RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (Full Version)

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mp072004 -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:10:02 PM)

I don't think it's unreasonable to be nude much of the time while at home. I don't generally run around naked or in just underpants, but my partner does so most of the time in the summer. This isn't due to an agreement or request--he likely wears few to no clothes while I'm clothed because if the house is seventy-five degrees, I'm comfortable moving around in jeans and a sweatshirt and he becomes overly warm if he's active and in a t-shirt. I imagine if he noticed real obstacles to running around naked he would stop doing it.

To Susan's first question, you put on a bathrobe to answer the door. If you're cold, (and if discomfort isn't the goal!) you turn the heat up or put clothes on, I suppose. I think you're allowed to be naked with nonchalance in your own house if you like, and I doubt any of your neighbors would bring the law against you. I imagine most people would assume that their naked neighbor was in the midst of dressing or undressing. About the nuisance of dressing to go out, I don't generally wear the same clothes at home and in private as I do when entertaining guests or in public, and I would guess I am not unique in this. I would think that going from naked to dressed to go out would be easier than going from comfy house clothes to dressed to go out, because one wouldn't need to undress and then dress if one were already naked.

However, while I don't see a lot of practical problems, I do see problems with full-time nudity continuing to be sexy. Like xGoddessx said, it's just a part of life, and you just adjust to it. Naked people get used to being naked, and clothed people get used to being around naked people. If nudity is commonplace, it ceases to be a cue for sexiness. Therapists who work with couples in low-sex marriages routinely tell people to reserve certain things, like nudity while sleeping, bathing together, and interacting while dressed in pretty underthings, so that they're special and easily identifiable as sexual cues.


SusanofO -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:14:13 PM)

mnottertail: Barney is hard limit for me too! LOL. [:D]
Yes, I have read your profile. I think it's very well written, and interesting to read. It's an example for anyone wanting to know how to write a good profile, I think (and it's fun to read, too).

- Susan

SusanofO -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:21:00 PM)

mp072004: I agree w/ what you said, it would seem to be self-evident. But - believe it or not, I've e-mailed occasionally w/Dominants who couldn't even answer, when I asked, about being allowed to put a robe on if answering a door - as if they were either simply playing with my mind, or else hadn't thought about this possibility in the case of folks coming to the door, etc. In case one, I see this response as not answering a legitimate question, and in case two, I think it is being stupid, plus not answering a legitimate question.

**Excellent point, I think, about nudity perhaps not continuing to be sexy, if done all the time.
Does anyone out there who does this all the time, have more opinions aboout this? 

- Susan

WhipTheHip -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:26:10 PM)

I believe in a relationship everything is negotiable.  If I have a sub, I am going to
want her to tell me what things she is comfortable doing and what things not.
I am not going to force a sub to do something that really doesn't want to do,
unless that is what she wants me to do.  I like a sub to wear a thong around
the house as often as possible.  Of course different situations call for different
kinds of conduct, that goes without saying.
At one point in my life, I was a religious fundamentalist, and I was going door
to door on some religious mission.  When I knocked on one door, some beautiful
young female opened the door stark naked.  I averted my eyes, and continued
with whatever I was doing.   I wonder why things like that don't happen to me

WhipTheHip -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:27:25 PM)



I believe in a relationship everything is negotiable.  If I have a sub, I am going to
want her to tell me what things she is comfortable doing and what things not.
I am not going to force a sub to do something that really doesn't want to do,
unless that is what she wants me to do.  I like a sub to wear a thong around
the house as often as possible.  Of course different situations call for different
kinds of conduct, that goes without saying.
At one point in my life, I was a religious fundamentalist, and I was going door
to door on some religious mission.  When I knocked on one door, some beautiful
young female opened the door stark naked.  I averted my eyes, and continued
with whatever I was doing.   I wonder why things like that don't happen to me
You can always throw on a robe.

popeye1250 -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:28:47 PM)

Susan, yes, I think that it could be a "fantasy" for some.
As for me, I wouldn't "require" it. More interested in a sexy maid's uniform or sexy lingerie and high heels.
Occaisional nudity would be nice though or if a sub really wanted to do it I of course would permit it , or maybe have two days a week where she would have to be nakid, which of course (I) would choose!   ("Communication" again!)
I live in a condo and out behind me is a golf course with a cart path that golfers use to drive their golf carts on that's about 20 yards away. Then on the other side of the fairway about 100 yards away are houses.
I have a sliding glass door which leads out onto a screened in porch.
It is kind of hard to "see into" the condo from outside but people could see someone in here I guess.
If I wanted to "expose" my sub I could have her stand in the living room as the golfers drove by and they "may" or "may not" see her! They'd have to be looking pretty hard.
It could be a fun thing to do.
But there is a 20 foot deep patch of grass that seperates us from the golf course and some of the other owners do walk their dogs by right outside at all different times so it has that element of "getting caught." (I'm on the ground floor)
Hmmm, Susan,  you brought up another fun subject! You know, that could be like a fun game to play!
"Ok little girl, I want you to stand in the middle of the living room naked for 20 minutes" (And hope she get's "caught"!)
As for laws you can of course be naked in your own home here just not up against the window.
People here are from all around the country so they're pretty cool about things like that. I seriously doubt that anyone would call the cops about something as trivial as that.
They'd probably be more embarrassed themselves.
After all, windows are for people to look OUT of, not for people to be looking IN through!
Now, Night time............

SusanofO -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:29:54 PM)

Whipthe Hip: What you say makes sense. As for why you don't get random naked women answering their doors to you anymore - all I can say is that, having  found bdsm, God may think your potential calendar for this is now already full up, whereas before, He may have thought you'd go through life deprived, if it didn't happen occasionally at complete random.

I will pray for you ( I am just teasin' ya - I am happy you wrote in, your replies are always so gentlemanly yet reasonable).
- Susan

DiurnalVampire -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:30:15 PM)


**Excellent point, I think, about nudity perhaps not continuing to be sexy, if done all the time.
Does anyone out there who does this all the time, have more opinions aboout this? 

Actually this is exactly why I refuse to have someone nude aruond the house all the time. Its not as interesting once it becomes commonplace. While I understand the submissive angle of being forced to serve unclothed, I prefer someone in somthing attractive to look at, which I can change at my whim.  Occasionally, nude might be preferable, but I like having my boy in an asthetically pleasing outfit rather than nude all the time.
He will still need a robe hung near the door, incase someone knocks.  Thats just a reasonable allowance so that not EVERYONE in your neighborhood knows you spend your time naked, or in his case femenized.

My ever so humble opinion, of course.


SusanofO -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:32:18 PM)

popeye: Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I am thinking that some lingerie might actually be sexier, although some Dominants seem to be fascinated w/the idea of 24/7 nudity. I am still wondering if the appeal wears off due to this for some who require it. If anyone out there can answer this, please do.
Diurnal did - thanks, Diurnal.

- Susan

xGoddessx -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:34:40 PM)

I guess it could not be considered as sexy if it were allowed to get that way.  With us, it just hasn't happened.  I think it's because we are both very sexually charged people.  Like I said, I pretty much stay turned on because I know he can take me anytime, anywhere.  He has done this many times, walking in the kitchen bent me over the table, did his stuff then left me to finish dinner.    It's him walking up behind me and me not knowing if he is going to do it, it's his hands touching me in "those" places easily whenever he wants. 
I think like anything else, it can get old if two people let it.

SusanofO -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:35:51 PM)

Thanks, XGoddessX.

- Susan

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:36:35 PM)

If there was to be no clothing at all even when people ring the doorbell, I'd just make the master answer the door everytime the door needed answering. Or have a robe by the door for ocasions I have to answer the door. But then again I spend all day naked by choice, unless i have to go somewhere, or there's a good reason to put clothing on, such as family visiting.

LTRsubNW -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:40:59 PM)


ORIGINAL: mp072004

Therapists who work with couples in low-sex marriages routinely tell people to reserve certain things, like nudity while sleeping, bathing together, and interacting while dressed in pretty underthings, so that they're special and easily identifiable as sexual cues.


Yes, I'm familiar with that term.  My ex wife had those.

Her sexual cues were...wait...I'm thinking...they were...uhm....hold on...

(I may have to get back to you on this)

SusanofO -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:41:41 PM)

Thanks for the reply, Feline. Nice to hear from those who do practice this.

- Susan

popeye1250 -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:42:24 PM)

Susan, yes I think lingerie is much sexier than full nudity!
But, I also think that full nudity would have it's place as well like maybe for punishment and vulnerability purposes at certain times, not "all" the time as that (would) be boring!
("Hey little girl, have you seen the remote? It was right on the couch a minute ago before you sat..........")

mistoferin -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:45:13 PM)

I live in Michigan.....enuff said

FelinePersuasion -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:47:46 PM)

I do that all the time, it's not at all inconvenient to me. It's more of a bother to be clothed allday when I dispise clothing. I go out in my own  back yard nude too, Our back yard is private enough to do that.

I stay home most all day though. I guess maybe it might be more annoying if I had to go out of the house 20 times a day it might bug me.



odinlove: Yes, it seems sexy and intimate, but also seems like it could be somewhat inconvenient as a demand. I mean, if you want to go anywhere, you have to get dressed - go there - come home, get undressed. 

LTRsubNW -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:48:17 PM)



popeye: Thanks for the reply. Yeah, I am thinking that some lingerie might actually be sexier, although some Dominants seem to be fascinated w/the idea of 24/7 nudity. I am still wondering if the appeal wears off due to this for some who require it. If anyone out there can answer this, please do.
Diurnal did - thanks, Diurnal.

- Susan

Susan, as a male allow me to be the first to say, even if 24/7 nudity (of my Domme) ever did become redundant or wore off, I for one would be willing to suffer the torment of discovery on that one.

In fact, I would willingly avail myself for a test on this very subject.  I have a very large home near Seattle on acreage.  I submit that we get roughly 10 - 15 remarkably attractive women to come stay with me for the next 6 weeks (for scientific purposes of course) all naked, 24/7, and I promise (and I do this entirely selflessly, kinda "taking one for the team" you might say) to write down everything on a daily basis in a report for everyone here as to my psyche and how it all came together. 

When it's all over I will provide copies of this for anyone who, like me, wants to gain knowledge and grow as a human being.

(I think sometimes I simply give too much of myself).

SusanofO -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:53:38 PM)

You are indeed a true example of selfless humanitarianism, LTRsubNW. [:D].
I think it is courageous, and very giving of you, to offer your time, and sacrifice for all of us at CM who burn to know the real answers a true scientific inquiry could provide, as far as this question is concerned. A round of applause is due you; maybe even a  letter of commendation from the American Medical Associaton. Take a bow, LTRsubNW.

- Susan 

LTRsubNW -> RE: Nude at home all the time - a reasonable demand? (8/24/2006 7:59:39 PM)



You are indeed a true example of selfless humanitarianism, LTRsubNW. [:D].
I think it is courageous (ya know, I wasn't vain enough to say that myself in front of all these people, but you gotta admit, she's right...courageous is the word..."generous of my time" comes to mind now that I think of it as well), and very giving of you, to offer your time, and sacrifice for all of us at CM who burn to know the real answers a true scientific inquiry could provide, as far as this question is concerned. A round of applause is due you; maybe even a  letter of commendation from the American Medical Associaton. Take a bow, LTRsubNW.

- Susan 

Damn right.

(Finally I'm getting the true recognition I deserve)

Ya know, I'm thinking 4 - 5 inch heels, open toe'd would make the test more viable too.

Just a thought.

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