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Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19

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Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 3/19/2024 6:53:11 PM   

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Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19

This greasy fuck FINALLY is going to jail where he belongs.

He writes a book In Trump Time, bragging about his Green Bay Sweep.

If you don't want to buy the hardcover for $16 so you can wipe your ass with the pages, you can get the Kindle version for $3.

The J6 committee subpoenas his testimony and documents related to activities that HE describes in his OWN book!

His reply:

"As the domestic terrorists running the January 6 partisan witch hunt are well aware, President Trump has invoked Executive Privilege; and it is not my privilege to waive,” They should negotiate any waiver of the privilege with the president and his attorneys directly, not through me.”

1. Trump never invoked Executive Privilege - This greasy fuck made that up
2. Even if he had, he STILL was legally obligated to show up and answer any questions not covered by Executive Privilege. (in this case, NOTHING was covered since Executive Privilege was NEVER invoked for him.
3. MOST IMPORTANTLY - He wrote the details in a book you can order from Amazon and with which you can wipe your ass!!!! - So, even IF privilege was invoked, it is irrelevant, because it was already in the public record.

Congress referred him for Criminal Contempt. He was tried and found guilty. He then starts telling the press that Congress has no right to subpoena anyone from the Executive Branch. Today, before he went off to prison, he whined like a spoiled child.

He needs to be in prison for FAR longer than the 4 months to which he was sentenced.

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 7/10/2024 3:09:40 AM   

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And now Steve Bannon joins him (except in Connecticut)

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/18/2024 4:50:35 AM   

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Wild-eyed leftists LOVE LOVE LOVE them some lawfare

Stalinists is the perfect term for them

Real justice, is what they deserve - and that is precisely what they are going to get.


@OversightAdmn is referring Liz Cheney for a *CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION* due to her partisan activities on the J6 committee.

The House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight gave its recommendation in an interim report on former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's now-disbanded, weaponized J6 committee.

Former Rep. Liz Cheney's illicit collusion with star witness Cassidy Hutchinson while on that J6 committee, in particular, raises major ethical issues.

Here are eight key falsehoods that Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson promoted in order to smear the former president:

FINDING 1: President Trump did not attack his Secret Service detail at any time on January 6.

FINDING 2: There was no pre-planned off-the-record move to the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6.

FINDING 3: There is no evidence that President Trump agreed with rioters chanting “hang Mike Pence.”

FINDING 4: Cassidy Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for President Trump on January 6.

FINDING 5: President Trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of January 6.

FINDING 6: Cassidy Hutchinson lied about the classification status of documents to disparage Mark Meadows.

FINDING 7: Representative Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson attempted to disbar Stefan Passantino.

FINDING 8: Cassidy Hutchinson misrepresented President Trump’s actions at Lafayette Square Park in the summer of 2020.

"As the Select Committee’s star witness, Hutchinson’s testimony formed the basis of the Select Committee’s false, but most enduring claims against President Trump," the report states.

"Without Hutchinson’s altered testimony, it is unlikely the Select Committee could make its assertions about President Trump’s mood, attitude, and alleged culpability in the events of January 6," the report continues.

"Hutchinson is mentioned by name in the Select Committee’s Final Report no fewer than 185 times. Inexplicably, the Select Committee discredited the multitude of legitimate witnesses who, under oath, repeatedly refuted Hutchinson’s testimony." [...]

"The evidence is overwhelming that the Select Committee violated House Rules, deleted documents in the final days of the 117th Congress, and had a predetermined, partisan outcome it was committed to convey—regardless of the facts."

"The Select Committee’s blatant disregard for the truth and Hutchinson’s false statements, accepted by the Select Committee as fact, erode all credibility of the Select Committee’s Final Report."


Thought Criminal

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/18/2024 6:11:23 AM   

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But wait - there's more:


Army secretary, Pentagon stymied National Guard on Jan. 6; inspector general covered it up, report says | Joseph M. Hanneman & Steve Baker, Blaze Media

Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight says top members of Jan. 6 Select Committee should face investigation.

The Pentagon dismissed an order from President Donald J. Trump to use the National Guard to ensure safety on Jan. 6, intentionally delayed Guard deployment for hours, lied about it to congressional leaders, and used its own inspector general to cover it all up, a U.S. House report concludes.

Full story here:

Interesting times!


Thought Criminal

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/18/2024 11:25:05 PM   

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I'd be surprised if Navarro does any time. March is after the inauguration.

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/19/2024 4:53:34 AM   

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I'd be surprised if Navarro does any time. March is after the inauguration.

Does time for... Contempt Of Congress?

Remember all of those times the left's creepy old dementia daddy howled about "no one" being above the law? Turns out that by "no one" his teleprompter meant "no one" in the opposition Party

Video - 'AG Garland admits to contempt of Congress, declares himself as having the sole power to ignore congressional subpoenas based on whether he decided those subpoenas are “legitimate.”'


Thought Criminal

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/22/2024 11:47:13 AM   

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I can't tell if you agree with me or not. I've given no opinion here of the charge or the conviction, only that I believe he will be pardoned. That really has nothing to do with Joe & Hunter. I doubt Trump will serve any time either, although he's been convicted of multiple felonies. Trump.has already said he would pardon the J6 terrorists. Biden may as well do the same for Hunter. I don't think many are shocked by that at all, even though he said he wouldn't.

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/23/2024 7:23:09 AM   

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Video - Peter Navarro discusses Biden regime lawfare


Thought Criminal

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/23/2024 9:29:42 PM   

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A convicted criminal howls about the legal system taking action agaimay him for his crimes.

Thats gonna be how the next four years play out anyway, so I'll skip the video, thx.

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RE: Peter Navarro ordered to prison on March 19 - 12/24/2024 9:31:55 AM   

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A convicted criminal blah blah blah

This, from the cult whose political party places it's elitist leaders above the law, defunds and demonizes the police, empties prisons, and refuses to prosecute even the most serious crimes against vulnerable citizens...

Navarro's "crime" was what - contempt of Congress, right -

Video - 'AG Garland admits to contempt of Congress, declares himself as having the sole power to ignore congressional subpoenas based on whether he decided those subpoenas are “legitimate.”'

The FBI covered up and censored news of Hunter Biden's laptop, which detailed the many crimes committed by the Biden Crime Family, including accepting $8 million in bribes from the Communist Chinese Party

That would be the same FBI that framed a completely innocent President Trump for their bizarre phony “Russia collusion” hoax that Hillary's people made up out of whole cloth

Photos dropped YESTERDAY, of Joe Biden introducing his crackhead son to his good friend Xi Jinping

Joe Biden just commuted the sentences of tens of highly notorious serial killers and worse - crimes so bad they cannot be mentioned on this site

So spare us your slimy cultish lecture about "criminals"

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 12/24/2024 10:06:07 AM >


Thought Criminal

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