muff muff (Full Version)

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ADomDoc -> muff muff (8/10/2006 10:05:11 PM)

Ralph goes into the pet shop looking for a puppy for his wife, Alice ... hoping it might be cute & make her more loveable.  He looks at the dalmations, and the chihuahuas, and the Rottweilers ... he just can't make up his mind.  He's roaming around the pet shop and at the very back of the shop, he sees a small cage with very thick bars ... with a sign "muff muff" on it. 

He assumes by the name that it's some sort of cute little dog and asks if he could buy it. 

The owner of the shop says, "Oh no!  It's not for sale.  It's far too dangerous."

Ralph says, "With a name like muff muff?  How dangerous could a tiny dog be?"

After arguing about it for a while, the owner finally says, "Ok ... I'll prove it to you.  Get over behind that crate & watch this."

So Ralph steps behind a packing crate & watches as the owner puts down a huge bone in front of the cage ... then he lifts the latch with a string on a stick.  He then says, "Muff, muff ... the bone!"  And this little ball of hair dashes out of the cage, and, in seconds, chews a bone 3 times it's size into dust ... then runs back into the cage.

Ralph says, "My he's a speedy little guy ... and hungry, too!  But that doesn't make him dangerous."

"Ok" says the owner, "watch this" as he lifts the latch again, and says "Muff, muff, the shovel."  And the little ball of fluff dashes out & chews the large steel shovel into scrap in seconds.

Ralph still thinks it's a cute furry puppy & thinks his wife will love it ... after all ... he doesn't have any shovels in the house ... and he plans on feeding the puppy well.  So he offers the owner of the shop $500 for the puppy. 

Ralph gets some help to load the little, but heavy cage into his car ... and gets it home.

Shortly before Alice gets home from shopping, Ralph has the cage installed in the corner of the kitchen with a bowl of water & a bowl of food by the open gate.  When Alice finally gets home, she asks, "What the hell is this cage doing in the kitchen, Ralph?"

Ralph says, "See the sign?  It's a cute little Muff, Muff for you, dear."

To which Alice says, "Muff, muff, my ass!"

Saratov -> RE: muff muff (8/11/2006 8:36:38 AM)

Sooo, when's the funeral? [:D]

Cutiepie74019 -> RE: muff muff (8/11/2006 11:07:02 AM)

 where can i get a Muff muff[:D]

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