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Centuriies of Service ("Chet") - 10/3/2023 1:35:42 PM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023
Status: offline
"Stand By Me" - Ben E. King; redeeming David Masouz, the slave of George Soros.

"The Jets Patriots Rivalry" - the NYPD takes on the Yakuza, the New England temps.

"The Thin Red Line" - the MI-6 betrayal of Hideki Tojo, the American business partner before Hiroshima, the redemption of the Japanese infantry by the USMC.

"The Sopranos: The Saints of Newrak" - the Canada Division, Lucky Luciano, the carpet trade for MI-6 casinos.

"Marlboro Reds" - the Bombardier cigarette fortune, the cotton tobacco filter, for fire safety.

"John Wilkes Booth" - the betrayal of the Union by MI-6, for swearing blacks as slaves of courts, instead of the whip.

"The Secret Six" - The Madison regime, the Mossad versus the Haganah, the MI-6 Troits; Austrians, Bathory's Esquire.

"GI Joe: The Movie" - The Canadian spy ring, John Charlie, Redcoat infantry; the betrayal of the Hessians, by Britain, to keep Natives and German seperated.

"Romeo + Juliet" - The theft of the Montague Hamas's semen, by a Capulet Fatih, the beginning of the Ignatians, the Nazis.

"Jack Sparrow" - The departure of the Tudors, to the high seas, to seek their fortune; Morgan Thatch.

"Transformers: The Animated Series" - Starscream, Pierre the Coward; the blood of Optimus Prime, Saladin, during the Third Crusade; the war for energon, cow and heffer.

"Monty Python: the Spanish Inquisition" - Torquemada, immune to hypnosis, killing hypnotists by self immolation, to free Christians for the grocery trade.

"Iron Maiden - Prowler" - Centuries as street killers, the Thieves Guild, removing the Roman Patrician power of crime, the scarred coins; the Masons, Freemasons, and their parent organization, "SCEPTER", the Hindu Dindu.

"Passion of the Christ" - Cassius, Roger-19; the anti-Semite, for snitching on the the Italian Mafia, the Legion; killing without order, only pardon, the Legion gene; caught on camera, the Bible. Narc.

"The Highwayman - Johnny Cash" - The origin of the faith, the Minotian Gypsies.
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