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Is this an only a male driven dream? Or is there a superior woman out there who enjoys this type TPE

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Is this an only a male driven dream? Or is there a supe... - 1/6/2024 5:54:59 PM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 10/17/2013
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Oh how a footrest can dream.. are you out there?

Dream Senario:

It was 1 o'clock, I was working as I received the text message that simply said “6 o'clock, Chinese” What this meant was I was to arrive at her home at 5:57 waiting with her favorite dinner from a local Chinese restaurant (yes Chinese, it's not about the actual meal, more so about what she wanted.) I arrive at her home at 5:57, park across the street, as she arrives at 6 o'clock on the dot exiting her car, the first site are those mouth watering powerful heels. She enters her home and closes the door. That is the sign to promptly go to her door, knock three times, and kneel. Looking down I count to 60, knowing she is as well. The insatiable anticipation is shared regardless of which side of the dynamic. A minute exactly goes by, her door opens. Looking down, I again see those confident heels and hear the words “you may.” I quickly bend down, kiss her left heel and thank her, kiss her right heel and thank her. She promptly turns and enters the living room, I know to enter the dining room and prepare the table as she is putting away her things from work. The table is set, how she likes it. Food proportioned on the plate how she likes it. Drink poured and put on the left as she likes it. Head down I reenter the living room where she is now sitting in her lounger, she says “you may” I kneel before her, lean down kiss her left heel, thank her, kiss her right heel, thank her as she says, “assume the position” All the more heart pumping as the entire interaction this entire night is held with zero eye contact is made. I promptly re-enter the dinning room, slide the chair out from under the table, slide myself under the table positioning myself on my back underneath her chair, face up awaiting the privilege I am about to receive. She enters the room, sits down, I while underneath her chair, face up facing towards her, pull her chair slightly forward for her. She removes each heel to each side of my head. She does not like to wear stockings so that immediate scent puts me in a state of purpose and without warning or regard for me, she roughly uses my face as her footrest while she begins sits back to eat her meal. There is a moistness and scent of her long work day that is absolutely indescribable, but nothing compares to the blissful feeling of her full weight pressing on my face, and knowing a superior woman continues to disrespectfully use my face as nothing more than her footrest while she continues to eat her meal. Gradually, she changes positions, with no regard to me as I am to lay completely still and silent. Most times both her feet are planted firmly across my full face, sealing my mouth, toes over nose just almost covering my eyes so all I may breath is the scent from beneath her feet and the only eye contact I am permitted this entire night is looking up from this position in complete gratitude as I am ignored and used accordingly. An hour to 90 minutes goes by I hear a sigh of relief and she says “you may”. I began to thank her with as many kisses to her soles and thanks as she allows me in a short period of time before she applies pressure again, and says “you may.” Without the ability to move my head I try to use my tongue as best I can to lick what's left of the sweat from her work day off her superior feet. Without notice, she stomps my face one last time pretty roughly, Stands, and exits the room. This is my cue to stand, clean the dishes, wipe down the counter, reset the table and reenter to thank her once more when I'm finished. I enter on my knees again, "you may", kissing each bare foot and thanking her again for the privilege of being used by a superior woman, again all the while with no eye contact being made. No need for unnecessary words, and both of us fully clothed. Just a mutual total power exchange. "You may go." Dismissed with Blissful feelings. I had just arrived home when I received the text... "You are to be of use next after my Sunday morning workout and jog. 9am sharp! Buttered bagel and coffee"

Oh how a footrest can dream.. I wonder.. Is this an only a male driven dream? Or is there a superior woman out there who enjoys this type TPE as well.. I am looking for honest feedback. Thanks!
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RE: Is this an only a male driven dream? Or is there a ... - 9/26/2024 5:49:04 PM   

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I'm looking for a Dominant Girlfriend near Columbus, Ohio <15 mile search range. Daunie Camp

(in reply to herfootrest)
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RE: Is this an only a male driven dream? Or is there a ... - 10/15/2024 7:19:55 PM   

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Would love to find me a new owner if have any suggestions please let me know

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