Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023 Status: offline
Tom Riddle (Lord Voldemort): Ismael: Samson, Variant Judas Iscariot. Promethean: Aristotle, Variant Theseus. Achievements: Korean Yakuza: The removal of worker's production demands in favor of increase to wage, and the removal of spouse registration in favor of open mingling of cohabitation prior to engagement. FBI: The lift of MI-6 Hindu Theraveda records to safe storage in Texas and Langley, for analysis by the Bush Jesuit Society, out of private stockholds in Turkey and the Diner's Association. CIA: The nullification of the Episcopalians of New England, by an international pattern virus shape inserted per type of spectrum, to remove abuse of poverty patients threatened by draft recruit as children. IRA: The reversal of forced spousal conjugal among females, by proving the rule through visits to prostitutes and the incarceration of a female stalker in psychiatric nursing seeking to marry with child at force, therefore proving the rule for women to defend against men. Secret Service: The removal of Fentanyl poisonings by the Fraternal Order of Police and the State Police Union, and the return of the Fentanyl poison practice through Madrid, back into Mecca, to shut down production facilities in Riyadh. Comedy Central, is removed from the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department and the ZODIAC Commission's control, George Soros, and returned to the Los Angeles Police Department, the Foreign Office. NSA: The return of Sharon township's corrections hub, through a forward rolling assault masterminded through Philip J. Morris (tobacco laws), SIGINT (Code Pink), HUMINT (Comedy Central film), NSA OP-INT (GTA V penmanship), ACLU (the downfall of Likud through EON), the US Army (the strip of weapons badges from Comcast Church of Latterday Saints), with a return of the Greek Orthodox community, as opposed to the Jewish Orthodoxy, removing the deliberately confused terms between Eastern Christianity, and Militant Judaism Presbyterianism. USMC: The removal of terror targets at top spymaster positions, unpopular in their organizations, through a pattern shape from multiple forms, and the strip of the organizations into merger with funding under the Italian Mafia, the FBI, inside comic book housings under the Mossad; Amazon Comixology. MI-6: The defense of the Crown Coronet Jessica, and the murders or executions or assassinations of opponents of her grandfather, Sirhan Sirhan, to protect the legacy of her great aunt, Lady Diana. Boston Wights Front: Street intelligence work to remove Iran, Macy's, Boston Rabbinical Law, Ashland SWAT, Parisian Circus, Canadian Mounted, Japanese Automotive, and Israel from influence over locale public programs of NATO prevalence. PRCC: The removal of seven Likud figures, through fraudulent villains in the Daniel Craig Bond films, five of them, to lead to the downfall of Benjamin Netanyahu, a British spy planted in Israel. Clear Channel: The currency fraud removed from dozens of illicit agents of queer culture, in various forms, and throughout entire structures, to return America to its solemncy as an adults culture, where children can live without fear of extortion by parent to be involved in the arts or shows or drama. Boston Police: The nullification of fifteen MI-6 BOX agents of controversial bloodlines, through private book study, neglecting video games and instead using course work, to counter each, into public suit of humiliation into scheisse play, man-on-woman brown showers. Vatican: The counteraction of MI-6 agents working on field report, through techniques duplication SIS MI-6, however as COIN signals variables, for takedowns through world history of antiquity. COINTELPRO: The print of DC Comics and video games, for American training purposes, to counteract the IDF, with NYFD, NYPD, FBI, CIA, NSA, and Wiccan engrams encoded, to counter the British-Israeli alliance out of David Cameron's regime. German Owls Parliament: The refusal of CIA services, to join the Mossad, for future events; the bribe refused, and the shutdown of the "leisure suit" program. Dar Es Al Salaam: The nullification of Argentinian Jew Fascistas out of Juan Peron's regime, and the removal of James "Whitey" Bulger's staged elements of the Mossad, from New England, allowing Pope Francis to do as he wishes, and to escape the hatred of the Jewish orders of Latin-America, as Pontiff. The reversal of retired spies, and varsity athletes, statuses in rehabilitation, and hospital incarceration.