Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (Full Version)

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knees2you -> Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (12/25/2004 7:31:31 PM)

Who do You think is in Charge here??~[:D]

I think I' m not Sure who's the Dominate Raindeer??

Sincerely, eyesofAslave[;)]


GoddessJules -> RE: Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (12/25/2004 7:43:04 PM)


The word is DOMINANT. . .dominate is a verb.[;)]


knees2you -> RE: Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (12/25/2004 9:07:24 PM)

You say Patatoe, I say potatoe, I always spell Dominate that way~ always have always will~
Well now that Your done ranting was it funny[:D][:D]

[;)][;)][;)] eyes

GoddessJules -> RE: Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (12/25/2004 9:12:48 PM)

That wasn't a rant. It was a mere correction.Now that I know that you think it is okay to bastardize the language by using verbs in place of adjectives, I'll consider it water under the bridge. No. . .I didn't find it all that funny, but I'm sure there are some others that will.

Irshwlf -> RE: Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (12/25/2004 10:37:00 PM)

I would tend to agree on that one. Careless use of the english language is a pet peeve, especially spelling etc....btw, it is reindeer. Grammar, spelling etc, indicate how well a person chooses to present themselves, as well as their attention to detail. And, it is especially important in a medium such as this when our words try to convey who we really are. One needs to take the time to use the language correctly, especially those simple things if one is trying to find a *dominant* that you wish to *dominate* you.


ORIGINAL: GoddessJules

That wasn't a rant. It was a mere correction.Now that I know that you think it is okay to bastardize the language by using verbs in place of adjectives, I'll consider it water under the bridge. No. . .I didn't find it all that funny, but I'm sure there are some others that will.

knees2you -> RE: Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (12/26/2004 9:00:24 PM)

My ex Mistress was dyxlexic,
People always put Her down.
Now I know how She feelS.[8|]

Sincerely, eyesofAslave[;)]


stef -> RE: Who's the Dominate Raindeer? (12/26/2004 9:16:15 PM)


ORIGINAL: knees2you

My ex Mistress was dyxlexic,
People always put Her down.
Now I know how She feelS.[8|]

Sincerely, eyesofAslave[;)]

You've got to be kidding me. You're equating your self-professed willful ignorance with a learning disability?

As someone who lives with dyslexia, I find your comparison to be amazingly pathetic. You have absolutely no idea what it's like to deal with something like this. What's next? Comparing yourself to people with brain cancer because you have a headache?


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