The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (Full Version)

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BoscoX -> The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/2/2023 6:26:24 AM)

"Democrat" playbook - "Everyone I don't like is Hitler"

While their elitist masters amass fortunes and power, the useful idiot class gladly wallow in obvious deceptions


From Vanity Fair: A Comprehensive Guide to Why a Ron DeSantis Presidency Would Be as Terrifying as a Trump One

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/2/2023 7:30:52 AM)



"Democrat" playbook - "Everyone I don't like is Hitler"

While their elitist masters amass fortunes and power, the useful idiot class gladly wallow in obvious deceptions


From Vanity Fair: A Comprehensive Guide to Why a Ron DeSantis Presidency Would Be as Terrifying as a Trump One

“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” - George Orwell


Bosco, my very good friend...

I hope you and yours had a wonderful New Year.

What is going on with you now?
You are starting threads with opinion pieces you don't agree with and implying they are part of some propagandist cabal?

Maybe, take a break and regroup?

Best wishes,


JVoV -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/2/2023 12:50:39 PM)

I don't think Bosco needs a break. I think it's just a slow news period lately. Things will pick up when the next GOP presidential candidate announces. Maybe before, if a scandal breaks out.

Maybe Major will bite somebody else. I have a list.

And yes, I know how sad it is I know the President's dog's name, but idkwtf Hakeem Jefferies is. But Hakeem didn't bite anybody.

But the terms "Nazi" and "Communist" are used too much for my tastes. Hitler, Stalin, Mao... Nope. Usually there's no real comparison, and using their names just dilutes how terrible they're thought to be. It's a "boy who cried wolf" thing.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/2/2023 4:43:32 PM)


"Democrat" playbook - "Everyone I don't like is Hitler"


From Vanity Fair: A Comprehensive Guide to Why a Ron DeSantis Presidency Would Be as Terrifying as a Trump One

ok... I'll bite.

So the point is the "Democrat" playbook ("Democrat" - meaning anyon e who disagrees with you) is to label anyone they disagree with as "Hitler"

So... Did you read this opinion piece to which you linked? I did, and searched for the word "Hitler" in it. I found zero hits.

The author is basically making the same points I made about DeSantis in an earlier post. NOTE: I did not use the word "Hitler" either.

DeSantis' whole goal is to "own the libs". Every policy he has enacted is a means to that end.

The author starts with Venezuelan immigrant stunt. Governor Abbott from Texas was steling his lib-trolling bona fides by flying immigrants to liberal cities. HA! Great troll!
At least these were immigrants who were ON Texas soil, impacting Texas cities.
De Santis, jealous of Abbott's lib-trolling capabilities devised a plan. He would re-allocate Florida taxpayer money and hiire some previate jets and a hispanic woman to lure immigrants originally from Venezuela (escaping horrible Socialism BTW) from Texas soil to Florida, where they then could be flown to Martha's Vineyard! HA! He out-trolled Abbott! Now THAT is owning the libs.

Then she claims he is dangerously anti-science. She misses the point. If it would "own the libs", he would embrace science with open arms. His state led the country and at times the world, in COVID death and hospitialization. Because... "freedom!"! (Nahhhh... he doesn't goive a shit about freedom. He just wants to, say it with me "own the libs"

After claiming that the COVID vaccine is essential and effective (when he was supporting Trump), he discovered a MUCH more effective lib-troll by discrediting the vaccine, and hioring Joseph Ladapo... A largely discreditied quack, who tells people to take Ivermectin and Hydroxycloroquine. Two drugs that have no impact on COVID, but could be lethal in certain doses. WHy? AntiVax fires up the base AND.... owns the libs.

Let's not forget the offer of $5,000 for unvaccinated cops to relocate to Florida!!!! Is that an example of "good governance"???? Or wait for it... Is it's purpose to "own the libs"?????

Geez --- memory lane. I forgot abou this one.
He bragged about a voter fraud task force, going to citiznes houses and arresting them for voting!!!!! In Florida, if you are an ex-felon who SERVED his/her time completely, you still can't vote until you have fully paid resitution for your crime. (Doesn't matter that you may not have the funds to do so) So these people, being entrapped by the state run by DeSantis and were told LITERALLY that they could vote lawfully, actually voted! And were dragged from their homes in handcuffs for their trouble. DeSantis bragged about this in a press conference. YEAH - That will troll the libs!

Oh...then there is the "Stop WOKE Act" - Nice name. Trolling anyone?
Peronal note: I actually support fighting wokeness in society. I think it is insidious and damaging to our society.
Fighting wokeness? Great idea! Truth is... If his base loved wokeness, he's be the wokest SOB on planet earth.
The most hilarious thing about this bill, is... It reads like the most socialist, snowflake woke thing you could ever read.


allows students and workers to sue if they believe a classroom lesson or workplace training course caused them to “feel guilt, anguish, or any other form of psychological distress” due to their race.

It is hard to imagine a more woke bill. Oh and what happened to free speech? The hell with that. He needs to "own the libs"!!

Even when this guy is right on the issue, he definitely prefers lib-trolling to any actual solution to the issue.

He identifies a VALID concern with the woke left, that they are indoctrinating young children with references to sexuality (particularly homosexuality and transgenderism)
Personal note: I have NOTHING against anyone who is gay or trans. Nothing at all. But I do not want my K-3rd grader being introduced to people's sexuality.
A valid problem, that could be solved with an investigation of the ACTUA:L facts, and a call to vote the culpable school board members out of office.
That's what DeSantis does. RIght? NOPE... Not enough lib-trolling in that course of action.

He signs a bill empowering parents to SUE if there is any reference to sexuality with K-3 children. Problem is... The bill is horribly and vaguely written and destroys primary education across the state.
This is the bill, the left badly misnamed the "Don't Say Gay" bill.

SO... in reaction, woke Disney employees pressure DIsney to protest the bill. SO, when DIsney simply OPINES on the bill, DeSantis moves to punish them by dismantling the Ready Creek Improvement District. The arrangement (one of about a dozen in Florida) that allows Disney to receive tax money and administrate (building and maintaining roads, and public facilities, as well as the Orlando AIrport). All of this because DIsney dared to simply publicly disagree with DeSantis! (WHat happned to the free speech thing???) - Never mind the free speech. He has to troll the libs! Fire up the base!

Fast forward, and he realizes that he is basically leaving a huge gap in providing public service sfor 10's of thousands of FLoridians, JUST to own the libs, he is unwinding this nonsense.

DeSantis is the ultimate troll. He knows and cares nothing about any problems facing Floridians. He cares about boosting his own right-wing credentials by trolling and owning the libs.

BoscoX -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/2/2023 5:03:19 PM)

Fast Reply -

Great belly laugh material here[sm=happy-smiley58.gif]:


Months after telling Republicans to 'head down to Florida where you belong,' New York Governor Hochul says the state has to figure out how to stop people from leaving

In her New Year's Day Inaugural speech following her 2022 election, New York Governor Kathy Hochul took aim at one of the biggest problems plaguing her state: People who are fleeing New York to escape the consequences of Democratic policies.

Her words were a far cry from her campaign rhetoric back in August where she suggested that her political opponents, including Rep. Lee Zeldin, should "Just jump on a bus and head down to Florida where you belong, OK? You are not New Yorkers."

Many people over the last months and years have taken exactly this advice, fleeing New York's oppressive, anti-business climate and crime rates for the greener pastures of Florida and other states. According to the Census Bureau, New York had the highest population decline of any state in the union in 2022, while Florida had the highest rate of population growth.


MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/3/2023 6:03:29 AM)



Fast Reply -

Great belly laugh material here[sm=happy-smiley58.gif]:


Watch the lemmings run.


JVoV -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/3/2023 1:01:42 PM)

Is Bosco rooting for Desantis? Is this his coming out thread?

I have mixed feelings about Desantis. Some things he's done as governor, I like. Others, I don't. I didn't vote for him either time. The first time I voted for the dude that was caught with a male prostitute that ODed after he lost the election. This last time, I abstained from voting for governor, cuz our choices sucked. I did vote for Senator and the rest.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/3/2023 7:27:38 PM)



Is Bosco rooting for Desantis? Is this his coming out thread?

I have mixed feelings about Desantis. Some things he's done as governor, I like. Others, I don't. I didn't vote for him either time. The first time I voted for the dude that was caught with a male prostitute that ODed after he lost the election. This last time, I abstained from voting for governor, cuz our choices sucked. I did vote for Senator and the rest.

OK... Now I am super curious. WHat has he done as governor that you like?????

JVoV -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/3/2023 8:35:47 PM)

Ok, believe it or not, I actually support the decision to name the WWE "vital". Florida has been trying to be "Hollywood East" for decades. Showing that we value tv productions was a really good move towards that goal. Nickelodeon should've been made vital too, as they film a lot at Universal Orlando (or at least did. Idk now)

That's why going after Disney still doesn't make sense. I live in Orlando, and the repercussions for local counties will be huge economically. Maybe they'll backtrack on the Reedy Creek thing. If local governments have to take over even roads, Disney will stop investing and expanding. Because Disney has no potholes. The counties do. And that's just roads. Think of everything else county governments would have to take over. With Florida being such a business haven, the counties would go broke.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/5/2023 4:56:32 PM)



Ok, believe it or not, I actually support the decision to name the WWE "vital". Florida has been trying to be "Hollywood East" for decades. Showing that we value tv productions was a really good move towards that goal. Nickelodeon should've been made vital too, as they film a lot at Universal Orlando (or at least did. Idk now)

That's why going after Disney still doesn't make sense. I live in Orlando, and the repercussions for local counties will be huge economically. Maybe they'll backtrack on the Reedy Creek thing. If local governments have to take over even roads, Disney will stop investing and expanding. Because Disney has no potholes. The counties do. And that's just roads. Think of everything else county governments would have to take over. With Florida being such a business haven, the counties would go broke.

Ready Creek was a knee-jerk opportunity to "own the libs" gone wrong. Keep in mind, all Disney was guilty of was criticizing a bill. What was that "free speech" thing?

Oh wait.

JVoV -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/5/2023 5:01:23 PM)

I don't mind seeing Desantis and the GOP getting bit in the ass by their stupidity. The problem is when I get but in the ass because of it.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/5/2023 5:31:48 PM)



I don't mind seeing Desantis and the GOP getting bit in the ass by their stupidity. The problem is when I get but in the ass because of it.

You choose to live there.

I live in a state where the Governor is awesome, and actually cares for the people of our state. I have met him and his wife several times. They are wonderful people.

He did, however launch a horrible presidential run, on a single issue, and he failed miserably. But he won easily his re-election for Governor

JVoV -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/5/2023 7:27:55 PM)

We usually have governors that worry about state issues, dealing with whatever the federal government or Mother Nature throws at us. Having a governor that wants the national spotlight is different. And now he has a GOP supermajority in the state legislature. So that'll be fun. But Desantis only has four more years to be governor. Maybe two if he makes it to the big leagues, I guess.

But I really don't think Disney can just uproot from Orlando. And local governments can't take on that much debt or services without seriously raising taxes. So, I think we can expect some sort of compromise to reinstate the Reedy Creek Improvement District. And any compromise will be used by Desantis as him making Disney bow a knee to him. And that'll happen in time for the Presidential election. But I don't really expect it until after Desantis announces, cuz news cycles are important to a campaign.

BoscoX -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/6/2023 4:22:04 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



I don't mind seeing Desantis and the GOP getting bit in the ass by their stupidity. The problem is when I get but in the ass because of it.

You choose to live there.

I live in a state where the Governor is awesome, and actually cares for the people of our state. I have met him and his wife several times. They are wonderful people.

He did, however launch a horrible presidential run, on a single issue, and he failed miserably. But he won easily his re-election for Governor

Leftists purchase votes (power and wealth) with treasury money.

He *really* cares!!!

Eventually your system closely resembles North Korea

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/6/2023 6:35:40 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



I don't mind seeing Desantis and the GOP getting bit in the ass by their stupidity. The problem is when I get but in the ass because of it.

You choose to live there.

I live in a state where the Governor is awesome, and actually cares for the people of our state. I have met him and his wife several times. They are wonderful people.

He did, however launch a horrible presidential run, on a single issue, and he failed miserably. But he won easily his re-election for Governor

Leftists purchase votes (power and wealth) with treasury money.

He *really* cares!!!

Eventually your system closely resembles North Korea

You have just described the Republican playbook. Most recently

Trump - (PPP, and his tax bill (which resulted in an increase for many (like myself))
Buying votes with money from the treasury

I don't know or care what leftists do. Your system ALREADY resembles North Korea

BoscoX -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/6/2023 10:29:57 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

You have just described the Republican playbook.

You are far from a serious person, pretending that PPP loans as compensation for forcing people to shut down their businesses is the same as typical leftist massive giveaways to literally purchase votes

Willfully blind, and worse.

JVoV -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/6/2023 2:51:39 PM)

The only "extra" checks I've ever gotten from the federal government have been under Republican presidents. Dubya gave us one, then Trump gave 2 or 3. Bribe me some more plz!

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/7/2023 10:23:29 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar0

You have just described the Republican playbook. Most recently

Trump - (PPP, and his tax bill (which resulted in an increase for many (like myself))
Buying votes with money from the treasury

I don't know or care what leftists do. Your system ALREADY resembles North Korea

And we can't forget

More buying votes with treasury $$$

Trump wanted to get $2000 checks out. Free money! Just vote for him!

BoscoX -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/11/2023 7:30:21 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar0

You have just described the Republican playbook. Most recently

Trump - (PPP, and his tax bill (which resulted in an increase for many (like myself))
Buying votes with money from the treasury

I don't know or care what leftists do. Your system ALREADY resembles North Korea

And we can't forget

More buying votes with treasury $$$

Trump wanted to get $2000 checks out. Free money! Just vote for him!

How would you feel about a bidding war for votes, using treasury dollars

JVoV -> RE: The Propaganda Will Never Stop Because It Works (1/11/2023 9:26:17 AM)

I get all the money?
And the US taxpayer is responsible for the debt?
I'm in.

Otherwise, you have just successfully defined the budget process.

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