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Joined: 12/10/2016 Status: offline
Wild-eyed leftists LOVE LOVE LOVE them some lawfare Stalinists is the perfect term for them Real justice, is what they deserve - and that is precisely what they are going to get. quote:
@OversightAdmn is referring Liz Cheney for a *CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION* due to her partisan activities on the J6 committee. The House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight gave its recommendation in an interim report on former Speaker Nancy Pelosi's now-disbanded, weaponized J6 committee. Former Rep. Liz Cheney's illicit collusion with star witness Cassidy Hutchinson while on that J6 committee, in particular, raises major ethical issues. Here are eight key falsehoods that Liz Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson promoted in order to smear the former president: FINDING 1: President Trump did not attack his Secret Service detail at any time on January 6. FINDING 2: There was no pre-planned off-the-record move to the Capitol in the days leading up to January 6. FINDING 3: There is no evidence that President Trump agreed with rioters chanting “hang Mike Pence.” FINDING 4: Cassidy Hutchinson falsely claimed to have drafted a handwritten note for President Trump on January 6. FINDING 5: President Trump did not have intelligence indicating violence on the morning of January 6. FINDING 6: Cassidy Hutchinson lied about the classification status of documents to disparage Mark Meadows. FINDING 7: Representative Cheney and Cassidy Hutchinson attempted to disbar Stefan Passantino. FINDING 8: Cassidy Hutchinson misrepresented President Trump’s actions at Lafayette Square Park in the summer of 2020. "As the Select Committee’s star witness, Hutchinson’s testimony formed the basis of the Select Committee’s false, but most enduring claims against President Trump," the report states. "Without Hutchinson’s altered testimony, it is unlikely the Select Committee could make its assertions about President Trump’s mood, attitude, and alleged culpability in the events of January 6," the report continues. "Hutchinson is mentioned by name in the Select Committee’s Final Report no fewer than 185 times. Inexplicably, the Select Committee discredited the multitude of legitimate witnesses who, under oath, repeatedly refuted Hutchinson’s testimony." [...] "The evidence is overwhelming that the Select Committee violated House Rules, deleted documents in the final days of the 117th Congress, and had a predetermined, partisan outcome it was committed to convey—regardless of the facts." "The Select Committee’s blatant disregard for the truth and Hutchinson’s false statements, accepted by the Select Committee as fact, erode all credibility of the Select Committee’s Final Report."
Thought Criminal