Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (Full Version)

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BoscoX -> Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (4/30/2023 5:56:07 PM)

Video - The full context of Tucker Carlson's views on Ukraine

JVoV -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (4/30/2023 6:02:31 PM)

More Russian propoganda?

How does one tan their balls though? Is there like a George Foreman grill thing to do that?

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (4/30/2023 6:52:00 PM)



Video - The full context of Tucker Carlson's views on Ukraine

Not even close. This is not even the same broadcast. This is an unrelated set of lies by Carlson saying there was no evidence that the DNC server was hacked.

This is not anywhere near the context of Tucker Carlson's views on Puting and Ukraine.

The video you posted is of Tucker Carlson lying about the DNC server. He claims there was no evidence 7 years later. A lie. You are just so fucking gullible.

Here is the Russian convicted of who doing it.
Russian Who Claims Hillary Clinton, DNC Email Hack Gets 14-Year Sentence

HERE is the context of Tucker's view on Ukraine and Putin.
Tucker Carlson: Americans have been trained to hate Putin, and will suffer because of it

BoscoX -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (4/30/2023 8:24:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

This is not even the same broadcast.

I asked you to provide the full clip, but you refused because you're a Russian asset (obviously). You don't want to muddy up your Russian psyop campaign.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (4/30/2023 8:44:28 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

This is not even the same broadcast.

I asked you to provide the full clip, but you refused because you're a Russian asset (obviously). You don't want to muddy up your Russian psyop campaign.

A complete lie.
Not only did I NOT refuse. I provided the entire clip in the Fox News link, which I have posted twice,
I am posting it a 3rd time.
Tucker Carlson: Americans have been trained to hate Putin, and will suffer because of it

It is so simple. I can't understand what you are failing to comprehend. Tucker Carlson's broadcast in the link above (which contains the entire clip) was broadcast on Russian TV.

Either you are just mornically stupid or you are a Russian agent.

There are no other choices here. I now have posted the same link with the ENTIRE clip 3 times.

Tkman117 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/9/2023 10:30:07 AM)

Jag, my friend, he's a RW troll trying to rile you up. He's not interested in honest discussion, he's just 'sticking it to the libs'. He's a sheep who fell for the propaganda hook, line and sinker. He deserves pity more than anything. This is why I've moved on from trying to debate these morons. There's no saving a man dying of thirst when he's convinced sand is water.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/9/2023 7:16:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Jag, my friend, he's a RW troll trying to rile you up. He's not interested in honest discussion, he's just 'sticking it to the libs'. He's a sheep who fell for the propaganda hook, line and sinker. He deserves pity more than anything. This is why I've moved on from trying to debate these morons. There's no saving a man dying of thirst when he's convinced sand is water.

BoscoX and I go back many years. I consider him a friend. Yes it is true, he is not interested on honest discussion. He knows very well that I can't be trolled. I just resort to logic and facts. It is entertaining to watch him squirm when he is cornered by the facts.

BoscoX -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/9/2023 10:46:46 PM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Jag, my friend, he's a RW troll trying to rile you up. He's not interested in honest discussion, he's just 'sticking it to the libs'. He's a sheep who fell for the propaganda hook, line and sinker. He deserves pity more than anything. This is why I've moved on from trying to debate these morons. There's no saving a man dying of thirst when he's convinced sand is water.

BoscoX and I go back many years. I consider him a friend. Yes it is true, he is not interested on honest discussion. He knows very well that I can't be trolled. I just resort to logic and facts. It is entertaining to watch him squirm when he is cornered by the facts.

I'm old enough to remember yesterday, when a troll was the moron derailing threads into discussions of people rather than the topics

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/10/2023 7:25:20 PM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01


ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Jag, my friend, he's a RW troll trying to rile you up. He's not interested in honest discussion, he's just 'sticking it to the libs'. He's a sheep who fell for the propaganda hook, line and sinker. He deserves pity more than anything. This is why I've moved on from trying to debate these morons. There's no saving a man dying of thirst when he's convinced sand is water.

BoscoX and I go back many years. I consider him a friend. Yes it is true, he is not interested on honest discussion. He knows very well that I can't be trolled. I just resort to logic and facts. It is entertaining to watch him squirm when he is cornered by the facts.

I'm old enough to remember yesterday, when a troll was the moron derailing threads into discussions of people rather than the topics

So says the man who randomly told a new poster on here that I should be ignored and rarely make any sense :)

Back to the topic. You said that the full Tucker Carlson broadcast revealed that I was some kind of wild-eyed leftist fool (parphrasing, but that is BoscoX-ish language)
I posted a link to the full broadcast (the link is a Fox News link). I have asked you cite from the broadcast what exactly reveals this.

So far no response.

I posted a link to the full broadcast. I posted a link to the Russian TV clip re-broadcasting Tucker Carlson. You can verify that they are broadcasting Tucker's uneditied comments.

What exactly are you disputing?

JVoV -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/11/2023 12:43:00 PM)

Awe. Poor Bosco. So sad other ppl think you suck too. I thought it was just me.

I don't understand Carlson's real goals here, as I don't think they are in this country's best interests.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/12/2023 7:11:49 PM)



Awe. Poor Bosco. So sad other ppl think you suck too. I thought it was just me.

I don't understand Carlson's real goals here, as I don't think they are in this country's best interests.

He is being paid by the Russians, who just offered him a full-time job.

JVoV -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 4:44:35 AM)

You keep saying that like it proves something. Or actually means anything. It doesn't.

I knew from the bowtie & smug face that he was evil a long time ago. His texts released during the Dominion lawsuit was proof that even he didn't believe the shit he said on TV.

But until you can provide an actual financial link directly between Tucker & Russia, all you have is innuendo & accusations. A definite maybe. I get enough of that from Bosco. Do we need a lefty version of that?

I'm not saying Carlson isn't a Russian asset, I'm just saying we don't have definitive proof yet.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 8:30:10 AM)



You keep saying that like it proves something. Or actually means anything. It doesn't.

I knew from the bowtie & smug face that he was evil a long time ago. His texts released during the Dominion lawsuit was proof that even he didn't believe the shit he said on TV.

But until you can provide an actual financial link directly between Tucker & Russia, all you have is innuendo & accusations. A definite maybe. I get enough of that from Bosco. Do we need a lefty version of that?

I'm not saying Carlson isn't a Russian asset, I'm just saying we don't have definitive proof yet.

Ummm no. That is the first and only time I have ever said it. It does mean exactly what it says. I am sorry if the meaning is lost on you.

Your point is well taken, that I have taken some Boscox'-ish liberty with some conjecture on my part. I therefore withdraw it as a definitive statement.
I will say "Anecdotal evidence appears to indicate that Tucker Carlson is being compensated by the Russians, directly or indirectly."

And his compensation may not be directly monetary.

The fact that he simply articulates Russian propaganda exactly matching the Russian State TV line. The fact that his exact Fox News broadcasts are re-broadcast on Russian TV. His close contacts with the Trump administration and all of their direct relationships with Russian Oligarchs.

Remember Mike Flynn, who appeared mulitple times on Russian TV before being named by Trump as National Security Advisor?

And the fact that Russian TV offered him a full-time job almost seconds after the announcement of his Fox New firing.

All of that points to (in my opinion) Tucker Carlson being compensated by the Russians.

Once again, I withdraw the statement as affirmative. BTW: The ONE and ONLY time I have EVER said it.
And I replace it with this statement:
"Anecdotal evidence appears to indicate that Tucker Carlson is being compensated by the Russians, directly or indirectly."

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 8:39:05 AM)


I knew from the bowtie & smug face that he was evil a long time ago.

He was always a bit smug. His Fox News show took the smugness up 100x. Which is so ironic when he nightly announced that his show's mission was to be the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity smugness and group think.

I kid you not. Those were his EXACT words on his show. I could not think of a show more DEDICATED to lying, pomposity, smugness, and group think.


In my opinion, when he was the bow-tied right of center voice on CNN, he made a lot of sense. His ideas were well thought out. His conclusions often reasonable. He mostly refrained from outright lies.
I would say he made sense about 80% of the time.

I would say I fully agreed with him about 40% of the time. I am trying to find the interview where he said he would never go on Fox News because they have no journalistic standards.

I miss the Bow Tie Tucker Carlson. The Fox News Tucker Carlson bashed his head in with a baseball bat, and took all the $$$ his #1 ratings brought him.

RealDominantLover -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 9:51:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: Tkman117

Jag, my friend, he's a RW troll trying to rile you up. He's not interested in honest discussion, he's just 'sticking it to the libs'. He's a sheep who fell for the propaganda hook, line and sinker. He deserves pity more than anything. This is why I've moved on from trying to debate these morons. There's no saving a man dying of thirst when he's convinced sand is water.

The 'deep state' is laughing at the right paying right into their hands. Simply can't stop laughing at trump. [They] want and the right wants, American vs American and they are getting it.

You are quite correct, just like the H. Biden thing. You could have a courtroom filled for days, prove it was a total creation of disinformation and agitprop, yet, nobody on the right will believe it, because they don't need to, it's just to get back at the libs.

BoscoX -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 10:07:37 AM)


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

He is being paid by the Russians, who just offered him a full-time job.

This is why I post that leftists are wild-eyed howlers

I post it because it's true. Practically everything they post are lies.

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 10:25:08 AM)




ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

He is being paid by the Russians, who just offered him a full-time job.

This is why I post that leftists are wild-eyed howlers

I post it because it's true. Practically everything they post are lies.


What leftists do is hardly my concern. You can post your nonsensical drivel about leftists all you want. I see right through ideologues. Their ideology falls apart when applied to logic and real facts.

As for me... I posted one affirmative statement, and withdrew and modified it within one day. You have never done anything of the kind.
If lying is the definition of leftists, you are certainly one hell of a leftist!

How many times did you state affirmatively that Ray Epps is an FBI operative?
How many times did you state or imply that ballots were miscounted in the 2020 election?
How many times did you state that Biden participated in a quid pro quo for Chinese $$$?

Did you ever withdraw or modify those statements? None of those are proven or established.

If you are broadening the definition of a lie to include affirmatively stating an unproven set of circumstances, then you are the absolute king of liars, and by your definition, the ultimate leftist!

Oh, and you are a wild-eyed howler! LOL

And yes Tucker Carlson was immediately courted by Russian TV

Tucker Carlson is out at Fox News but welcome on Russian TV

BoscoX -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 8:56:39 PM)

"Welcome at Russian TV" isn't the same as "He is being paid by the Russians", howler.

Where is your proof of your wild-eyed howler claim that Tucker Carlson is being paid by the Russians

Biden invited the Russians into Ukraine - Tucker Carlson did not. You and your daddy are the Russian assets

MasterJaguar01 -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 9:06:46 PM)



"Welcome at Russian TV" isn't the same as "He is being paid by the Russians", howler.

Where is your proof of your wild-eyed howler claim that Tucker Carlson is being paid by the Russians

Biden invited the Russians into Ukraine - Tucker Carlson did not. You and your daddy are the Russian assets

I already retracted my statement about him being paid by the Russians. Are you that unable to read a couple paragraphs to comprehend?

Why do you keep saying that Biden invited Russians into Ukraine? Do you really WANT to sound like a moron?

The whole idea is just stupid. Like Ray Epps commanding the Proud Boys to attack the capitol.

BoscoX -> RE: Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues (5/13/2023 9:10:34 PM)

Oh, you "retracted" it

That's supposed to make it okay

You're really not old enough to be here, are you

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