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The Deval Patrick Campaign - 11/26/2023 10:02:52 PM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023
Status: offline
In 2002, my associate with Winchester Law, Peter Tsaptsaris, whose parents had invented the Tamogotchi and invented the Persel movement, the Rabbinical street gangs of Massachusetts (and Edward Furlong films popular in Hollywood), told me about Deval Patrick.

The Israeli Defense Forces, and Israel, was making investments in New England, for hospital research firms.

As an NSA cadet, and as of age 18, a CIA recruit for the UMass-Amherst ROTC and CI corps, I made sure to do my bit.

The Queen of England, had perpetuated the Falklands War, for MADD, so the children of veterans, would prevent you from going outside to walk or jog in the summer, or drive in the winter, and attend holidays, for colonial living in psychiatric asylum style homes. In addition, if you joined Gay Pride, and bet on the lives of soldiers during the War on Terror, perpetuated by LGTBQ Huguenot, Unitarian Booking, and African Psychiatric Likud Israel-German, you could get a hospital job, as a doctor.

However, I had reservations, once I met a Vatican-Israeli agent, out of Bridgewater State Asylum, Satan's Bridge.

Candidate John McCain, in 2004, had selected my dormitory, Van Meter, for a mass arrest, marking us "Contra", after we had produced material for the police quarantine of free intelligence quotient and industrial development of patent and property; he felt that the disaster of Columbine, was caused by the honors and college potential students, not fine young men like Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris, fine young Marines, frustrated by the lack of cooperative, collectivist creativity that bisexual rights and the Islamic Sunni Jews, the Episcopalians and Department of Public Works, could offer our country.

Rallying, through campus police, and MoveOn, we made sure to save our intelligence quandries, and rally for Barack Hussein Obama, against the theatrical arts movements that had infiltrated corporate life and civil rights of courts, through the support of our various constitutional virtues that had brought us to college.

With the Self-Defense Forces rallying in the Metrowest, the AFROTC rallying in the Five Colleges, and later VOICE the Union rallying in the Bridgewater triangle, and now SIS Sabotage finishing up through the Florida investment in prisons, hospitals, liquor stores, industrial plants, and video games, we fought strong, with Donald Trump as a leader in the interim, a lame duck leader to trap the enemies of education and social mobility in the Bank of England, "The Goyim", and Joseph Biden to finish the job, as a new leader for NATO.

With the Queen of England, Hunter S. Thompson, the Fraternal Order of Police, and George H.W. Bush Sr., with the aid of Metallica and the Air National Guard, we see evil empires falling apart.

Now, with Russia betraying their ally, the Ukraine, and China ministering in a cycle around their former controllers in Japan and Taiwan INTERPOL, we find our internets safe and secure, our hospitals free of stalking and trading of personal data, our phonelines free of stalking and harassment accusations for using businesses, our internets cheaper and more affordable without stalks or personal quandry attacks, and our games levied and effective against criminal organizations of the foreign businesses of Germany, Norway, and Sweden.

The diamond trade will always be with you, and the evils that come with it, but at least you can't bet on a soldier's life, to get a job as a psychologist in an evacuation dorm in anti-gang.

You'll be Chet, not Doctor Dave, a fig.
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