RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (Full Version)

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BoscoX -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 6:25:43 AM)



You think Biden packed his own stuff?

Did I write that?


Then STFU because you are an idiot.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 7:53:51 AM)



Then STFU because you are an idiot.

Losing pateince again?

BoscoX -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 7:59:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01



Then STFU because you are an idiot.

Losing pateince again?

He posted that he is here to troll me. Special rules for special people.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 8:00:38 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Biden's lawyers didn't REVEAL the documents until after the midterms.

You believe that $750.00 / hr lawyers were hired to move boxes too, right


The documents found in Mr. Biden’s former office, which date to his time as vice president, were found by his personal lawyers on Nov. 2, when they were packing files at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, according to the White House. Officials did not describe precisely how many documents were involved, what kind of information they included or their level of classification.

Take a wild guess - was November 2nd before, or after the midterm elections. It's okay to take off your shoes for this one

LOL... It appears that you are completely missing my point.

I am saying that, in the process of closing and vacating an office that had been not been used for many years, Biden lawyers were sent down to oversee the move and ensure that NOTHING legally damaging to Biden was found there.

When they found the classified docs, they knew the correct legal thing to do was notify the National Archives.

They obviously and DELIBERATELY waited until after the midterms to do so.

NONE of this had anything to do with Garland.

BoscoX -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 8:09:34 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

NONE of this had anything to do with Garland.

You're catching on! They DIDN'T report the large envelopes with huge red "CLASSIFIED" and 'TOP SECRET" lettering right way


(Waited four or five years, in fact)

Say... Aren't you the same person who keeps posting that the FBI censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story isn't anything at all. You know, where we could have learned BEFORE AN ELECTION that Hunter Biden has been accepting money from China among other places, and passing it on to his dad

And that Joe Biden keeps lying about having met Hunter's "business associates"

BoscoX -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 10:35:17 AM)


The High Priced Lawyers Moving Co. didn't break the story as "Democrat" propagandists pretends btw

Amazingly enough, CBS broke the story. Everything else, is the left trying to get out in front of it in order to try to control the narrative

JVoV -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 1:42:08 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Biden's lawyers didn't REVEAL the documents until after the midterms.

You believe that $750.00 / hr lawyers were hired to move boxes too, right?

That is you, right? Your words? Yet MJ never said that. Of course, he would probably have a better comeback than "STFU".

JVoV -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 2:35:50 PM)

CBS, or really any news organization or reporter, can't BREAK a story without knowing about the story. So at some point, somebody leaked it to the press. Probably that damn official White House statement.

But who violated what laws when? Did Biden take classified docs to the VP residence? That wasn't reported at the time, that I remember.

Did the VP have classified docs in his office at the White House? This is more likely. And seems necessary. So, probably no laws broken at this stage.

Then, the VP office at the White House was packed up, and the boxes taken away. Everything in the office was boxed up. Whoever boxed up the office probably didn't rummage through papers, to see if any classified docs were among the other stuff.

As soon as the docs were discovered, they should have been reported to the proper authorities. By all indications, this was done. Proper procedures were followed.

Yes, there should still be a Congressional Committee to look into those docs. They can compare them with the Trump docs, as far as the hows and whys.

But I still think anything this does to Biden, it does to Trump even more.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 2:49:09 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

NONE of this had anything to do with Garland.

You're catching on! They DIDN'T report the large envelopes with huge red "CLASSIFIED" and 'TOP SECRET" lettering right way


(Waited four or five years, in fact)

Say... Aren't you the same person who keeps posting that the FBI censoring the Hunter Biden laptop story isn't anything at all. You know, where we could have learned BEFORE AN ELECTION that Hunter Biden has been accepting money from China among other places, and passing it on to his dad

And that Joe Biden keeps lying about having met Hunter's "business associates"

ok.. First of all, the quote you selected from my post wasn't even remotely related to your post. So I don't quite understand why you quoted that part.

Secondly, I don't need to catch on. I posted my concern about the delay in reporting until after the midterms several posts ago.
The problem is, YOU are NOT catching on.

The documents were discovered on 11/2/2022. NOT five years ago. No one lied.

Thirdly RE: the laptop...
You are seriously making shit up. There is ZERO evidence that a penny ended up in any Joe Biden owned account. Ron Johnson said as much when his Senate committee investigated it.

Fourth, the Hunter Biden laptop story has been out for years. The fact that a few morons on Twitter were banned from posting about it, does not even come close to it being censored as a story

Finally, if anyone gets his/her NEWS from Twitter, he/she has no business voting in any election in the first place..

JVoV -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/15/2023 6:10:18 PM)

Careful MJ. Now Bosco can quote you saying "I simply don't understand" and try to make something of it.

BoscoX -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/16/2023 5:59:09 AM)


Let me break this down for those who are either infected with TDS or aren’t paying attention.

Hunter sells his “paintings” to anonymous “buyers” for $500k. Hunter then pays Joe $50k for monthly rent on the Delaware home where stolen classified government documents were found.

“10% for the big guy” also known as money laundering.

JVoV -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/16/2023 12:34:40 PM)

So the Chinese government paid off Biden to be harsher on them?

So far, nothing illegal has been presented. Just partisan suspicions. Sure: it makes you think: but there is still no definitive proof of anything illegal. What's missing here is what Joe or Hunter was supposed to do for the money given.

BoscoX -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/16/2023 4:01:51 PM)

Pretend along like good useful idiots - 'there are no visitor logs for the president's residence' [sm=lalala.gif]


No visitor logs exist for Biden's Wilmington home, site of classified doc discovery, WH Counsel's Office says

Biden is under a special counsel investigation for keeping classified documents in the home

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/16/2023 4:13:56 PM)




Let me break this down for those who are either infected with TDS or aren’t paying attention.

Hunter sells his “paintings” to anonymous “buyers” for $500k. Hunter then pays Joe $50k for monthly rent on the Delaware home where stolen classified government documents were found.

“10% for the big guy” also known as money laundering.

Except that there is no evidence that Hunter paid Joe anything. Other then a background check app, filled out by a crackhead. And Miranda Devine says so.
There are no bank records of any kind.

The same crackhead claimed that he owned the house in other documents.

"10% for the big guy" - also known as the ramblings of a crackhead and a political fame searching whore.

JVoV -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/16/2023 10:36:18 PM)

Is it customary to have a visitor log for your home?

I would expect that Secret Service had the home secured for the last 2.5 years, as the primary residence of our president, and the Dem nominee. Biden wouldn't have had Secret Service protection in the 3.5 years on between. But one would think the boxes to be dusty by now.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/17/2023 10:58:16 AM)



Is it customary to have a visitor log for your home?

I would expect that Secret Service had the home secured for the last 2.5 years, as the primary residence of our president, and the Dem nominee. Biden wouldn't have had Secret Service protection in the 3.5 years on between. But one would think the boxes to be dusty by now.

Hell no! It is not customary to have a visitor log at one's provate home. Ever seen the Mar-a-lago visitor log? You never will.
It is also customary for Presidents NOT to have official visitors at their private residence. Unlike our previous President,, our current one has a bit more sense.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/17/2023 11:05:36 AM)



AS ALWAYS - If "Democrats" didn't have double standards, they'd have no standards at all. "Nothing to see here folks - he has a 'D' by his name."

No FBI arm of the "Democrat" party kicking in doors and rifling through Jill Biden's panties?

VPs cannot declassify documents btw. Communists ALWAYS weaponize government agencies in order to criminalize their political opposition, and leftists think it's all fun and games until they're also sitting in the gulag for daring to question Dearest Leader


Classified documents from Biden's time as vice president discovered at Penn Biden Center, White House says

The president used the Penn Biden Center's office space from mid-2017 until he began the 2020 campaign

Damn Democrat double standards! The elitist, socialist, Stalinist bastards!

There is one standard for people who immediately contact the National Archives for return of all documents...

And quite another for people who refuse to to return the documents for months, lie repeatedly about the number of and the location of documents, lie in a signed statement that all documents have been returned, and THEN claim that the documents are NOT the property of the National Archives (and therefore the American People), but rather, they are the property of him/her personally!

The DOJ should treat them both equally!
Damn democrats!

JVoV -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/17/2023 11:51:33 AM)

There are several differences between the Biden and Trump docs.

But let these partisan hacks continue to act like they're the same. The more they get compared, the worse Trump looks and the better Biden looks.

BoscoX -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/18/2023 10:19:56 AM)


From the "Nothing to see here" file -

The DOJ arm of the "Democrat" party decided against monitoring Biden lawyers (who have no security clearances) rifle through stolen secret documents

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: VP Biden Kept Classified Materials (1/18/2023 12:08:52 PM)




From the "Nothing to see here" file -

The DOJ arm of the "Democrat" party decided against monitoring Biden lawyers (who have no security clearances) rifle through stolen secret documents

It doesn't seem like they needed any monitoring as they self-reported the documents in the first place.

I don't know. The FBI never checks with me on their operations.

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