RE: Yogurt (Full Version)

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ProphetPX -> RE: Yogurt (8/31/2006 10:04:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: cuddleheart50

Is there any health benefits to eating yogurt everyday?

Eating more yogurt might increase the size and effect of your "Schwartz" :-)

who needs all them spam emails about increasing the size of your unit ... just USE THE FORCE, LUKE !!

(gratuitous Spaceballs plug, had to be done ... lol)

Rule -> RE: Yogurt (9/1/2006 1:31:16 AM)


ORIGINAL: FangsNfeet
I perfer just good old natural yogurt with no tampering.

Quite. Some of the additions are very unhealthy.

Manawyddan -> RE: Yogurt (9/2/2006 6:42:06 AM)

The probiotics are good for you, just make sure you have 'live' yoghurt; not everything sold under that name will have probiotics.

Outside of that, however, many people claim yoghurt is some sort of cure-all food and it isn't. Eating yoghurt is about the same for you as drinking a glass of milk (or, if you buy the flavored stuff, drinking a glass of milk and eating a small piece of candied fruit).

proudsub -> RE: Yogurt (9/2/2006 12:55:26 PM)


ORIGINAL: FangsNfeet

I perfer just good old natural yogurt with no tampering. Creamy, non pasterized, and cold is all I ask. If and when I want flavor, I'll add the berries, nuts, and such myself.

On the South Beach diet many of us add a little powdered sugar free, fat free pudding mix to plain yogurt. The pudding mix makes it nice and thick and adds flavor. The cheesecake, lemon and chocolate puddings are delicious with it. Sometimes i add some Crystal Lite pink lemonade powder too, makes it taste like cheesecake.

SenpaiandMia -> RE: Yogurt (9/3/2006 4:45:48 AM)

If you are using enema's yogurt helps your body replace the natural fauna in your intestinal system. But really you only need to eat it on the and possibly the day after the enema. It does depend on what type you do (water/saline/oil+water) and what kind of series you do (2 or 3 or just a single), the more flushing of your system the more yogurt you should ingest. Just need to make sure it's the kind with "active cultures."

Beyond that, I don't know of any health benifits of it, but it is great for yummy fruit smoothies [:D]


LeMis -> RE: Yogurt (9/3/2006 7:49:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: proudsub

On the South Beach diet many of us add a little powdered sugar free, fat free pudding mix to plain yogurt. The pudding mix makes it nice and thick and adds flavor. The cheesecake, lemon and chocolate puddings are delicious with it. Sometimes i add some Crystal Lite pink lemonade powder too, makes it taste like cheesecake.

Hey proudsub,
Thanks for the tips!


I like Publix brand No Sugar added yogurt, blueberry & cranberry-raspberry flavors.  I have a couple every 4-6 weeks.
I like yogurt too much to have it all the time.

Sunshine119 -> RE: Yogurt (9/3/2006 11:52:33 AM)


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Ditto. I only buy Stoneyfields Farms organic. It has all the good stuff and none of the bad, like sugar!

Oooooo.....yes!  Stoneyfields Farms with the layer of yogurt cream on top!  Yum.

TreSwank -> RE: Yogurt (9/5/2006 1:17:47 PM)

Because I've been working out and trying to build muscle mass as of late, I've discovered that yogurt is THE bodybuilder's ideal desert because it is high in protein, and low on fat. 

ladycirce -> RE: Yogurt (9/6/2006 6:56:26 AM)

i was hoping S/someone might mention the difference between yoghurt and the stuff Dannon passes off as a health food. :) when the product is cultured, and thus laden with the probiotics that are good for the intestines, there is absolutely no need for any geletain. it is good to see that Stoneyfield Farm has made it into many grocery stores, because despite the aggressive advertizing, standard commercial brands have negligible health benifits.

now, for my bombshell. it is not only good for the digestive tract, but very benificial for the female reproductive tract, provoded that there is no lactose intolerance. and most health food stores carry cultured soy products now, so that is only an issue for those with multiple food allergies.
this is amazing, and true plain yoghurt, multiple cultures, can cure a mild yeast infection. you can only use PLAIN, organic is best, cultured with live bacteria. soak a tampon in the yoghurt, smear it around if you are itchy. this is not food play, this is medicine that works. my little sister didn't believe me at first either. now, i am talking a standard, not out of control yeast infection. not a fishy smell, bacterial infection. not an STD manifesting a yeast imbalance in the vagina.
but if you sleep with a yoghurt tampon and a maxi pad, you can cure a mild infection, say just when it starts, with plain old yoghurt.
i swear!

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