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Texting hell. - 1/11/2018 10:26:49 PM   

Posts: 8
Joined: 10/16/2010
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Is intimacy dead? Has social media killed it?

I won't text much with boys anymore. I provide them my email and telephone, and invite them to stay in touch. The genuines - those completely formed beings with self-awareness - text me almost immediately. The rest flit on to the next stranger. What they crave is a sense of proximity not intimacy. Contact with me is no more than a pause between pauses in their day. They are like bees landing on a flower, poised to speed on to the next flower. They collect pollen... any pollen. That they might have landed on the sweetest most beautiful bloom is beyond their scope of understanding.

So, if I am curt with boys who insist on texting, now you know why. I am old enough to remember a much more satisfying and meaningful way. If you must text, try not to literally fall asleep. Finally, limit the time between your texts to something less than 5 minutes. More than five minutes becomes a sort of time capsule rather than a conversation.

Otherwise, you have bad manners and are behaving like a fuckboy pig. And not the good kind of fuckboy pig, either.
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/11/2018 10:57:14 PM   

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Rhododendrons are poisonous to bees
Dont be a Rhododendron.


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 6:03:25 AM   

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Is there such a thing as a good fuckboy?


(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 11:51:59 AM   

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HL, that's how you txt "Hell".
It's so simple, even chavs can do it...


On the level and looking for a square deal.

(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 12:14:39 PM   

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Is there such a thing as a good fuckboy?

I would assume there are.
but Im pretty sure my definition would differ to the OP
bein a female and that.


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to NoirMetal)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 1:29:06 PM   

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This is what your profile and journal are for. This content isn't a forum post.

(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 3:26:52 PM   

Posts: 25191
Joined: 11/25/2007
From: Apple County NY
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I’m sure the fact that you aren’t fluent in texting makes you incompatible with younger people who are.
Stick to people your own age instead of annoying the ones with a different style.


Slave to laundry

Cynical and proud of it!

(in reply to cloverodella)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 3:54:02 PM   

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ORIGINAL: Lucylastic

Rhododendrons are poisonous to bees
Dont be a Rhododendron.


Not your average bimbo.

(in reply to Lucylastic)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 4:17:14 PM   

Posts: 40310
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I love that song:)


<) )╯SUCH
/ \

( (> A NASTY
/ \

<) )> WOMAN
/ \

Duchess Of Dissent
Dont Hate Love

(in reply to ThatDizzyChick)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 5:52:14 PM   

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Really? You are the international arbitor of appropriate forum topics? Tip: don't read it if you aren't interested in the content.

(in reply to cloverodella)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 5:58:35 PM   

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I’m sure the fact that you aren’t fluent in texting makes you incompatible with younger people who are.
Stick to people your own age instead of annoying the ones with a different style.

Wow, how inciteful! Manners are a chosen style now.

As for my texting skills, I have been around longer than the internet. So, that's two blazingly moronic thoughts.

(in reply to DesFIP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 6:05:16 PM   

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I do try to emulate chavs whenever possible.

(in reply to WhoreMods)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 6:37:39 PM   

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Texting is the way of millennials. It's not going away. I agree with DesFIP that you might have to find older people.

Nowadays, man and woman on a date, they are texting each other rather than speaking. It's the new world!

(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 7:33:23 PM   

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Really? You are the international arbitor of appropriate forum topics? Tip: don't read it if you aren't interested in the content.

If you can't take the heat,get out of the kitchen. Arguing with these people only makes you look out of control-and that is never good for a Top.


(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 8:28:46 PM   

Posts: 32566
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Actually, she's right. The original doesn't have anything to do with bondage, discipline, sadism, or masochism. Even if we made the stretch to B/DD/Ss/M (to include the D/s folks that feel left out) it still misses the mark.

However, since you gave us this little peak into your life, I'll try to help you out.

Its completely up to you if you don't want to deal with people who text. Make it your own person rule. I don't care. You and I wouldn't get along in the least.

Unless I've scheduled a phone call, I'l either text or send an email. Why? Because I honestly understand that I'm probably NOT the most important thing in the world.

You might be at work. You might be engaged in a face to face social occasion. You might be at a movie or at a kink club where phone calls are discouraged. You might be with friends or family, or sixteen other reasons that I don't expect you to drop just so I can blab at you at some random inkling.

And, guess what? I might be, too.

Now, seriously, if you are important in my life and have an actual emergency, (i.e., somebody is going to the ER, there's been a fire, or a death in the family) please, do call. If it's 'hey, babe, how are you?' that sh^t can wait.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 8:53:16 PM   

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Really? You are the international arbitor of appropriate forum topics? Tip: don't read it if you aren't interested in the content.

If you can't take the heat,get out of the kitchen. Arguing with these people only makes you look out of control-and that is never good for a Top.

Thank you. That was actually quite valuable.

Nothing wrong with letting them think you are out-of-control - assuming they stay hard.

(in reply to NoirMetal)
Profile   Post #: 16
RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 9:09:26 PM   

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Perhaps you can star in the remake of Thunderdome.

Thank you for that tome that somehow managed to completely miss my point.

Are you the village troll? You can't just simply disagree?

(in reply to LadyPact)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/12/2018 9:19:48 PM   

Posts: 32566
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Perhaps you can star in the remake of Thunderdome.

Thank you for that tome that somehow managed to completely miss my point.

Are you the village troll? You can't just simply disagree?

Dude, if I ever start looking like Tina Turner (or Mel Gibson, for that matter) I'll send you a card.

No disrespect intended there, bro, but I wasn't the one who came to a forum full of strangers to bitch about my lack of making connections in life.


The crowned Diva of Destruction. ~ ExT

Beach Ball Sized Lady Nuts. ~ TWD

Happily dating a new submissive. It's official. I've named him engie.

Please do not send me email here. Unless I know you, I will delete the email unread

(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
Profile   Post #: 18
RE: Texting hell. - 1/13/2018 3:14:10 AM   

Posts: 196
Joined: 11/28/2007
From: NYC
Status: offline

ORIGINAL: cloverodella
This is what your profile and journal are for. This content isn't a forum post.



Wow, how inciteful!

It's "insightful". Stop trying to look smart. You're not.


Thank you for that tome that somehow managed to completely miss my point.
Are you the village troll? You can't just simply disagree?

Differing points of view don't miss your point, they simply disagree.
LP was polite. You've been nothing but obnoxious. No wonder the young bucks don't want to speak to you.

Upswing; people come to the forums to whine. You're no different. You're as piss poor at reading comprehension as the rest of them.

<Snipped from the Section Guidelines.> "As the description for this section states, this is a forum for the open discussion of topics pertaining to BDSM and related subjects." Helped you out. See it now? Save the bitchfest for your personal journal.


If you must text, try not to literally fall asleep. Finally, limit the time between your texts to something less than 5 minutes. More than five minutes becomes a sort of time capsule rather than a conversation. Otherwise, you have bad manners and are behaving like a fuckboy pig.

What's really sad; is that you're sitting by your cell phone, eagerly awaiting those texts and pissing like a spoiled princess when the boys don't drop everything they're doing to fire off a reply to your inane demands. Get a life.


Life shouldn't be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly shouting..."Wow! What a ride!

(in reply to TIPPYPOP)
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RE: Texting hell. - 1/13/2018 5:08:41 AM   

Posts: 508
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this fellow seems like another example of "Tops disease."


(in reply to Shandirra)
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