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Albert Einstein Explained ("The Scottish Royal") - 11/17/2023 6:42:28 AM   

Posts: 75
Joined: 8/29/2023
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Druids, are British Royals.

But Dennis O'Neill, felt he was a Scottish Royal, due to his last name.

Stanley "Stan Lee" Leiberman, was a British Royal.

Luckily for Denny, he was good friends with Larry Hama, a Hague police man, with "the codes", from the Canadians, making both of them, RCMP.

Stan Lee, their file said, was FBI.

But an FBI agent, is Hawai'i Five-O, and Druids don't watch that. Why do FBI agents make comics, Larry asks himself. Who is this guy working for?

Stan Lee, fell for a girl, named JK Rowling. But Denny O'Neill knew, this was not the Jedi Way, Stan Lee had not sermoned himself through Rabbinical Studies.

Dennis O'Neill and Larry Hama, with their aviator shades, from Scotland Yard, a golf tournament for notorious British criminals to get arrested in speed traps from American police officers, drove out to JK Rowling's house.

After Dennis, having proferred the finemants of the Church of England, which his schoolings had taught him as an alternative to the Vatican, regardless of the Queen's anti-Semitic claims of Vatican Sicilian Stewardship, made love to JK Rowling, for the fee of the prostitute, wearing their glasses.

Better than perfect vision, is what Larry Hama had, to fly his plane.

Stan Lee, ruined by the scandal, set about writing himself as Dr. Doom, to prevent Stan Lee from ever writing comics again, but claimed he was Reed Richards, with an Invisible Woman about.

Stan Lee caroused, and saw hookers, but Dennis O'Neill, was forever chaste, out of love of the faith of Stan Lee, to be his best man; with a penetration of the buttocks promised, many times, "buttocks" a fond word of Denny's, due to Stan Lee's quite Catholic fixation on queening ass worship at a honeymoon.

When Stan died, Denny wept, like his wife, realizing the conversations that Denny had had with Stan, based on Stan's discussions of the Roman Legion, had not worked. He had failed Einstein, and would not go to the Resurrection, where all things go, to be born again, in the Age of Aquarius. He did not learn that the Holocaust, was the work of Rome, the Roman Senate, the Jews and the other minorities that had been slain by Adolf Hitler, seeking to repatriate the water debts of Germany after all the sewage workers had been fired by Gestapo under the Weimar, exposed to chemical gas inhalants; the equivalent of MDMA, Ecstasy.

When Denny O'Neill died, he was thinking, about that comic book, that Stan had once showed him, with the devil, clutching a little baby, a grown man, screaming in agony.

Denny could smile, if he could. That's not where the Jews for Jesus go, as Hitler has taught, but not Adolf Hitler, rather a Scheisse, the tribute to the Irish Flems, the anti-Semites of Germany, the coal mine managers of slave children like yours.

And then, Denny found himself, being held by a demon, Stan Lee, and he was helpless, screaming out of fear, realizing that Stan Lee was psychic, and that a Scottish Royal, was a cuckold, an Aquarian, someone that had raped a woman, any woman, once desired by a Druid.

Then, Denny saw Albert Einstein's face, and nothing.

Albert Einstein, always remembered his friend, Ernst Rohm, the same way.

Bag those groceries, Ernst Rohm, Einstein would saw. Bag those groceries.

Game on, Boston Red Sox. Game on.
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