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Copy Edit from Reddit (Riddler120) - 12/26/2023 2:46:25 PM   

Posts: 76
Joined: 8/29/2023
Status: offline
The Ramifications of the Arts, the Restaurant Trade, and the Clinical Psychologist (United States Intelligence; CIA, FBI, SIS):

The Order of the Goose (Mitnick versus Bucky):

The Boston Monastic Order, has two particularly troublesome families, the O'Banions and the Whittakers, both featured prominently in works by their enemies (Last Testament of Lucky Luciano, written by the FBI forensics division, and The Living Daylights, written by Marvel Comics).

Once in a while, there is a duel, with a victor (ace reporter), and a failure (framed murderer), selected.

The Boston Strangler, went down for selling amphetamines, at half price, if you'd go on a date with him.

The Wichita Strangler, went down on masturbating to Space Camp, because he signed up his neighbors, to Air Force Academy.

Albert De Silva, and Denis Rader, were these famous defeats, one an O'Banion, the other a Whittaker.

Kevin Mitnick, versus Ray Bucky, was the stuff of legends.

Kevin Mitnick, created the "custom cheeseburger", the model for Wendy's Hamburger Restaurant, the rise of the Bulgers, and Ray Bucky, founded "Spider-Man", the model for MI-6 Boston, the rise of the Angiulos.

Stanley "Stan Lee" Lieberman was behind both, an MI-6 agent drafted out of the FBI.

Recently, we've had a heat out of the Atlantic City Line, a "Boardwalk Empire", with two famous family combinations (Luciano and O'Banion, the no-sauce pizza, and Leiberman and Whittaker, the butter toasted bagel), competing, over whom has destroyed the pricing system of the market (the paired increment, for the prostitute wife, or the nickname from a transformers toy, for the stacked price).

The result of this heat, "Chet" versus "Khel", is the legalization of marijuana, under tax stamped debiture of due.

The unfortunate legacy, is the madness of Donald J. Trump, another family, Uthman, the Prince of Aragorn, using the stage market of a mass indictment of the Bank of England, for the Japanese Self-Defense Forces; the famous "Goyim", "Trump" forwards, in Hebrew; "Goyim", meaning, "slave", and "Trump", meaning, "slave owner".

Uthman, is famous as Ilich Ramirez Sanchez, Carlos the Jackal; a film maker, sporting concert pushes off bail bonds jackets for spy assets, as movie parts, for children to work as film technicians.

East Asia (Wrestling, Karate, Improv) vs. United States (CIA, Mob, SIS):

I'll leave your forms alone, in East Asia, Guritsi.

In the United States, we practice "Shadow", nicknamed "Shadow Hunter" on the rarely found Megaman MUSH.

CIA: Thespians and arts, anything "white", sold for cheap bread. The thespian, the common term, graduates from their "kid flick", with their first "hit", an actual assassin strike.

Mob: A master of shop, mechanics, and trade, a "shop teacher", works for a "hundred quid", a "Yid", to kill any form that errs, in exchange for a restaurant investment; "Phantom Gourmet Approved", to "ferret" the "Russians", corrections union sons with an Irish last name and homosexual child rearing, intending to adopt "shockers", hostage "Guritso", called "Gor".

SIS: An artist, raised by a special doctor, a Communications major, a return to college, after mastering a form and losing their child; the artist, is raised as the child, in a "series", for the "CBO", in a "company", with a "tag", to perform a reform, for the politician performing a "finn", the "Jackson" on their "company site", a "recreation room".
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