Posts: 242
Joined: 4/13/2004 Status: offline
OK, I'm new here, but with My experience in other BDSM, personals, groups, message boards, etc., I would have thought My skin to be thicker - guess not. Among the first day's messages upon registering My profile was an email of an insulting nature. The email proceeded to psychoanalyze My profile, to insult issues that he read into My profile which were inaccurate and to attack Me via high-handed words filled with a "holier-than-thou" mentality. This person does not know Me, lives no where near Me, doesn't know anyone I know from the best My research tells Me. Granted, I've encountered My fair share of flakes and nefarious types, but I will confess, the negative nature and the indepth puesdo-analysis of this total stranger completely caught Me off guard. I'm not responding nor further engaging this person, but I am still puzzled by it all. So, why? Why do folks feel the need to lash out at strangers, to attempt at putting someone down, to insult, or even analyze a mere profile and try to hurt with words and emails someone they don't even know. It truly amazes Me! Curious as to how others feel about this, and if it has happened to others here? Truly, Lady T. "Thou art to me a delicious torment." Ralph Waldo Emerson
< Message edited by LadyTantalize -- 4/16/2004 11:32:24 AM >