I don't drink but a couple of Coronas a month. Nothing hard at all. And who are you to suggest...continually ?
Plus in my limited historical experience, pot does not 'numb' your mind and in particular, nowhere near what alcohol does. In many cases in fact, it stimulates the mind. Alcohol kills 1000's or more brain cells every time one drinks.
The propaganda that cannabinoids actually increase Parkinsons just that, bullshit. It decreases them even almost eliminating them and in fact also has eliminated Epileptic seizers in many 1000's of patients.
A dab of cannabinoids in fact that they can take a Parkinsons patient with almost no ability to function back to almost normal in minutes, is breathtaking.

I agree that your assertions are probably true. In fact, I will so stipulate, but I have an honest question:
In most of the medical use cases, is there any advantage to smoking weed (and therefore, invoking the "high") over taking THC in another form?

Ingesting THC is what gets you high. Smoking, I believe, is the quickest way to get THC into your system (maybe vaping now, too?). Edibles will still get you high, though it takes longer to hit and, I've been told (I have a friend who uses marijuana for medical benefits and for recreational benefits), and you will still get the medical benefits. Because of the longer time frame between ingestion and effects with edibles, it's easier to "overdose" (you get higher, get munchier, and/or fall asleep).

So, the only "advantage" to smoking pot is the relative speed at which the effects start.

WhoreMods -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 6:44:10 AM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri


I’ll tell you asshole who I am... I’m the father of a brain dead daughter so fuck you. Pot is a gateway drug as is any drug including alcohol... what we have now is bad enough we don’t need another path to abuse... simply for your pleasure. I am talking about the so called recreational use of pot not the medical benefits.

I take no pleasure in it. I thought i made that abundantly clear.

I'm sorry about your daughter, but whatever her story doesn't prove that all pot smokers will have the same results nor does it give you standing to decide what someone else can put into his/her body.

Particularly as this gateway drug thing is only an issue as it's impossible to get hold of dope for recreational purposes without buying it from somebody who also has nastier stuff to push. That wouldn't be a danger if you could just buy a bag of skunk over the counter in a tobacconists, would it?

DesideriScuri -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 6:45:37 AM)



ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri

I’ll tell you asshole who I am... I’m the father of a brain dead daughter so fuck you. Pot is a gateway drug as is any drug including alcohol... what we have now is bad enough we don’t need another path to abuse... simply for your pleasure. I am talking about the so called recreational use of pot not the medical benefits.

I take no pleasure in it. I thought i made that abundantly clear.
I'm sorry about your daughter, but whatever her story doesn't prove that all pot smokers will have the same results nor does it give you standing to decide what someone else can put into his/her body.

Particularly as this gateway drug thing is only an issue as it's impossible to get hold of dope for recreational purposes without buying it from somebody who also has nastier stuff to push. That wouldn't be a danger if you could just buy a bag of skunk over the counter in a tobacconists, would it?

Or, grow it yourself.

WhoreMods -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 6:49:59 AM)


ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri



ORIGINAL: DesideriScuri

I’ll tell you asshole who I am... I’m the father of a brain dead daughter so fuck you. Pot is a gateway drug as is any drug including alcohol... what we have now is bad enough we don’t need another path to abuse... simply for your pleasure. I am talking about the so called recreational use of pot not the medical benefits.

I take no pleasure in it. I thought i made that abundantly clear.
I'm sorry about your daughter, but whatever her story doesn't prove that all pot smokers will have the same results nor does it give you standing to decide what someone else can put into his/her body.

Particularly as this gateway drug thing is only an issue as it's impossible to get hold of dope for recreational purposes without buying it from somebody who also has nastier stuff to push. That wouldn't be a danger if you could just buy a bag of skunk over the counter in a tobacconists, would it?

Or, grow it yourself.

That's frowned upon as well, but it would definitely be an option if you didn't have the constabulary confiscating the contents of your greenhouse should you have something that catches their eye growing there, true enough.

DesideriScuri -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 7:09:18 AM)


That's frowned upon as well, but it would definitely be an option if you didn't have the constabulary confiscating the contents of your greenhouse should you have something that catches their eye growing there, true enough.

In Colorado, up to 6 plants per resident is allowable, with up to 3 plants flowering at the same time; there is also a limit of 12 plants per residence. There are also ways you can grow more, but what I listed were "homegrow" rules. You can grow more if you set yourself up with a license for retail sale.

I'm for full legalization, including home growing. Will there be more cases like kdsub's? Sadly, yes. Will there be more cases like kdsub's if there is no legalization? Sadly, yes.

How many horrible stories are there regarding alcoholics? And that shit's easily available, and there is a 100 gallon/person (200 gallon/residence) limit to the wine or beer a person can annually brew for personal consumption.

kdsub -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 7:25:34 AM)


nor does it give you standing to decide what someone else can put into his/her body.

No it does not give me that power alone...but...we as a group do have the power if we so choose. You do not have the legal right to decide alone what you can put into your body... just keep that in mind.

I freely admit I am on the losing side in this fight but that does not mean I will not fight it.


DaddySatyr -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 7:31:53 AM)



... You do not have the legal right to decide alone what you can put into your body... just keep that in mind. ...

I don't? The government has that right? My neighbors have that right?

My goodness! if we don't have the right to decide what goes into our bodies, do we have any rights, at all?

kdsub -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 7:37:34 AM)

That’s right you do not have the legal right to put anything you want in your body. It is just a rule of law and a fact of life. But the laws can and will be changed to accommodate the wishes of the people and in the case of pot the people want it legalized.


kdsub -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 7:45:13 AM)

I did not see your very kind post and I thank you for it... It is too late to pray for her but it is never too late to pray for the families that are suffering the pain and guilt.


DaddySatyr -> RE: Why is marijuana [hemp] illegal ? (1/2/2018 7:45:38 AM)



That’s right you do not have the legal right to put anything you want in your body. It is just a rule of law and a fact of life. But the laws can and will be changed to accommodate the wishes of the people and in the case of pot the people want it legalized.


I think you're right, butch.

Since I don't like coffee, I think it should be banned for (non-criminal adults who are supposed to be free and have agency) you coffee addicts' own good.

Seriously, is it okay if I keep eating chocolate? white bread (even though I know it isn't all that good for me)? How about Burger King© food? I DO LOVE their original chicken sammich!

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