RE: Different views of subspace and subdrop (Full Version)

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SexyRed -> RE: Different views of subspace and subdrop (8/2/2006 2:47:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: mistoferin


Subdrop for me makes me feel sad and depressed, since the person I play with is someone I experience great intensity with, but cannot really be with on a daily basis. So, subdrop, is akin to just being sad about not being able to be with someone you really care about, especially since such intense feelings generated during a scene should be accompanied by caring emotions.

I refer to this differently as this is not how I experience subdrop. This is something that I would refer to for myself more along the lines of seperation anxiety or loneliness. So then do you, or have you ever experienced subdrop in the physical sense that I described? And if you see them as different?

I agree that what I described as sub drop falls more into the category of separation anxiety or loneliness. However, when compared to vanilla situations of having great sex or a scene, it is much more magnified after a scene since for me, the connection and feelings and the physical sensations are so much more intense, that there is that much more to "drop" from, if that makes sense.

To answer your physical question, no, I don't feel like I am getting the flu or anything, but many times I have a headache the next day, general aches and pains and most of all, a very fuzzy, dopey feeling, like my brain is tired.  It is the opposite of sub space, where all my feelings are fired up and intensified, the sub drop is when all feelings are mushy.

I hope I make sense, I just got in from running around Manhattan and you do not want to be there during this heat.

spankmepink11 -> RE: Different views of subspace and subdrop (8/2/2006 3:24:28 PM)

Your descriptions of subspace and sub drop are strikingly similar to my own
I'm really happy to hear that it's possible to overcome subdrop.  I once  experienced it so intensely that i asked for release and left the relationship rather than continue experiencing the severe drop. 

ownedgirlie -> RE: Different views of subspace and subdrop (8/2/2006 8:28:32 PM)


ORIGINAL: spankmepink11

Your descriptions of subspace and sub drop are strikingly similar to my own
I'm really happy to hear that it's possible to overcome subdrop.  I once  experienced it so intensely that i asked for release and left the relationship rather than continue experiencing the severe drop. 

It is possible to overcome it, in the right hands.  It was not easy to overcome, by any means, and took a lot of effort on both our parts.

Wolfie648 -> RE: Different views of subspace and subdrop (8/3/2006 12:20:01 AM)

Think of it as a bell curve.

Some do some don't. Enjoy what you have.

D (owner of j)

LL1aintbehavin -> RE: Different views of subspace and subdrop (8/3/2006 9:55:58 AM)

For the longest time i felt like i really didn't belong in the lifestyle when hearing people talk about subspace.  They used to tell me it was this floaty thing, out of body experience and many different things.  When i played with LL, i never got to any of those places.
i was a newbie when i began my relationship with LL, and he had been in the lifestyle for many years, but being a Dominant He was unable to help me out by describing subspace.
It took a long time and discussions with people, both on line and real time to discover that it is something different for every individual, and that subspace is not always attained at each play session.
For me, i go to a happy place, where the pain feels like a massage and i don't want it to end, i can mumble but prefer to not try and speak, just relax and feel.
i don't find that i really get sub drop after sceening though, i seem to be able to level out, although i find i am always looking forward to my next play time.
When LL and i started out, we were long distance, and i had very bad sub drop when we were apart, which also encompased just missing his presence.
i now realize that i feel what i do cause i am just another individual that reacts differently to situations and stimuli.
Very good thread.

JessieMe -> RE: Different views of subspace and subdrop (8/3/2006 10:04:26 AM)

Subspace for me always seems to involve squirrels and stars.. dont ask me to explain LOL

Subdrop I have not experienced so I cant tell you if there are stars and squirrels.. but I suspect not.. :)

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