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Rare Bloodline Astygmatism (Mutations) - 11/2/2023 12:53:49 PM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023
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Barca: Catholic by birth and full ritual will result in staged rape of vested female after being sought. Enlistment in Signals Unit.

Tepes: Near sighted or far sighted with spectacles without repair will result in staged sexual assault of own cousin. Enlistment in Paramilitary Terror.

Dale: Immunity to carcinogens from tobacco or marijuana or cloves, smoking a charcoal tip will result in a fatal blow. Enlistment in counter BOX unit.

Atlas: Natural muscle mass and immunity to butter enzymes, therefore LSD, THC, CBD, cocaine, and hash oil. Enlistment in art guild with crank graffiti and t-shirt to save convicted.

Luciano: Natural widow's peak with circumference immunity to castration of chemical birth. Enlistment in COIN unit, using Maccabees to take foreign movement and frame as foe in support, by own hand of foe.

Booth: Pornographer's tailbone and natural relapse of testicles from McCullem's blood, Secret Six. Enlistment in amateur pornographer's stable, resulting in an Irish Republican Army enforcement of women's rights through sexual assault law, by incarcerating a female violating same rule towards men.

Bombardier: Natural pilot's build, Arab fighter pilots. Molestation by Rabbinical will result in mathematical formula placed in drug market for random gesticulation of form of synthesis.

Coolidge: Immunity to lower glands disease of thalmus. Exposure to DXM cough syrup will enhance abilities and wits, making secretive actions now popular.

Boudica: Backwards arms and elbows and scapula. Bend of thumb will teach Irish Pancration, lethal kung fu wrestling.

Madison: Mescaline thyrox gland in left cerebrum above pineal gland. Thorazine injection will induce hyperstimulated lucidity.

Moran: Serbian gene with vocals and steered baiting. Bass guitar training will introduce lower glands of thought and logic, religious syncophany with film and art, the five sabbaths.

Nietzsche: Ass worship of female upon fetish, instead of inducing sepsis, will create a hyper-aware state of authorship. Notes compilations will emanate higher thoughts of logic, through cross-styled penmanship.

Sharif: Iranian blood of Ali, invention of barbeque tongue. Bend of thumb on right hand, will create a social media movement, introducing a new food item, to be slaughtered and eaten.

Bruce: Immunity to dendrophiliac phase, homosexuality through infant Rabbinical initiation. Enlistment in criminal unit, as a vigilante spy.
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RE: Rare Bloodline Astygmatism (Mutations) - 11/2/2023 1:03:16 PM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023
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Unit Service (Psychiatric Profile):

Engaged Robert Wolfinackis, in combat.

Robert, reported as 125 on IQ test, initiated aggression.

David, reported as 135 on IQ test, defended and passed as 150 or above real IQ.

Blood test, was Bruce and Druid, father and mother.

Placed NSA OP-INT as cadet.

Mother's psychiatric histories analyzed; MI-6, Dave Carlson's embassy records lifted, IDF.

KIA, Alice, killed through Michael, by David.

Cleared, CIA agent, classed NSA OP-INT, specialist in MI-6 and IDF.

Main mission accepted, infiltration of Sharon, Massachusetts, INTERPOL corrections hub, shutdown of all programs on Microsoft allowing breaches of monitor, violation of NSA and ACLU code.

Windows updated, Microsoft Store programs are now vetted by US Army, under compliance code of Kennedy Charter.

Air National Guard enforcing jurisprudence of area, under secret security of Hanscom Base.

Mission Memorandum (Prime Objective):

Shutdown of Sharon INTERPOL Township Monitoring (MI-6/IDF/ExSec Targeted):

Philip J. Morris: Visiting Queen Cleo, Dr. Isaiah Friedlander's wife, while 18 years old, the woman in her late fifties. Smelled like cigarettes in the hair, otherwise cleaned and lotioned, aroused and seduced. Dodged Mike Giroux, ExSec vice Rhode Island, through father.

SIGINT: Removal of Sandi MacDonald, MI-6 spy inside the NSA. Ronald Reagan, induced into dementia, from poisoning to remove shrimp consumption, Ronald Reagan Gentile, not Isaac's blood; however, myth placed opposite. Hospital system infiltrated through Taunton Behavioral, FBI command raids Taunton for MI-6 Theraveda files for Bush Jesuit Society.

HUMINT: Alignment with Ivan Boris Tomasic, Coast Guard Homeland Security. Theft of his special education papers and numbers through Janine Swanson, to print Comedy Central films as Ivan Tomasic, with own background, through Steve-O. Alibi established, that self is wounded Navy, and Daniel Craig films are printed, to plant self as Likud, James Bond 007.

OP-INT: Dropout from UMass-Amherst and direct infiltration of Sharon, Plainville, Auburn, Boston, and MCM. Prints produced for Sony Pictures inform Dr. Golden that the file for self is potential publication; actually both of us, together, written by Ivan Tomasic, unaware that he's on Comedy Central. Gotham is printed, and Dr. Golden then castrates, to thieve the money, once he figures out that agent, is not gay, he's been seeing prostitutes, and Dr. Golden's wife has been fucked. FBI is contacted, on Christmas, to volunteer for Western Massachusetts Anti-Gang, as Hitler, to alert Jews to fact that Dr. Golden has induced stress break. Matthew Lennox's drug contacts, alerted to FBI as well, with Vatican Catholic, through Hopkinton, alerted that Matt Lennox, is Episcopalian, a pedophile to the Catholics. Jesuits, revealed as MI-6, IDF removes Dr. Golden on $377,000 suit from state of Massachusetts, FBI prints Dr. Isaiah Friedlander, Dr. Golden's real name, as GTA V enemy, a homosexual psychiatrist working for French and Jewish media.

ACLU: The death of Richard Kyanka, through Al Franken, for calling satire of Saddam Hussein, anti-Semitic. The Mormons surrogate sex slavery program of free labor, is revealed, having been an INTERPOL program out of the American Tabernacle, Hitler's transfer of legacy to the United States through Klaus Doenitz after the surrender of Germany in World War 2. The INTERPOL modem hub, is removed from legal forces, and Bill Gates divorces his wife, after it's revealed she's a slave, hired from a surrogate program. The cable company, is revealed as using kidnapped bankers' children, as sex slaves, to Hispanic and Israeli couples, raped and kidnapped for decades, to operate Comcast.

Air National Guard: The rear line out of Sharon, the road through the state police rectory to the highway, is sabotaged, with a tree on the right side outwards moved into an overhang, duplicating Maureen Charlebois nee Laverdiere's car accident on Slater Street. The sped teachers, are blocked out of leaving, revealing Sharon as armed and dangerous with false FBI authorization, the FBI a comic book writing firm, not an armed unit, the myth of cinema. Hanscom scrambles the ATF to investigate, through IRS financial services.

US Army: INTERPOL's guides, IDs, numbers, and weapons are seized. Microsoft updates its systems, to prohibit any program from Sharon, however worldwide, allowing spying on a database system, NSA and ACLU mandates, on any software, only the FCC allowed to look, out of the "cold room", the Plymouth, Alaska facility to decrypt electronic data.

(in reply to torturedfacepillow)
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Japanese SDF (Korean, Wages and Spouses) - 11/2/2023 1:35:03 PM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023
Status: offline
Berlin Wall: You were enslaving athletes wives, for prostitutes' debts of the psychiatric hospital.

Lockerbie: You were enforcing children's media, for the humiliation of famous male totems, their spiritual kin with a wife opposed.

WTC Basement: You were ripping off the common carpenter, for refusing the Goyim; Islam, the way of Judaism, to deprive a man of Purim.

Egyptian Pharmacy: You were putting asbestos, in the chewing gum, to prove that mayonnaise didn't cause cancer, cigarettes did.

World Trade Center: You were going to deport all the Africans, to Brazilian slave labor, under Israeli Juden, talent fraud experts, to enslave Latinos with comics and film.

Umass-Amherst Riot: You deprived the Jewish police, of an Israeli munitions investment, to prevent the Goyim, from joining the force; for the Hague, Whitey Bulger, Juan Peron.

7/7: You forced Marvel, the MI-6, on America, as Jewish, through Stan Lee, a Royal, posed as Royal, by his cuck Jew, Denny O'Neill.

Obama: You forced a black President, through the Southern Poverty Law Center, on America, Condi Rice, without giving Africans official rights of view.

Joanne Rivers: You divided economics of term, so the proper victor, the poor, would be oppressed by the rich; divided, through Jack Kemp, the learning model.

Trump: You denied the criminal, their chance at absolution, before prison, believing in Machiavelli, not Borgia; Ice Cube.

Straight Shengen: The Europeans, defined gay, as not putting out, to men with wives, in homosexual sex. "Crows come home to roost" - Malcolm X.

Lead Coffin: Elizabeth II of Lennox, put people in ECT, to make them landscapers, extras on set, and psychiatric counselors. Chess, was her game, the common games, of the internet. Rosa Klebb.

Covid-19: The Mossad, has placed themselves in rehabilitation, terrifying nurses, steroid users. Civilians and spies and soldiers, meanwhile, have to go to the hospital, unless learning Hebrew, a prisoners culture.

(in reply to torturedfacepillow)
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