RE: The Woke Mind Virus (Full Version)

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BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/7/2023 5:40:13 PM)


Seattle quit investigating rapes because woke

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/8/2023 6:56:10 AM)


Who wants an America, where skin color determines guilt or innocence

"Democrats" <spit>

Sarah Huckabee Sanders rips Biden’s ‘woke fantasies’ in GOP State of the Union rebuttal

Republican Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders delivered a scathing rebuke of “the radical left’s America” during the GOP rebuttal to President Biden’s State of the Union address on Tuesday.

Sanders, who served as White House press secretary under former President Donald Trump, attacked what she called the Biden administration’s “woke fantasies” and what she called its worship of “false idols” in her blistering remarks.

“In the radical left’s America, Washington taxes you and lights your hard-earned money on fire, but you get crushed with high gas prices, empty grocery shelves, and our children are taught to hate one another on account of their race, but not to love one another or our great country,” Sanders said Tuesday night.

“The Biden administration seems more interested in woke fantasies than the hard reality Americans face every day,” Sanders said.

“Most Americans simply want to live their lives in freedom and peace, but we are under attack in a left-wing culture war we didn’t start and never wanted to fight.”

“Every day, we are told that we must partake in their rituals, salute their flags and worship their false idols – all while big government colludes with Big Tech to strip away the most American thing there is: your freedom of speech,” she added, an apparent reference to the bombshell Twitter Files reports late last year that detailed the FBI’s successful bid to influence Twitter to censor The Post’s explosive 2020 report on the Hunter Biden laptop.

“Republicans believe in an America where strong families thrive is safe communities; where jobs are abundant and paychecks are rising; where the freedom our veterans shed their blood to defend is the birthright of every man, woman and child,” she said.

Sanders became the youngest governor in the country, at 40, after her November victory over Chris Jones in Arkansas, which offered a youthful contrast to the 80-year-old president who delivered the State of the Union.

“At 40, I’m the youngest governor in the country. At 80, he’s the oldest president in American history,” Sanders said in her rebuttal.

Sanders, the daughter of former Arkansas governor and failed presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, said that a “new generation” of Republican leaders is “stepping up” to be “changemakers for the American people.”

She has so far declined to say whether she will back former President Donald Trump’s 2024 White House bid.

In her remarks Tuesday night, Sanders made no reference to her ex-boss by name, but she did tell an anecdote about traveling with Trump, 76, and former first lady Melania Trump to Iraq in 2018.

Sanders recalled troops who had “absolutely no idea that the President and First Lady were about to walk into that room” being excited to see the Trumps visit their US military base in western Iraq the day after Christmas.

“One of the young soldiers yelled from the back, ‘Mr. President, I reenlisted in the military because of you.’ The President said, ‘and son, I am here because of you,’” Sanders recalled.

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/9/2023 11:35:27 AM)


Video -


This is a scene from a Disney+ kids cartoon called The Proud Family

Blatant anti-white propaganda

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/11/2023 6:43:55 PM)


Wrong for white girls to date black men now

One would think that at some point even "Democrats" would start to get it right

A guy could dream (MLK)

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/12/2023 8:17:27 AM)



A Black Professor Trapped in Anti-Racist Hell

Vincent Lloyd

On the sunny first day of seminar, I sat at the end of a pair of picnic tables with nervous, excited 17-year-olds. Twelve high-school students had been chosen by the Telluride Association through a rigorous application process—the acceptance rate is reportedly around 3 percent—to spend six weeks together taking a college-level course, all expenses paid.

The group reminded me of the heroes of the Mysterious Benedict Society books I was reading to my daughter: Each teenager, brought together for a common project, had some extraordinary ability and some quirk. One girl from California spoke and thought at machine-gun speed and started collecting pet snails during the pandemic; now she had more than 100. A girl from a provincial school in China had never traveled to the United States but had mastered un-accented English and was in love with E.M. Forster. In addition to the seminar, the students practiced democratic self-governance: They lived together and set their own rules. Those first few days, the students were exactly what you would expect, at turns bubbly and reserved, all of them curious, playful, figuring out how to relate to each other and to the seminar texts.

Four weeks later, I again sat in front of the gathered students. Now, their faces were cold, their eyes down. Since the first week, I had not spotted one smile. Their number was reduced by two: The previous week, they had voted two classmates out of the house. And I was next.
“I was guilty of countless microaggressions.”

Each student read from a prepared statement about how the seminar perpetuated anti-black violence in its content and form, how the black students had been harmed, how I was guilty of countless microaggressions, including through my body language, and how students didn’t feel safe because I didn’t immediately correct views that failed to treat anti-blackness as the cause of all the world’s ills.

This might be just another lament about “woke” campus culture, and the loss of traditional educational virtues. But the seminar topic was “Race and the Limits of Law in America.” Four of the 6 weeks were focused on anti-black racism (the other two were on anti-immigrant and anti-indigenous racism). I am a black professor, I directed my university’s black-studies program, I lead anti-racism and transformative-justice workshops, and I have published books on anti-black racism and prison abolition. I live in a predominantly black neighborhood of Philadelphia, my daughter went to an Afrocentric school, and I am on the board of our local black cultural organization.

Like others on the left, I had been dismissive of criticisms of the current discourse on race in the United States. But now my thoughts turned to that moment in the 1970s when leftist organizations imploded, the need to match and raise the militancy of one’s comrades leading to a toxic culture filled with dogmatism and disillusion. How did this happen to a group of bright-eyed high school students?


BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/13/2023 5:26:36 AM)


How do we know that "Democrats" <spit> steal elections?

"Over 100 Granite State students banded together to conduct a Friday walk out to protest a school board district-wide policy that bans urinals over "gender identity" concerns."

Trust me.

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/13/2023 8:57:23 AM)

From the same article: Another student, Lena Silva, told the outlet that “As a female, I don’t think it’s safe to have males in our bathroom.”

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/13/2023 9:58:14 AM)

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/13/2023 10:25:41 AM)

"Democrat" woke insanity hits women and children hardest.


‘Watching Us Undress’: Trans Swimmer Lia Thomas Allegedly Exposed ‘Male Genitalia’ In Women’s Locker Room - Swimming champion Riley Gaines

Former University of Kentucky swimmer Riley Gaines alleged that transgender swimmer Lia Thomas’ “male genitalia” was exposed in the women’s locker room.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) permitted Thomas, a biological male, to compete against women in the Women’s Championships in 2022, leading to a sweeping victory for the transgender swimmer against the female competitors. Gaines told Fox News’ “America Reports” Wednesday that the organization allowed Thomas to change in front of the girls in the locker room without notifying them beforehand.

“The NCAA, of course we competed against Thomas, but we were not forewarned beforehand that we would be sharing a locker room with Lia,” Gaines said. “We did not give our consent, they did not ask us for our consent, but in that locker room, we turned around and there’s a six-foot-four [inch] biological man dropping his pants and watching us undress and we’re exposed to male genitalia. So, that to me was worse than the competition piece.”


BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/13/2023 2:32:41 PM)


More important to be woke

23 Baltimore schools have zero students proficient in math, per state test results

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/18/2023 6:08:56 PM)


Canadian Study: 90% of "Trans Women" in Prisons Are Violent, Nearly Half Convicted of Sex Crimes

JVoV -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/18/2023 6:52:19 PM)

Small sample size. Only 61 studied that said they were trans or something other than male. Let's not forget that prison isn't really a place anyone in their right mind says they wanna go. Plus it's Canada FFS. Maybe the moose pissed them off?

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (2/20/2023 6:19:50 AM)



Small sample size. Only 61 studied that said they were trans or something other than male. Let's not forget that prison isn't really a place anyone in their right mind says they wanna go. Plus it's Canada FFS. Maybe the moose pissed them off?

Got you down for placing serial rapists in women's prisons 🧑‍💻

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (3/4/2023 8:17:03 AM)

Video - Karine Jean-Pierre: "173 House Democrats backed a law that reduces penalties for murders, carjackings, armed robberies, armed home invasions, and sexual assault offenses."

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (3/6/2023 5:53:48 AM)

How many victims of the woke mind virus really believe that it is illegal to say the word "gay" in the state of Florida

Those poor stupid bastards weren't "brainwashed" by FOX News, were they

Awesome DeSantis interview where Florida's anti-indoctrination laws are discussed, along with several other key subjects

Video - here's the leader of the great free state of Florida, the place the woke mind virus goes to die:

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (3/6/2023 6:50:18 PM)

The face of the "Democrat" <spit> party - Whoopi Goldberg, is hating she/her/it some Bill Maher, for pointing out reality

The left has gone off a woke cliff, and there were no survivors


‘He Should Be Ashamed’: ‘The View’ Co-Hosts Rant About Bill Maher’s Criticism Of The Far-Left

“The View” co-hosts ranted about HBO comedian Bill Maher’s criticism of the far-left during Thursday’s panel.

Maher criticized the removal of a statue of Abraham Lincoln and warned about the “woke” left moving to become more extreme in their ideology during an exclusive Tuesday interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper. He said the term “woke” has evolved from being against social injustice to an “eye roll” for being against a diversity of ideas.

Co-host Whoopi Goldberg claimed the statue of Lincoln had to be removed because it displayed a slave at his feet. She then argued that the “non-woke” people were “asleep” and had to wake up to their ideology.

“Most of y’all were asleep,” Goldberg said. “I’m talking to all those who folks who use that term ‘woke’ all the time. Y’all were asleep. We were never asleep. We had to stay awake watching you. So you woke up and said ‘oh my god, there’s lots of women running around doing things they’re not supposed to be doing, and drag queens everywhere! And oh my god, people of color.’ You always talk about snowflakes. Look in the mirror! Y’all can’t seem to handle anything. You can’t seem to handle competition from Democrats to Republicans. You can’t seem to handle the discussions about why people feel the way they do. Your idea is to get rid of everything. So stop calling us snowflakes!”


Wait until she/her/it hears about Chris Rock's new Netflix special, hmmm

He's ALSO calling out the woke mind virus:

Chris Rock's new comedy special outrages liberals on Twitter: 'Shocking,' "Turned my whole TV off"

It's looking like woke doesn't just go to FLORIDA to die. Looks like, it's beginning to suffer a death of ten thousand cuts [:)]

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (3/7/2023 8:13:28 AM)

Joe Rogan, Russell Brand Slam Critics Who’ve Labeled Them And Others ‘Right-Wing’ For Being Against ‘Censorship’

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (3/11/2023 6:40:02 PM)


Woke head of 'risk assessment' at Silicon Valley Bank 'prioritized' LGBT initiatives - including organizing a month-long Pride campaign - before bank lost BILLIONS and collapsed

Jay Ersapah was head of risk assessment for Silicon Valley Bank's EMEA region
She launched a host of woke initiatives including 'safe space catch-ups' for staff
In one video she said she 'could not be prouder' to work for the bank which collapsed spectacularly on Friday


BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (3/14/2023 8:02:17 PM)

NPR: Biden Signs 4 Executive Actions On Racial Equity

Stephen Miller: "They want to run the country the way the executives at silicon valley bank ran that institution. Take a huge, risky gambles on crazy woke projects. Crazy climate projects."

Who would you prefer as captain on your next overseas flight - The blackest, most trans, wokest vegan on the planet that your airline could find?

Or a highly qualified person of unknown skin color etc etc etc

Because right now we've got the not-ready-for-primetime rainbow coalition in the cockpit (Kamala Harris's crazy laughter goes right here)

BoscoX -> RE: The Woke Mind Virus (3/15/2023 4:20:26 AM)

Video at the link:


SVB: A typical Democrat woke agenda conclave of Leftist incompetence. And we’re bailing them out?

🔥WATTERS: “They pledged $75 Million to BLM, and there’s ONE banker on the board; the rest are Clinton and Obama mega-donors!”

“Yellen appointed a woman to oversee the bank…on her first day of work, she does a little video, kisses her wife goodbye, puts on her little backpack…and she KNOWS NOTHING.”

🔥GUTFELD: Every single business has this problem. Priorities are changing, no one’s looking for expertise or competence.

The SEC has been “demanding these banks..comply with carbon footprints, ESG’c, diversity and inclusivity—they’re not doing anything to protect the actual investor.”

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