RE: Doms and whores. (Full Version)

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sub4hire -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:25:22 PM)



Legitimate femdoms are not happy about this either; guys that are used to paying to obtain what they want develop a sense of entitlement and have all sorts of expectations. 


I do know men who partake in the pro scene from time to time.  Most will tell you they don't see the pro as being dominant in the least.  No, they don't use the term prostitution either.  Yet, they are a far cry from a fem dom.
In reality is a pro not the same as a pro sub?  I'm paying you so you do as I please?
No matter what they want to call themselves.

darkinshadows -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:31:42 PM)



Actually in the animal kingdom the male has to compete/fight for the right to mate with the Alpha female, at least in most species. It is not something that is a given, the Alpha female can reject the male and no mating between the pair will take place.

In humans though this is nothing but conditioning. Most females have been conditioned to believe that they need a male to be the provider and that they as women need to stay home and take care of home and children. Therefore women are taught to use their good looks(sexuality), submissiveness(feigned or natural) and good cooking will get you that mate.

While males are taught that they have to be Dominant (even if by nature they aren't) so they can get a good job, attract a suitable mate, bare young and look good for society.

Do I think its right? Hell no I say let people be THEMSELVES without a bunch of conditioning to train them to be something they aren't. Alot of women aren't submissive and some don't want to be wives and mothers. Alot of men aren't Dominant and dont' want to be CEO's, husbands and fathers.  I think people should be allowed to become what they wish to be.

As for these peeps making a buck off of some horny guy..thats been going on forever. A fool and his money are soon parted. No one is forcing him to pay, he's doing it because he WANTS too and she's doing it to make money. The internet just makes it quicker, easier and is a great way to advertise.


True the males do compete... but that just upholds what I said... the female get the male who shows he is the most dominant,... the strongest, the most powerful... it shows they can provide... not only food and protection(as some animals just fuck and leave) but they still provide the strongest genes.... but the female still gives in, submits and rolls over.... because they get what they want.  Survival of the fittest.
Peace and Rapture

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:37:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: sub4hire
I do know men who partake in the pro scene from time to time.  Most will tell you they don't see the pro as being dominant in the least.

Interesting.  All of the males I know who have enjoyed pro-dom's say they definitely enjoyed the scene as submissive.


  No, they don't use the term prostitution either.  Yet, they are a far cry from a fem dom.
In reality is a pro not the same as a pro sub?  I'm paying you so you do as I please?
No matter what they want to call themselves.

That's no different than any scene bought for in an auction- and sometimes the auctions that feature dominants selling themselves off can be more fun than ever! You're both getting what you want from it and you both expect to get what was agreed upon.

MisPandora -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:41:59 PM)

I'm just curious as to whether your petulant whining about grabastic women actually changed someone's ways....or whether it just continued to be annoying to those of us who aren't fin-doms?

zenofeller -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:43:56 PM)

to return the favor, i could wonder if typing helps you lose weight, or...

LaTigresse -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:45:07 PM)

oh sheesh, can this guy get any more juvenile without a pacifier and diaper

marieToo -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:48:43 PM)


ORIGINAL: zenofeller

Along with my apologies for being a tad absent lately, I bring you the latest in controversial topics, as customary.

Let's look at a random profile here on collarme :


Nothing in life is free. I DO REQUIRE TRIBUTES. I have been a lifestyle domme...there is no difference...I just love the power of taking whats yours and making it MINE!

I don't believe in the old saying "The best things in life are free"... everyone knows the best things in life are paid for.

If you truly believe in something and want it bad enough then you will do what it takes to have it.

So, nothing is free, except that doesn't mean she has to pay for getting whatever it is she wants, it's someone else that has to pay for some vague "privilege" of some sort. contorted.

when did you last hear about a male dominant requiring "tributes" ? and isn't it strange that half the female self proclaimed "lifestyle domme" seem to ? and slaves work about the same way, it's usually boys that pay their fare and girls that expect the master to do it.

there's a distinct yet similar category, of women that don't outright beg for money, but still are looking for something very speciffic. a nice house. a better matress than they can afford. real wine. real kashmir. a better car. lifestyle as in plush couch not necessarily as in sweat and blood. all the bdsm contraption then become something tollerated, for the caviar and mumm, it isn't as bad as it seems, it doesn't last that long, heck, why not sort of thing.

so, the question is, do you belive that females more than males whore it out for material advantage in the bdsm community ? or is the above just an internet artefact ?

I dont think it has anything to do with internet, or with bdsm.  "gold diggers" have been around for as long as mankind; some female, some male, some bdsm, some whatever.  And I dont think its a necessarily female thing.  Theres plenty of men out there who ask us girls if we 'own or rent'. 

Emperor1956 -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 2:50:42 PM)


GoddessDustyGold said: 

ORIGINAL: zenofeller

Along with my apologies for being a tad absent lately, I bring you the latest in controversial topics, as customary.

This is not the latest in controversial topics.  It is the oldest, in controversial topics.  So I will give you "controversial". Because I am sure all you want to do is stir up the same old arguments.
As one who is such "an observer of human nature", perhaps you could try to bring something a bit fresher to the table.
I, for one, never noticed you were away.

Dusty, I think I love you!


caitlyn -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:12:27 PM)

You could say that the woman entering into a relationship looking for a big house, nice car and real wine, is whoring a bit.
You could also say that the man entering a relationship looking for someone to keep house, raise the kids and be there to fuck after work, is whoring a bit.
Or, you could just let everyone live without labels.
Welcome back, by the way.[:D]

MisPandora -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:15:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: zenofeller

to return the favor, i could wonder if typing helps you lose weight, or...

I was asking a serious question.  I'm not quite sure how you'd measure if someone (the "whores") actually changed their ways from your posting here, but it'd be something interesting to study, no?

Fortunately for me, a diet can change one's weight.  Changing one's crappy attitude or the way they treat others is unfortunately a terminal disease.  My condolances.

Homestead -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:20:39 PM)


ORIGINAL: zenofeller

Along with my apologies for being a tad absent lately, I bring you the latest in controversial topics, as customary.

Let's look at a random profile here on collarme :


Nothing in life is free. I DO REQUIRE TRIBUTES. I have been a lifestyle domme...there is no difference...I just love the power of taking whats yours and making it MINE!

I don't believe in the old saying "The best things in life are free"... everyone knows the best things in life are paid for.

If you truly believe in something and want it bad enough then you will do what it takes to have it.

So, nothing is free, except that doesn't mean she has to pay for getting whatever it is she wants, it's someone else that has to pay for some vague "privilege" of some sort. contorted.

when did you last hear about a male dominant requiring "tributes" ? and isn't it strange that half the female self proclaimed "lifestyle domme" seem to ? and slaves work about the same way, it's usually boys that pay their fare and girls that expect the master to do it.

there's a distinct yet similar category, of women that don't outright beg for money, but still are looking for something very speciffic. a nice house. a better matress than they can afford. real wine. real kashmir. a better car. lifestyle as in plush couch not necessarily as in sweat and blood. all the bdsm contraption then become something tollerated, for the caviar and mumm, it isn't as bad as it seems, it doesn't last that long, heck, why not sort of thing.

so, the question is, do you belive that females more than males whore it out for material advantage in the bdsm community ? or is the above just an internet artefact ?

Standard female gold-digger attitude-her pussy is an atm.[:D]

LotusSong -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:23:12 PM)

Ok.. so what would make you guys happy?  Men speak derogatorily of women who give sex freely.,  Then call them the same if they charge you for it. If the choice is only being a poor whore or a rich whore.. which would YOU choose?

Just accept it.. we have you by the proverbial balls.  You can pay for it and thus be the victim of your own need.. or you might even think you can take it and we will drive you to your spiritrual knees.. in court.

zenofeller -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:23:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: MisPandora

ORIGINAL: zenofeller
to return the favor, i could wonder if typing helps you lose weight, or...

I was asking a serious question.  I'm not quite sure how you'd measure if someone (the "whores") actually changed their ways from your posting here, but it'd be something interesting to study, no?

Fortunately for me, a diet can change one's weight.  Changing one's crappy attitude or the way they treat others is unfortunately a terminal disease.  My condolances.

i dunno. if it's so interesting, go study it.
and you know, i never heard anyone say they're an asshole because...well.. it's their glands, there's nothing they can do about it. practical experience seems to indicate you got things backwards.


You could also say that the man entering a relationship looking for someone to keep house, raise the kids and be there to fuck after work, is whoring a bit.

i would say you're wrong. man looking for someone seems to me materially different than woman looking for something. and thanks, nice to be back. i was away on court ordered sensitivity lessons. does it show ?

just kidding.

Homestead -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:25:16 PM)



Ok.. so what would make you guys happy?  Men speak derogatorily of women who give sex freely.,  Then call them the same if they charge you for it. If the choice is only being a poor whore or a rich whore.. which would YOU choose?

Just accept it.. we have you by the proverbial balls.  You can pay for it and thus be the victim of your own need.. or you might even think you can take it and we will drive you to your spiritrual knees.. in court.

Or we can say "screw this" and jerk off to porno ,and then where will you all be?[:D]

RighteousBabe -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:25:54 PM)

I'm probably gonna end up smacking myself for jumping into this thread, but I can't help but wonder about something...

So a domme (pro or not) who suggests that she expects to be materially compensated for her services or for the time and energy she puts forth into her exchanges with her subs is labelled a whore or a gold-digger or whatever, but what about the vanilla wives who go into their marriage expecting  that their spouses provide them with nice cars, a luxurious home,  charge up hubby's gold card, etc, etc.   Are they all  whores?  Is it different because they have a binding legal document that calls them man and wife?   

This has much less to do with gender and the so-called prescribed ways men and women interact with one another and more to do with economics....throughout history all forms of inequality are rooted in fear; the fear of losing something of value, having to settle for less so the "other" has a chance to do better or get what the dominant class assumes is rightfully theirs.  Misogyny may disguise itself in subtle ways, but I sense deep down,  the fear that there won't be enough $$ to go around if women keep asking for and getting more is what is the underlying issue here.

zenofeller -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:27:15 PM)


Just accept it.. we have you by the proverbial balls.  You can pay for it and thus be the victim of your own need.. or you might even think you can take it and we will drive you to your spiritrual knees.. in court.

i always found this line of reasoning funny. never has it happened that i ever ended up involved with someone thinking along those lines, never has it happened that someone i was involved with started thinking along those lines. i guess somewhere in that qupte is hidden a sort of self-feeding mark of perpetual solitude.


I'm just angry

so, may i suggest professional help then ? i'm not really qualified.

LotusSong -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:27:57 PM)

Now, now Em :)  People who have their heads up their ass do so because it makes them feel warm and safe and it smells like home.  We need to understand this :)

(excellent post, btw)

zenofeller -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:30:16 PM)


ORIGINAL: RighteousBabe
but I sense deep down,  the fear that there won't be enough $$ to go around if women keep asking for and getting more is what is the underlying issue here.

not interested to discuss the rest of your post, it's either stale or misconceived. but this particular bit of economics malformation i want to adress.

there can never be a situation where there's not enough money to go around. that's why we ditched the gold standard.

Homestead -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:30:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: RighteousBabe

I'm probably gonna end up smacking myself for jumping into this thread, but I can't help but wonder about something...

So a domme (pro or not) who suggests that she expects to be materially compensated for her services or for the time and energy she puts forth into her exchanges with her subs is labelled a whore or a gold-digger or whatever, but what about the vanilla wives who go into their marriage expecting  that their spouses provide them with nice cars, a luxurious home,  charge up hubby's gold card, etc, etc.   Are they all  whores?  Is it different because they have a binding legal document that calls them man and wife?   

This has much less to do with gender and the so-called prescribed ways men and women interact with one another and more to do with economics....throughout history all forms of inequality are rooted in fear; the fear of losing something of value, having to settle for less so the "other" has a chance to do better or get what the dominant class assumes is rightfully theirs.  Misogyny may disguise itself in subtle ways, but I sense deep down,  the fear that there won't be enough $$ to go around if women keep asking for and getting more is what is the underlying issue here.

The issue is exploitation of a drive.

LotusSong -> RE: Doms and whores. (8/9/2006 3:34:58 PM)

<<Or we can say "screw this" and jerk off to porno ,and then where will you all be?[:D] >>

ROFL..!  Selling you the porno!!!!

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