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Joined: 8/29/2023 Status: offline
Barack Obama, was Muhammad's candidate; George Soros, responsible for the private comic union's attack of September 11th, by print of Seinfeld; the NYPD's "ploy" notes, counter-terror, as anti-cllimax, intended for the New England FBI, Pitcairn; the murder of the holders of the Union Civil War notes, the Gays, was the theft of the documents, through the father of David Masouz, enslaved by labor letters through the return to the Confederacy; racists like Bill Clinton, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Juden South; not the Scallywags of the North, long ago reformed of Irish labor slavery through the city unions; the Canadian Fergusons, the Kennedies of Chicago, Boston, and Ontario. The Haganah, has been undone, since 1988, the fall of the Berlin Wall, and Nixon's death on the trading floor, my acts continuing, as Piter de Vries, Jim Bowie. The final stage, is the nuclear destruction of London and Paris and Tokyo, for the Mossad, King Fahd. Obama, the Temple on the Mount, Trump, the Satan Claus, and Biden, the French pimento marinara, have been frauded into office, and destroyed. Soon, the Coolidges (Latin America), the Kennedies (Canada), and the Bushes (the American East), Spaniards, Irish, and Turks shall be free, from the Bruce, Gaza; King Charles. The will of the Pashtun of Carthage, my mother's blood, the autochthonic, be done. Through my daughter, the Russian spy. For the end to the Talmud and the Aryans; no more Isaac.