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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump

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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/14/2024 10:52:45 PM   

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I don't have time or interest enough to slay all of your... Misguided and unhinged opinions

So I'll just lightly torture these two for a moment and then call it a night


ORIGINAL: MasterJaguar01

Forever wars was ALWAYS a Republican policy

"We came, we saw, he died." - Hillary Clinton

Obama droned an innocent family without criticism from the war pig neocon Democrats

Obama also had a huge role in pushing Ukraine and Russia into war over Hunter Biden's pet gas company (war for fossil fuels part II)

Fentanyl has been an issue since Republican-led Big Pharma promoted opioid prescriptions. When that dried up, it sprung up the market for black market Fentanyl with ingredients from CHina, and brewed my Mexican Cartels.

I'm old enough to clearly recall your senile old creep daddy forcing citizens to bend over for his big pharma donor friends

And theres this:

There is one degree of separation between Joe Biden and the fentanyl trade which is completely run by the CCP.

The Biden family got a 5 year interest free forgivable loan for 5 million dollars from a Chinese financier whose business partner set up the Sinaloa cartel in the fentanyl trade.


Thought Criminal

(in reply to MasterJaguar01)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/24/2024 12:30:48 AM   

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Since libel has to not only be a lie, but also damage the target's reputation, I guess Bosco is just guilty of lying..or does MJ need to go on Maury Povich and do a DNA test?

And that's all I care to discuss here
Your lie. Well, the one I don't have to click on bs to prove.

Social media is not news.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/24/2024 9:40:06 AM   

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Social media is not news.

For the most part, these posts of mine include VIDEOS of your cult's heroes and heroines stating these things in their own words

Many others are linked to hard news stories and other sources that are irrefutable

I think that what you meant to say is that cult members refuse to see anything that is inconvenient to the narratives set out by their masters

And that your opinion is nothing

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 12/24/2024 9:41:31 AM >


Thought Criminal

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/24/2024 9:13:23 PM   

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Oh I don't care what you have to say about any of that, or the evidence you wish to provide. You referred to Joe Biden as MJ's daddy. I guess you have the 23&Me results to back that up?

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/26/2024 7:02:50 AM   

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Oh I don't care what you have to say about any of that

You don’t care about the facts, or evidence, or what other people know to be true, or anything of the sort. You just spew mindless spew because you like seeing yourself spewing mindless spew


You referred to Joe Biden as MJ's daddy. I guess you have the 23&Me results to back that up?

That you believe I literally meant that Joe Biden was his daddy, tells us everything we need to know about you.

< Message edited by BoscoX -- 12/26/2024 7:29:43 AM >


Thought Criminal

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/26/2024 8:08:45 PM   

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It is not my responsibility to take your words in any other way but as they have been typed. Considering MJ was rooting for Nikki Haley not so long ago, ii wouldn't consider him a mindless drone of Biden's or the DNC. Really, MJ was rooting for Haley long after you stopped rooting for DeSantis. Other way, the personal attacks against him or anyone else here that doesn't fully agree with you gets rather boring.

You used the word "daddy". You claim not to have meant it to indicate paternity, so how did you mean it? In what libelous way did you use the word?

(in reply to BoscoX)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/27/2024 8:02:00 AM   

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That's all anyone needs to know about you.



Thought Criminal

(in reply to JVoV)
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RE: Somebody tried to assassinate Trump - 12/28/2024 6:31:11 AM   

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Just so isn't ambiguous, I don't like you Bosco. I don't like your personal attacks against anyone that has an opinion different than yours. I don't like your hypocrisy. I don't like how to twist words around on people, but refuse to take any responsibility for your own words.

I think the first two attempts, the Secret Service screwed up royally and that needs to be investigated. With the Iran plot, I think we all saw that coming. Trump isn't going to favor Iran in his next term. This may convince him to put the screw to them even harder. I'm ok with that.

(in reply to BoscoX)
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