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EON Entertainment (CIA Villains, SPECTRE) - 11/15/2023 3:20:15 AM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023
Status: offline
Barry Nelson: Klansman.

The protection of police stewardship, from European forces, by membership into own suicide by virtue of adherence to criminal code of police ethic.

Sean Connery: Vatican.

The protection of an ancient military belief by creation of ongoing tradition through victimhood of self as continuing agent against oppressor, the continuing cycle of reform through redemption of perpetrator.

David Niven: Lutheran.

The upholding of the ethics of the common police citizen, the fair deal to the common villain and the business of aid to those in need, who aid others; often detrimented by society, unless in secret pass.

George Lazenby: Scientology.

A court's refrain of falsehood, a word incompatible with German-Kretsch, using German-Yiddish instead. The publication of entire unethical programs, labeled "Scientology", as a court's law panacea, a substitute for actual justice of defendant, the plaintiff's suit impossible to begin with.

Roger Moore: Greek Orthodoxy.

The submission to poverty, even in power, and the wealth of wisdom, not that of schools of literature, but the common education. The support of all, and the touched hand to the dead, the final word of the priest in the solace of the dying to the journalist.

Dalton: Episcopalian.

The secret hand of the Synagogue, the most ancient of faiths, the union of poor skilled and poorly adept; those broken by trade, however bonded in mutual criminal pass of information, to act as an union of exchange of communist help at aid of community, to the profit of others in capitalism.

Pierce Brosnan: Russian Orthodoxy.

The suicide mission, for the arts, having committed an act of sexual assault within the own sibling; hence, suicide is preferable, for a challenge, to another family that is developing a history, to remove the line and pass to another worthy successor, through the message that is God, the common playhouse, the composition of pavilion.

Daniel Craig: Shi'ite Mosque.

The warrior's spirit among the unlikely, the bigots and criminals and controversies of your country; the secret places, those dark allies and prisons, each one a depth into the human inhuman. Animals.

Walpurgisnacht Recruits (Kennedy, Garfield, Fillmore):

Beth-Israel Deaconess, The Hague, Man-Mar Plaza.

Vlad, Radu, Lisa.

Lecter, Oppenheimer, Oswald.

(Moen, Hibber), (Thurman, Giroux), (Williamson Marisco, Coughlin).

Pentagon, CRASH, Latin Studies.

CIA Superior Warfare Division:

Casino Royale: Sayed Adnan, son of hostage FBI agent; Iranian prison for government agents having broken line of criminal profiling, cannibalism. Sent, on loan, from Iranian students. Specialist: video games, counter-genocide.

Quantum of Solace: Franklin Spencer, descent of Johnny Cochrane; media specialist in trial frauds, DC Comics and Bachmann media consultant, USMC rifleman and HBO writer. Drafted, from al-Quds Iraq, former defector, Vietnamese infantry veteran, mother's side. Specialist: comedy writing, explanation of draft dodges as KIA, however success as "Kenny Powers", except Clegg, me (drug dealer, irregular operative).

Skyfall: Christiano Marisco, descent of Judas Didymus Thomas; Vatican operations specialist, out of Israeli Pracinca, Islamic Crusades specialist, and liaison to corrections sciences internationalist. Recruited, from Freemasonic Temple of Boston, top computer engineer, banking specialist, Green Berets. Specialist: bank robberies and police heists, targeting of illicit police vehicles and pharmaceuticals, in gay community.

SPECTRE: William "Blood Knife" Morgan, Jr., descent of Bull Connor; Cherokee relative of Jefferson Davis, the cause of Davis's secession from the South; a Native blood, is necessary to be a US President, causing Jefferson Davis's enmity. The founder, of the Zaptista movement, out of the New Orleans Night Rides. Specialist: media fraud, countering British preachers of African bloodlines, through media plants to cartoon and daytime television, off YouTube and common media scholars.

No Time to Die: Alexandra Rhzanova nee Gaetano, merged bloodlines of Alphonse Capone, mother, and John Connolly, father; the bloodlines of Gaetano Banking, of London, and infantry Captain James Pitcairn, Redcoats, of Boston, the capital kingpin in each finance scheme out of New York City's Chinese delivery restaurant market, of black bearers. Specialist: experimental children's combat systems, drawn from NSA OP-INT, each of Twelve, Tom Cruise's "Cocktail". ECT compliant, high level black belt, specialist with miniscures saber, Australian bevel knife, and Aborgine bowe (saber relief handle for a kniving implement).

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