Airport Security & Steel Collars (Full Version)

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Demonic707 -> Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/7/2006 11:52:19 PM)

I am concerned that I may have trouble boarding my slave on a plane.  I permanently collared her with a stainless steel collar (from House of Collars).  Does anyone have any personal experience with collars and TSA,  particularly after the recent, increased, security measures?

SirMichealspeach -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/8/2006 12:03:06 AM)

i have a stainless steel collar also. i would think that it is pretty apparent what is setting off the alarms as mineis  visible..they don't usually make  one remove necklaces and rings or any other  jewlry for that matter... its obvious that it dosen't come off so i see no problem with her wearing it..You could remove it for the plane ride and pack it  carefully if Your really worried i suppose

Sir Micheals peach

MzMinx -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/8/2006 1:40:53 AM)

depending on the airport they  do make you remove jewelery  ... *smile* ...  I have traveled extensively over the last three years in all parts of the world  .... and am often required to remove every peice of jewelery except for peircings  .... on both domestic and international flights in all sorts of countries ...

I wear large amounts of metal bracelets, rings, necklaces and at times ankle and toe jewlery.... I do have several peices which are very difficult to remove and have at times been allowed to leave them on after a visual inspection by a security officer

My recomendation is to tell the security person upfront ... that it is unremovable and allow them to inspect it before you go beep in the walk through
You wont be the only person they have inspected tht hs unremovble jewelery  *smiles* ... a  friend of mine has an intricate locked on belly chain that sets of security ... and so far she has had no problems and quite a few compliments .. but she alwys explains it up front ... in the last year she has  been to London, the US and india from australia

Demonic707 -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/8/2006 7:41:53 AM)

I'm still concerned that with the increased security measures, they may not let her on the plane.  But at the same time, I don't like the idea of removing my collar from her, just for the psychological effect.  To be able to remove it and then replace it simply without my presence would lessen its effect, I think. 

Samwhiplash -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/8/2006 10:42:34 AM)

Unfortunately I would think it may have to come off. Even to travel out of Dublin airport we have to remove shoes, belts, and ALL jewellery.

I travelled to Crete 2wks ago and this was procedure.

Im also travelling to the UK tomorrow and expect to hve to do the same.

Im waiting for the time my nipple ring sets it off LOL

theRose4U -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/8/2006 4:41:36 PM)

If you're that worried about the psychological give her a "travel collar" one that's less obvious and just as meaningful. If you're traveling with her carry the key just in case some bonehead gets the bright idea to go after it with bolt cutters.

Misstoyou -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/8/2006 5:14:04 PM)



If you're that worried about the psychological give her a "travel collar" one that's less obvious and just as meaningful...

I like this idea. In these times I think it would be wise to protect your submissive from undue attention and delay at our airports. I know *I* wasn't thrilled with either the attention or the delay that resulted from wearing my corset when I was traveling, a mistake I never made again, [&:], and that was a while back.

smilezz -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/9/2006 8:23:13 AM)

I wear a locking steel collar.  I have had no issues with going through security as of yet.  When i do travel, i am allowed to take it off before going through security or i travel with the mechanism to take it off. 
If it means not getting on a flight because of my collar and their security issues surrounding this, it's better to remove it, then put it back on.

It does not make me feel any less owned by not having the collar on.


BD123 -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/9/2006 11:54:16 AM)

I have several pins and screws in my leg, that sets off the metal detectors all the time. I tell security and than they use a hand held device to verify.

MistressWolfen -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/9/2006 5:15:50 PM)

My experience has been the same MzMinx, and I travel extensively. Hair clips, watches you name it I have had to remove it.

theRose4U -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/9/2006 10:06:56 PM)

Whether we like it or not the wackos have changed travel as we knew it. I would think it would be more psychologically damaging to be detained and questioned by the police than to remove it under masters orders. WIITWD kind of dictates their protection above all else, unfortunately these days security to save us from the wackos trumps a dom.

GeekyGirl -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/11/2006 5:45:39 AM)

Temporarily removing the collar shouldn't be that big of a deal...we do have to make some concessions to our lifestyle since we live in the "real world."

For example, I work in law enforcement and wear a uniform. I am not allowed by my department to wear any form of neck jewelry when in uniform, so for me a collar HAS to be removable. What worked for me and my previous Owner was that I wore a ring he had given me when I was at work, and wore my collar at home.

yourMissTress -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/11/2006 5:56:12 AM)

My girl has several collars.  The one that she wears all the time and has never had off since the day we got it, is the locking steel collar from Eternity Collars, is like the one you speak of.  But we have 5 others that can be worn when this one is inappropriate (we haven't found that occasion to date).  When we travel overseas we will have at least one other collar along and will use it if necessary to take this one off for security.
Having said that, I wear a lot of metal.  I have had metal detectors go off for the amount of metal in my earrings, piercings, other jewelery and the underwire in my bra.  While I've been asked to remove my earings or bracelets from time to time no security officer has ever asked me to remove my bra and they've simply waved a hand held sensor around me and had another female take me behind a screen to do a visual inspection. 

Raye -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/11/2006 6:13:59 AM)

I adore the collars from House of Collars! T/they are nice folks,too. I dont fly much,so I cant weigh in on the true topic, just had to plug the local talent(S).Yet this topic is of interest to Me,as I wear a HOC steel collar myself,as a love token from My own lover and we plan to go skiing this winter. This will mean flying,ugh.

TrailDuster -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/12/2006 10:21:48 AM)

Demonic707 - I worked 6 years in Airport Security, part of that during the Lockerbie incedent. My tip - don't take the cance that boarding may be denied. Take the collar off for the plane trip.

Trail Duster
Nothing is more American than a Cowboy

Demonic707 -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/12/2006 10:22:31 PM)

Thanks for everyone's advice, I enjoyed seeing the amount of interest this subject has in our community.  I will probably just remove my collar for the duration of the flight.  But I do think that if the whole object of terrorism is to instill paranoia and fear, we are letting the terrorists get the better of us.  Oh well, less freedom, more safety. 

candycoatedtoxin -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/14/2006 1:00:09 PM)



I have several pins and screws in my leg, that sets off the metal detectors all the time. I tell security and than they use a hand held device to verify.

And there's always that. If you're REALLY uncomfortable with the collar coming off, leave it on. It's really visible, and if nothing else they'll just take the handheld to the rest of the body, find nothing, and you both can go on your way.

embersMaster -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/23/2006 7:22:25 AM)

I travel a lot and while I have not had any experience with this one but I can tell you that my experience is that the smaller airports are more strict on wierd rules.  My guess is that in the small airports, you are dealing with people who feel the need to express their power through being a pain in the ass at the TSA location.  So, travel from the bigger cities, you may have less problems.

Avrilkiller -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (9/24/2006 4:19:13 PM)

Hmm, i traveled in and out of Dublin and the US a month ago, and wasn't asked to remove any jewelry. i think you could get away with a visual inspection. But might i reccomend calling the airport and speaking to security to find out ahead of time?

Worst comes to worst, You can always slide her through the baggage x-ray ^.^

NaturesTreasure -> RE: Airport Security & Steel Collars (10/1/2006 12:59:58 PM)

personal exsperience!! do not try it!! my slave went thru a big legal deal over cuffs and a collar in his bags. do not pack any of these kinds of things.

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