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What happened to collarchat - 9/6/2023 12:31:33 PM   

Posts: 1817
Joined: 10/1/2007
From: Saint Pete,FL
Status: offline
I remember years ago people used these forums alot. Until they deactivated it back in 2017 and is now back online after all these years. What was the point in all that? How to revive this, if possible.


Charley aka Sub Guy
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 9/23/2023 12:26:03 PM   

Posts: 1817
Joined: 10/1/2007
From: Saint Pete,FL
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There does seem to be a few people still active in here. That's a good start. Or the Forums as we can call it now


Charley aka Sub Guy

(in reply to Charles6682)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 9/24/2023 8:52:29 AM   

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A lot of forum profiles lead to, so that would be my guess. A few people from before have shown up, but it's hard to put energy into something that has already proven unstable,. We have yet to hear anything from anyone running the site, but colkarsoave profiles can take qyute a while to update, makung the site simply unusable for some. Other kinks sites are easier to deal with in that regard.

A lot has happened since the forums went dark. I think there are some that really want this place to go back to the way it was, but it's difficult to bprebuild a community, and really, not our place, especially since we have no idea what may happen with the place at any point.

The server seems much more stable than it used to be. Outages were a regular thing before. But I've seen no sign of a moderator on the forums, although I haven't seen any spambot posts either, so I can't say nothing is happening on that level.

(in reply to Charles6682)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 9/24/2023 11:40:51 AM   

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Holy crap, I can't type worth a fuck. Geez.

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/16/2023 11:14:59 PM   

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I got another flock of cats?
Fuck, lot 3 flock are all 12.

The owner didn't give a shit? I think it was that.

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/16/2023 11:52:20 PM   

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At no point did he ever make an announcement in all the time I have been here.

two people used to "own" here
They fell out. That is when the site name changed.

I tried to mail him - 6 times plus.

How much do you want to know?

Some idiot on here tried to buy the place. (claimed to me)

How is that loon these days anyway? I trust her as far as I can throw her and pack of lies but she meant well didn't she?

I think the owner had issues on who to trust. Working out well for you is it? Past and present?

This place was never sold to alt. Which one of you idiots started that on the other place?

The "server" never went down.

If he was going to sell to alt he would have done that a long time ago.

As for alt it is essentially one cartel who owns all those places. By places I mean every "dating site"

(in reply to wickedsdesires)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/17/2023 7:41:17 PM   

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He and the woman in question owned this site jointly and they had falling out. The domain was in her name, so she took it down. That's when the name changed.

Then the site started to go downhill because he had failing health. I offered to buy the site (along with a few other people) and he declined. His lawyers fended off anyone that offered to buy this site.

Then all the bullshit that happened here, prompted the removal of the forums.

I don't know if the owner is still alive, I lost interest long ago.

I just come on to see old friends.


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(in reply to wickedsdesires)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/20/2023 10:18:16 AM   

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I offered to buy the site (along with a few other people)

I heard as much over the years, and about the falling out. She had a fund-me page up somewhere for a wee bit. Not a clue what happened with that.

There is obviously a lot I don't know but it seemed to me, years gone by, a few of you Americans knew who he was and what was happening.

One of my criticisms: I have never seen any announcements over the decades, be it on groups or from GOLD - if they still have that? If you still have his ear, presuming he trusts you, tell him to make the odd announcement.

(nice to see you still here, after all these years)

(in reply to OsideGirl)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/29/2023 6:51:05 PM   

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I think it would be easy to get enough people together to buy the site... it's brought so many together over the years. Crazy to think what a big part of my life Collarspace & Collarme were. Everything ends.

(in reply to OsideGirl)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/30/2023 1:15:07 PM   

Posts: 1817
Joined: 10/1/2007
From: Saint Pete,FL
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I didn't realize there was so much background information that has effected this site. Well, it's back up and running again now.....


Charley aka Sub Guy

(in reply to MistressBrie23)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/30/2023 9:30:24 PM   

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HELP! I forget how to add pics lol

(in reply to Charles6682)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/30/2023 11:14:32 PM   

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I guess the problem was the link I was trying to use had a lot of junk after the .jpg. I think it's solved.

(in reply to kkaliforniaa)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/31/2023 6:37:20 AM   

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You manage okay with that kkaliforniaa?

Click Edit profile
Under the profile text box you will see Select a photo to upload or delete

That will be your primary photo - you can upload more than one but remember to use the drop down arrow next to primary photo then you will see additional photo 1, 2, 3, etc.

The moment you edit your profile it will go for approval which should take less than one day, two tops. You will be better to do all your edits at one time.

(in reply to kkaliforniaa)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 10/31/2023 3:39:45 PM   

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I meant adding pictures to the forums.

On a different matter, is the other side working? One minute I was looking at someone's profile then the next minute the entire website is white and I can't look at anything. I think this is related to the chat because I walked into the chat the other day and someone had mentioned there were a lot of spammers and people not speaking english. I questioned this, then was banned from the chat because I annoyed someone.

(in reply to wickedsdesires)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 11/1/2023 7:01:34 AM   

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I'm gsme for revitilizing these dusty pews


"One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die. "

(in reply to kkaliforniaa)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 11/1/2023 12:06:00 PM   

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And this time, I'm staying out of the political forums! ;-)

(in reply to Kana)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 11/2/2023 8:22:53 AM   

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I forget but there used to be something like a 25-40Kb limit on picture you could upload to your group profile. I changed my main picture on the site 2 weeks ago and it seems to be using that picture automatically on groups.

Just checked it links to my profile now, which it didn't use to do in the olde days.

Are you directly accessing the groups only or do you login into the site first?

I always access the site through, well, the main collar site.

If anyone cant access the Chatroom let me know I will send you a link (add it to your favs). At the moment they have removed the button because of spammer issues. I haven't noticed spammer issues myself.

(in reply to kkaliforniaa)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 11/9/2023 9:29:43 AM   

Posts: 1817
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From: Saint Pete,FL
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I do see this site becoming alittle more active lately. That's a good start.


Charley aka Sub Guy

(in reply to wickedsdesires)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 11/11/2023 3:29:30 PM   

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I come into the chat room every so often. It gets a bit quiet at times.

We could use more people, especially females.

(in reply to Charles6682)
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RE: What happened to collarchat - 11/11/2023 3:29:44 PM   

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I come into the chat room every so often. It gets a bit quiet at times.

We could use more people, especially females.

(in reply to Charles6682)
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