Fox News brainwashing - Proven (Full Version)

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MasterJaguar01 -> Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/18/2023 8:55:56 AM)

What we knew all along..

What Roger Ailes started, and Rupert Murdoch enabled.

Roger AIles said, "(paraphrased) People don't want to see the news. People want to see "news" that confirms what they already believe.

Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingrham, don't actually believe most of the nonsense they spew on their shows, but they know it brings in ratings for their shiws. $$$ for the networks and $$$ in their pockets.

The Dominion lawsuit proves it definitively. They knew Sidney Powell was lying. They texted each other, saying so. Tucker Carlson texted literally to Laura Ingraham, "BTW, SIdney Powell is lying. I caught her."

It is so sad, what FOx News has done to millions of vulnerable people in this country.

My own mother is a victim. My mother is an intelligent woman with a Bachlors degree in Political Science. Sheonce was a critical thinking centrist, who was passionate about the enviornment back in the late 60's and early 70's. She was angered by the Santa Barbara oil spill, and the oil lobby'is ability to keep drilling a half mile from the beaches. She was equally angered by liberal mayors across the country pouring millions of dollars into failing schools and horrible housing projects that made peoples lives worse, not better.

She could look at the facts of an issue and for an intelligent opinion.

Today, she is addicted to Fox News. She believes EVERY word she hears.

Including the latest ones:

She believes that the left (whoever they are) will suspend the constitution and delcare the US a Communist country
She believes that Hunter Biden's laptop proves he is an agent of China
She even believes that the Chines government had a KEY to the Penn Biden center
She believes Trump won the 2020 election but it was stolen by the left
She believes that EVERY investigation of Trump was politically motivated and turned up absolutely notbing (SHe refuses to read the Mueller report, or even acknowledge the dozens of indictments and convictions). SHe believes the January 6th comittee produced NOTHING (SHe refuses to read the 845 page report)
She believes that January 6th was not violent in any way, and just involved a bunch of people walking around. (SHe refuses to watch the video taken by the insurrectionists themselves)
She believes that Ashli Babitt was murdered in cold blood whaile walking around. (She refuses to watch the video of the Capital Police Officer brandishing his gun, in an effort to protect the Congressmen behind him, and of Ashli Babitt climbing through a window that had been smashed open seconds before, about to lead a mob straight towrd the Congressmen, he committed his life to protect)

And that's just the beginning.

Fox News has converted my mom from an intelligent thinking woman, into a sad mindless lemming waiting to hear the next piece of "news" that will own the libs
And they have done the same to half this country.

Lord, I miss the Fairness Docrtrine, and the laws we had protecting us from monopoly media ownership.
Murdoch, got Reagan to wipe all that away, in we suffer greatly as a result.

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/18/2023 10:07:19 AM)


"You are getting sleepy... VERY sleepy... Now repeat after me: FOX NEWS BAD"

"FOX NEWS BAD, MASTER" [sm=marionette.gif]

"Good slave. Here's your welfare handout, your bread - now enjoy the circuses, while we run the world."

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/18/2023 12:19:32 PM)




"You are getting sleepy... VERY sleepy... Now repeat after me: FOX NEWS BAD"

"FOX NEWS BAD, MASTER" [sm=marionette.gif]

"Good slave. Here's your welfare handout, your bread - now enjoy the circuses, while we run the world."

This post is from someone who read the subject of the thread, but not the post. A poster child for the intellectual laziness promoted by Fox News.

JVoV -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/18/2023 4:34:28 PM)

I'm here for the welfare handout. We must have a Republican President now, that fucked up the economy and wants to bribe us. Dems just have to fix it later, but hell yeah I'll take some money. Duh.

We have known for quite some time that FOX News isn't "news". They said so in court in 2020, when Tucker "Tan Your Balls" Carlson got sued.


Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary

Sorry about your Mom, MJ. I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/18/2023 5:13:22 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

A poster child for the intellectual laziness promoted by Fox News.

Moi? [sm=rofl.gif]

What about the mindless imbecile screeching that "The Dominion lawsuit proves it definitively" despite the fact that nothing is further from the truth

They are baseless allegations in a lawsuit, nothing more

Your masters have you jumping through their hoops because you are totally owned

An embarrassment to your poor mother

JVoV -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/18/2023 6:22:56 PM)

The Dominion case has actually proven nothing yet. It has alleged a hell of a lot. But until a verdict, nothing has been proven. Not even the truth, unfortunately.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 7:21:07 AM)


What about the mindless imbecile screeching that "The Dominion lawsuit proves it definitively" despite the fact that nothing is further from the truth
They are baseless allegations in a lawsuit, nothing more

Do my eyes deceive me? Are we actually having a debate?

To be clear and specific. The evidence acquired as part of the discovery phase of the Dominion lawsuit definitively proves my assertion in this thread. Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, and Laura Ingraham, purveyed the lies introduced by guests on their show whom they KNEW to be lying, thus protecting the Fox brand of brainwashing millions of people like my mother, in the name of maximizing profits for the company and themselves.

Here is one of DOZENS of articles from every reputable news outlet (NOTE: No such article from Fox News)

From the above link:

In a series of text messages, Carlson, Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham lambasted Powell and Giuliani for peddling conspiratorial goods without evidence. “Sidney Powell is lying. Fucking bitch,” Carlson wrote to Ingraham on Nov. 18. “Sidney is a complete nut. No one will work with her. Ditto with Rudy,” Ingraham responded.

This is of course happened WHILE
1. They continued to repeat the lies from Powell and Giuliani on their shows
2. Continued to invite them back to lie some more

This proves 100% unquesrionably, that they were more concerned with protecting their brand, which basically includes brainwashing millions of Americans, than actually telling the truth.

Nothing could be closer to the truth, because it obviously IS the truth.


Now to the Dominion lawsuit
Dominion is suing for defamation, which is very difficult to establish in a court of law. To establish defamation, the plaintiff must establish there was "Malice". In civil defamtion case, malice can mean either willful intent to defame (which legally implies lying), or a reckless disregard for the turth (resulting in defamation, and thereby lying)
Anyhting short of that, is simply "Free speech"

These text messages CLEARLY establish a reckless disregard for the truth. I doubt FOX News had anything against Dominion voting systems. However, they CHOSE not to tell the truth, out of fear, it would alienate their brainwashed audience.

Now consider the following...
From the link


Fox Chairman Rupert Murdoch called the idea that the election was stolen “really crazy stuff.” Shortly after the election, his top execs circulated a New York Post piece urging Trump to “stop the ’stolen election’ rhetoric” and “get Rudy Giuliani off TV.” They also openly fretted about whether Hannity, Ingraham and Carlson would indulge the conspiracy theories on their shows.

Rupert Murdoch knew Powell and Giuliani were lying and was concerned about Hannity, Carlon, and Ingrham repeating the lies. (But ultimately did nothing to stop it)

Here is Tucker Carlosn trying to get a reporter fired for simply TELLING the truth on air! (Cancel culture anyone?)


Hannity and Carlson tried to get Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich fired for fact-checking a Trump tweet about Dominion and noting that there was no evidence of votes being destroyed. “Please get her fired. Seriously… What the fuck?” Carlson texted Ingraham and Hannity on Nov. 12, 2020. “It’s measurably hurting the company. The stock price is down. Not a joke.” Hannity exploded on top execs, including one who panicked and wrote that Heinrich “has serious nerve doing this and if this gets picked up, viewers are going to be further disgusted” with Fox.

Trying to actually SUPPRESS the truth in order to protect the stock price and the brand.

And finally

On Nov. 19, 2020, after Fox broadcasted the now-infamous Giuliani and Powell press conference about Dominion, then-White House correspondent Kristen Fisher got in trouble for fact-checking their bogus claims. Per the filing, “Fisher received a call from her boss, Bryan Boughton, immediately after in which he emphasized that higher-ups at Fox News were also unhappy with it, and that Fisher needed to do a better job of, this is a quote, respecting our audience.”

"Fisher needed to do a better job of respecting our audience" - Their brainwashed audience.
More PROOF that Fox was 100% concerned with keeping their audience, and 0% concerned with telling the truth.

Dominion's burden is CLEARLY met.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 7:27:28 AM)


The Dominion case has actually proven nothing yet. It has alleged a hell of a lot. But until a verdict, nothing has been proven. Not even the truth, unfortunately.

Pure nonsense in every sense. Evidence is acquired during discovery in a case. In this case, it definitively proves that the Fox hosts knew Powell and Giuliani were lying and continued to:

1. Repeat their lies on air
2. Continue to invite them on their shows


But until a verdict, nothing has been proven.

A truly ridiculous statement.
Facts can most certainly be proven and established before a verdict is rendered.

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 8:52:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01
According to the filing,

Thanks for the backup

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 9:54:50 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01
According to the filing,

Thanks for the backup

And the filing includes ACTUAL text messages.
Check and Mate.

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 10:18:40 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01
According to the filing,

Thanks for the backup

And the filing includes ACTUAL text messages.
Check and Mate.

So in your mind every argument against your cult's insanity is null and void because Fox News

You march with the globalist elites and their corporate-owned media, all of the literal zealots who want nothing more than to tear asunder all who disagree with the woke narrative even slightly

"OMFG - free speech on Twitter, it's the end of the fucking world...."

In your mind you have "proven" (PROVEN!!!!) that Tucker Carlson doesn't believe anything he says. Every possible argument against your cult's Loony Tunes narratives can be summarily dismissed now

So we clearly see (those of us who are actual critical thinkers) that your cult is all about crushing the messenger. Useful idiots like you prove that premise every day

And still you believe that you're all about "critical thinkers contributing" when that is the very last thing your cult believe in

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 11:56:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Pure nonsense in every sense. Evidence is acquired during discovery in a case. In this case, it definitively proves that the Fox hosts knew Powell and Giuliani were lying and continued to:

1. Repeat their lies on air
2. Continue to invite them on their shows

Where do you get your wild-eyed propaganda, because that's not reality

Here's what Tucker said on air at the time (with video at the linked site):


Tucker Carlson Tonight
November 19, 2020

Tucker: If Trump campaign has voter fraud proof, we need to see it

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host reacts to Trump campaign lawyers alleging massive election fraud in 2020 election

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 12:47:38 PM)


So in your mind every argument against your cult's insanity is null and void because Fox News

I don't have a cult, and I welcome any fact-based point of view.


"OMFG - free speech on Twitter, it's the end of the fucking world...."

Love it! Go Elon Musk!


In your mind you have "proven" (PROVEN!!!!) that Tucker Carlson doesn't believe anything he says. Every possible argument against your cult's Loony Tunes narratives can be summarily dismissed now

I haven't proven a damn thing. His own text messages prove it.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 12:54:27 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Pure nonsense in every sense. Evidence is acquired during discovery in a case. In this case, it definitively proves that the Fox hosts knew Powell and Giuliani were lying and continued to:

1. Repeat their lies on air
2. Continue to invite them on their shows

Where do you get your wild-eyed propaganda, because that's not reality

Here's what Tucker said on air at the time (with video at the linked site):


Tucker Carlson Tonight
November 19, 2020

Tucker: If Trump campaign has voter fraud proof, we need to see it

'Tucker Carlson Tonight' host reacts to Trump campaign lawyers alleging massive election fraud in 2020 election

Except just a few days later From the massive MAGA backlash for his daring to question the Trump campaign and Sydney Powell, this happened...

On Monday, Donald Trump finally gave the word for the transition of power to the Biden administration to begin. Later that evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson doubled down on his pro-Trump narratives, outright accusing the left of rigging the election and peddling Trump’s voting-machine conspiracy theory in his latest election rant.

“You’ve heard a lot over the past few days about the security of our electronic voting machines, and this is a real issue no matter who raises it or who tries to dismiss it out of hand as a conspiracy theory. Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting, period. It never will be as secure,” Tucker said at the beginning of his opening monologue.

“The people now telling us to stop asking questions about voting machines are the same ones who claim that our phones weren’t listening to us,” he continued. “They lie.”

And that doesn't even count Hannity and Ingraham spouting the same lies over and over...

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 1:01:18 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

I don't have a cult, and I welcome any fact-based point of view.

You cannot see how you argue lies even after the lies are exposed. You posted that Carlson texted doubts about Trump lawyer's claims yet continued to repeat what you allege to be lies about election integrity...

I posted VIDEO of the opposite being true - Carlson said ON AIR at the time, that he needed to see the proof. We ALL do. Watch the video and you will learn that he said that he wanted the truth, either way

Truth, a thing that is totally alien to someone like you - a literal cult member

Never mind the fact that your cult denies every election it loses, making any Republican election fraud claims totally moot from the standpoint of your babbling about respecting the system or whatever blah blah blah cult nonsense you spew

Edit to add context - I posted this:


You cannot see how you argue lies even after the lies are exposed. You posted that Carlson texted doubts about Trump lawyer's claims yet continued to repeat what you allege to be lies about election integrity...

It should have been more clear. You claimed that Tucker continued to support Giuliani and Powell's lies about having proof of election fraud, "even inviting them on the show" etc.

No he very obviously did not.

What he DID say, in essence - is that everyone deserves election integrity. A statement that is only controversial to the mindwashed lemmings on the left, who lurch from screaming about stolen elections one cycle, to "election deniers need to be shot" the next

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 1:12:14 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Except just a few days later From the massive MAGA backlash for his daring to question the Trump campaign and Sydney Powell, this happened...

On Monday, Donald Trump finally gave the word for the transition of power to the Biden administration to begin. Later that evening, Fox News host Tucker Carlson doubled down on his pro-Trump narratives, outright accusing the left of rigging the election and peddling Trump’s voting-machine conspiracy theory in his latest election rant.

“You’ve heard a lot over the past few days about the security of our electronic voting machines, and this is a real issue no matter who raises it or who tries to dismiss it out of hand as a conspiracy theory. Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting, period. It never will be as secure,” Tucker said at the beginning of his opening monologue.

“The people now telling us to stop asking questions about voting machines are the same ones who claim that our phones weren’t listening to us,” he continued. “They lie.”

And that doesn't even count Hannity and Ingraham spouting the same lies over and over...

A generic statement about making sure that balloting is secure and trustworthy is something critical thinkers can all agree on, too bad you're with the cult fringe on that

Regarding Hannity and Ingraham, more of your cult howling - I don't know or care what they said because while I neither like them nor do I listen to them, unlike you and your cult I respect their freedom of expression

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 1:24:44 PM)



You cannot see how you argue lies even after the lies are exposed. You posted that Carlson texted doubts about Trump lawyer's claims yet continued to repeat what you allege to be lies about election integrity...

I posted VIDEO of the opposite being true - Carlson said ON AIR at the time, that he needed to see the proof. We ALL do. Watch the video and you will learn that he said that he wanted the truth, either way

Per my earlier post... I acknowledged that he said ON AIR that he needed to see the proof. Although dozens of times prior, when he and other Fox hosts had Powell and Giuliani on their shows. They never challenged anything that was said, until finally Carlson asked for some evidence once with Powell on.

Carlson provided an "UPDATE" subsequent to texting Ingraham about her lies, and received such an overwhelming MAGA backlash for daring to challenge the Master, he switched to simply implying the voting machines were rigged without going into specifics. This of course being AFTER he said he "needed proof".

BoscoX -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 1:29:52 PM)

Again -

Unlike you mindwashed lemmings on the left, who lurch from screaming about stolen elections one cycle, to "election deniers need to be shot" the next? Conservatives remain consistent.

This cycle it's a "conspiracy theory" on the part of the cult that owns you, to opine in favor of election integrity

A crime against humanity now

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 1:31:13 PM)




“You’ve heard a lot over the past few days about the security of our electronic voting machines, and this is a real issue no matter who raises it or who tries to dismiss it out of hand as a conspiracy theory. Electronic voting is not as secure as traditional hand counting, period. It never will be as secure,” Tucker said at the beginning of his opening monologue.

A generic statement about making sure that balloting is secure and trustworthy is something critical thinkers can all agree on, too bad you're with the cult fringe on that

A very specific statement about the security of electronic voting machines (That have a clear audit trail BTW). Definitely not a generic statement. It was designed to appease the MAGA crowd, which was ready to drop Tucker in an instant after he dared question Sydney Powell. He never saw any issues with electronic voting machines.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Fox News brainwashing - Proven (2/19/2023 1:35:51 PM)



Again -

Unlike you mindwashed lemmings on the left, who lurch from screaming about stolen elections one cycle, to "election deniers need to be shot" the next? Conservatives remain consistent.

This cycle it's a "conspiracy theory" on the part of the cult that owns you, to opine in favor of election integrity

A crime against humanity now

I don't really care what people on the left do. I am sick of hearing about them or from them. Everything to them is crime against humanity.

The point of my thread is that the evidence in the Dominion lawsuit proves what we have all known about Fox News.

Look at JVOV's link...

From the previous lawsuit against Tucker Carlson which was dismissed by the judge.


Just read U.S. District Judge Mary Kay Vyskocil's opinion, leaning heavily on the arguments of Fox's lawyers: The "'general tenor' of the show should then inform a viewer that [Carlson] is not 'stating actual facts' about the topics he discusses and is instead engaging in 'exaggeration' and 'non-literal commentary.' "

Then there is this


During the 2016 presidential campaign, McDougal, a former Playboy model, had sought to tell her account of an earlier affair with Trump. The National Enquirer tabloid bought McDougal's story for $150,000 during the 2016 campaign and then buried it to protect Trump from any fallout.

More than two years later, in December 2018, Carlson began presenting Trump as the victim of extortion. Seeking to discredit former Trump attorney Michael Cohen's tale of hush payments — and alleged campaign finance law violations — Carlson first told viewers, "Remember the facts of the story. These are undisputed."

But they aren't undisputed. They're not even facts.

He then proceeded to say, "Two women approach Donald Trump and threaten to ruin his career and humiliate his family if he doesn't give them money. Now that sounds like a classic case of extortion."

Pictures of former adult film star Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, and McDougal flashed on screen. Cohen paid Daniels $130,000 on behalf of Trump, who denies that either affair occurred.

In reality, McDougal never approached Trump. She and her representative had spoken to ABC News and to the National Enquirer because, she said, she feared word of the affair would leak out during the campaign anyway and she preferred to be the one to tell the story. It wasn't publicly known that David Pecker, then the CEO of the tabloid's parent company, had promised Trump he would help keep stories about extramarital affairs from seeing the light of day.

Carlson and Fox never corrected that significant error, as The Washington Post's Erik Wemple underscored.

Carlson first told viewers, "Remember the facts of the story. These are undisputed."

But they aren't undisputed. They're not even facts.

The MAGA crowd laps this stuff up like catnip. My poor mother has been sucked into it.

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