a religion question (Full Version)

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untamed -> a religion question (4/14/2004 11:11:49 PM)

are we godless heathens, we lifestyle types, or just sinners with lots of 'splainin to do?

inyouagain -> RE: a religion question (4/14/2004 11:57:31 PM)


ORIGINAL: untamed
...lots of 'splainin to do?

Is that a typo, should that read "...lots of spankings to do"? [:D]

There are people of all different beliefs, including religious beliefs, involved in alternative lifestyles. That being said, it would depend upon your own particular beliefs, and perhaps even those of your lifestyle partner.

Whether your god allows you to engage in consensual alternative adult lifestyles is of an individual focus. Sure, there are those who advocate yay or nay, but what matters most is in your own mind, and acceptance of your own beliefs. If you are an actively religious person engaged in the lifestyle, I would caution you against any mixing of the two.

None of the Ten Commandments I saw seemed to say anything about "Thou shalt not engage in consensual BDSM", but I am open minded and can see it from either side of a religious viewpoint. One begats immoral pleasure while the other begats moral virtue.

Being a perverse religious person could constitute an oxymoron, but there's been an awful lot of news lately about esteemed religious leaders with their johnson's in the wrong places all along. Despite the fact they were sinners from a religious viewpoint, they were also criminals within the framework of civilized society. I would consider those double-standard types to be godless heathens yes... but IMHO you and your BDSM partner engaging in consensual BDSM activities does not constitute heathens... while the extent of your BDSM activities may dictate whether or not you are godless.

To each their own, but if/when judgement day comes, I'll at least have the comfort of seeing a few Priests/Preachers I really want to talk to! (take that however you wish) [;)]


perverseangelic -> RE: a religion question (4/15/2004 8:16:47 AM)

in my religious system? neither.

iwillserveu -> RE: a religion question (4/15/2004 12:19:55 PM)

Pick your religion carefully, dude.[:)]

LadyBeckett -> RE: a religion question (4/15/2004 1:29:08 PM)

Even as I ponder a "godless heathen" (hearth dweller), I would say...speak for yourself, untamed.

As for me, I respect the free will (and lifestyle choices) of others, just as I expect my own to be respected.

proudsub -> RE: a religion question (4/15/2004 1:58:43 PM)


To each their own, but if/when judgement day comes, I'll at least have the comfort of seeing a few Priests/Preachers I really want to talk to! (take that however you wish)

Well said inyouagain and i love your ending.[:D]

Gabrielle -> RE: a religion question (4/18/2004 6:05:13 AM)

Hmm, this is one I have pondered ever since I entered the lifestyle. Its along the same lines of smoking, drinking, using drugs.....if you are a born-again Christian (and this is the only religion with which I am familiar so this is where my viewpoint lies), your body is the temple of Christ and should not be abused. There is no commandment against smoking, but it does harm the body. There is no commandment against drinking (as a matter of fact those folks were fond of wine) but everything in moderation, excessive drinking harms the body. There is no commandment about drugs...etc. So one could say or argue that as a submissive allowing my 'temple' to be manipulated and beaten and put under extreme physical and mental pressure would be unChristian-like.

However, the Bible also says that a wife should submit to her husband, follow his lead. So I am obeying God in that sense. But then it says that a wife is her husbands responsibility and he should not put her in danger. But then again, danger is relative and open to opinion and interpretation.

The way I see it, I am harming no one. I am actually a better person all around since my submission and he is also improved himself through his dominance. We are much nicer people now [:D]

I will be judged no matter what. I do feel I have a close walk with God, and haven't felt that God is displeased. As a matter of fact, since I have found my Daddy, our lives have been enriched and blessed in numerous ways. Coincidence? Who knows? Who cares? LIfe is good. I am not ashamed when I approach God/Christ in prayer, and it seems to me if I was doing anything wrong, God would place that shame in my heart. Case closed.

MistressDREAD -> RE: a religion question (4/19/2004 6:20:32 PM)

Neither untammed
I do not know about you but last time I looked
I was Human, period, and so were every person
whom claims to be a godly saint or saintly in living.
My lifestyle is no less saintly then any religiously
known other persons lifestyle. those with out sin caste
the first stone. oh wait a moment lets make that those
with sin caste all the stones, I wanna see a fight!!

With out making a religious statement here of My personal
beliefs I have a question as well for you untamed.... There
were Adam and Eve and then there were the sons and then
the wifes ect ect ect..... Im currious just who fucked who to
make the world full of humans? was it mom and sons? sons
and sons? father and sons? sons and daughters? just sum
food for thought of the beginning of christianitys beliefs in
the bible in genesis. And was this practice concidered then
Alternate Lifestyle practices or just sodimy and fornification
with kids orrrrrrrr adults and then its paligrimy or how ever
its spelled...... am I getting to deep here??

proudsub -> RE: a religion question (4/19/2004 6:31:39 PM)


With out making a religious statement here of My personal
beliefs I have a question as well for you untamed.... There
were Adam and Eve and then there were the sons and then
the wifes ect ect ect..... Im currious just who fucked who to
make the world full of humans? was it mom and sons? sons
and sons? father and sons? sons and daughters? just sum
food for thought of the beginning of christianitys beliefs in
the bible in genesis. And was this practice concidered then
Alternate Lifestyle practices or just sodimy and fornification
with kids orrrrrrrr adults and then its paligrimy or how ever
its spelled...... am I getting to deep here??

I believe in evolution but for those who do believe in Genesis that is a very good question, never thought of it like that before[:D]

inyouagain -> RE: a religion question (4/19/2004 7:31:30 PM)

Indeed, especially when Genesis further states "son's of God" visited earth in those days and they "knew earthly maidens"... that their offspring were giants, wise men and men of reknown.

According to Genisis, kinks were going on outside the Garden of Eden also. Where did those earthly maidens (whom the sons of God were fornicating) come from???

Regardless of how you explain it, documented kinks started in Genesis, and was practiced by those close to the top... and has been been happening ever since. [;)]


MistressDREAD -> RE: a religion question (4/21/2004 4:28:36 AM)

Ohhh yeaaa
damn it just
occured to Me
Im getting more
* normal* reading
here by the minute!

GoddessMarissa -> RE: a religion question (4/21/2004 4:41:04 AM)

No man can judge another mans heart by what the person's belief is. If you have good intentions with acts that follow that is all that counts. Everyone has an evil side as well as good. It is a part of being human. If love in your heart outweighs hate there is nothing to worry about or weigh your heart down over.

slaveofKat -> RE: a religion question (5/3/2004 4:13:12 AM)


ORIGINAL: GoddessMarissa

No man can judge another mans heart by what the person's belief is. If you have good intentions with acts that follow that is all that counts. Everyone has an evil side as well as good. It is a part of being human. If love in your heart outweighs hate there is nothing to worry about or weigh your heart down over.

Well said.......Some of the Sunday morning church-goers are the worst kind of people you would want to meet during the week. Rule #1..love God...Rule #2...love your neighbor. I respect people who devote their life and time for their religious beliefs, but I have a problem with people who use religion as something to beat you over the head with....even I don't like that kind of pain....LOL
Life is a journey, and our views evolve over time, everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and concept of God.

rain -> RE: a religion question (5/3/2004 6:22:30 PM)

Well put slaveofkat!

i've seen lots of subs/slaves praying pretty hard when they are chained to the cross and being flogged! Who says we're not religious? [:D]


dixiedumpling -> RE: a religion question (5/18/2004 11:11:38 AM)

Last summer I rode from central Mississippi to Louisville, Kentucky to a church related meeting with 4 other women. It took two days up there and back. Needless to say we talked non-stop all the time we were in the van. One woman told of taking a trip with her mother and sister to camp in Arizona. They were staying in a cabin, but sat outside that night around a campfire and talked. They kept hearing something that they couldn't quite identify. Finally they just hushed and listened. They were overhearing a BDSM session in the next cabin. They heard the slapping sound of paddle or flogger against flesh and the resultant cries of pain from the sub. They also heard her begging for release. This resort area had a conference center with restaurant. They stayed in their cabin the next morning so they could get a look at their neighbors when they went to breakfast. Then they went to breakfast and afterwards the teller of this story went by the D/s couple's table and told the female sub to "eat up, you will need the energy". All in the van commented how "sick" this activity was, how degrading to women, etc. I just sat there without commenting. Just didn't seem the time to reveal my sympathies for such activities or wish I'd been there.

Sinergy -> RE: a religion question (5/18/2004 12:05:14 PM)

From a historical perspective, the societal power structure tends to disapprove of sex because the sex drive is wild and untameable and as such tends to threaten those who are in power. Not because it WILL do anything, but because it MIGHT do anything, and the unpredictable worries those attempting to create a stable power structure.

The Romans changed their approach 400 years prior to Jesus being born and actively tried to destroy a religion when the Druids in England refused to allow their beliefs to be pulled into the Roman pantheon. Because the Druids could (not that they did) cause the Celtic peoples to rise up and overthrow the Romans, and were not subject to Roman control, the Romans actively did everything they could to wipe out the Druids.

Which was the first time in their history they did this, and when Christianity came along they took the same approach.

For Christianity in general, the bias against sex really goes back to the writings of the Apostle Paul. From a historical perspective, he was somewhat of a misogynist and his writings tend to be infused with a bias against both women and sex. Their writings were then rewritten by semi-literate male monks who had taken vows of celibacy, and we have a religion today which tends to have a profound bias against sex.

From my perspective, I doubt the anti-gay, anti-sex, anti-woman bigotry practiced by a lot of the Christian religions would be allowed if the person the religion is named after were put in charge. From what I have read, he was much more open and forgiving than that.

Clear as mud?


Estring -> RE: a religion question (5/18/2004 3:20:42 PM)

Christianity is not anti sex. It is pro sex in a relationship of marriage only, and for the purpose of procreation. Certainly not my belief, but hardly anti sex.

inyouagain -> RE: a religion question (5/19/2004 10:37:06 PM)


It is pro sex in a relationship of marriage only, and for the purpose of procreation.

How many Priests have given moving sermons about the wickedness of sex outside the holy state of matrimony, or the purpose of reproduction... and then sexually assaulted or molested their alterboys before going home to their chaste stereotypes? Even one would be too many... but it's indicative of the double-standard mentality of many "a devout saved Christian".

I think Synergy was touching on, but not delving into such double-standard mentalities who are very affluent in their "protected space" of being a religious leader to the "heathens" within their congregations... do as I say, not as I do! Same ol - same ol song and dance that has been going on since organized religions were formed.

Religious Joke #1:

An older Priest and a sweet young Nun set out across tha Sahara on a camel, in search of lost souls to convert to Christianity. Afetr a few days, the Priest realized they were going in circles, and the camel was stepping in his own footprints from a day or two before. About this time, the camel died and fell over. They were lost bigtime, and their rations of food and water quickly ran out, but the older Priest was in charge and would make things work out one way or another. The sweet young Nun was optimistic, and had 100% faith in the Priest, as he was a religious icon and leader. After another day or two, the Priest realized this is it... they were gonna die, no way around it. He decided it was time to enjoy some sweet young flesh, and approached the Nun... pulling up his Priestly robe, and taking his Johnson in hand asked the sweet young Nun, "Sister, do you know what this is I'm holding in my hand?" The Nun replied, "No Father, what is that"... and the Priest replied, "My dear, this is the staff of life" (which was becoming firm and erect as he anticipated burying his staff between her legs). The Nun started jumping up and down screaming with excitement, and yelled, "Well, don't just stand there Father... stick that up the camel's ass so we can get the hell out of here!"

Religious Joke #2:

An engaged couple here on earth were tragically killed in an automobile crash, and as they were welcomed through the Pearly Gates of Heaven by St Peter, they made a request to be married in Heaven, since they did not get to a state of holy matrimony before their untimely deaths. St Peter says... hmm, can you come back in a year and ask to be married? Okies, they said... and enjoyed Heaven for a year, and approached St Peter again with their request to be married in Heaven. St Peter says, hmmm... can you come back in 5 years, so they again said okies, and enjoyed Heaven for 5 years. As they approached St Peter again, he says, I know what you want... and I hate to ask you again, but can you come back in 10 years? The couple were flabergasted, and the man asked what was the problem... first they were told to wait 1 year, then 5 years, and now 10 years... what the hell? St Peter leaned over and whispers to them, "We're trying to get a Preacher up here".

Non Religious Facts:

Muslims are now approaching the death tolls achieved centuries ago by the Crusaders, and killing in the name of any religion is simply blasphemy.

OK, I'm done for now. [:D]


Estring -> RE: a religion question (5/19/2004 11:10:56 PM)

I don't think Christians have the market cornered on hypocrisy.

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