Bush administration collars maker fetish films (Full Version)

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WhipTheHip -> Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 7:19:52 AM)


See link for more details.

Feds Give "Toilet Man 6" Two Hands Up
Bush administration obscenity crackdown nets fetish film kingpin
SEPTEMBER 7--In what appears to be a Department of Justice first, federal officials today included the word "bukkake" in a press release announcing the arrest of a Brazilian man for allegedly distributing obscene material. According to federal prosecutors, Danilo Simoes Croce, 42, operated web sites offering "obscene videos for download or delivery in the U.S.. The videos depicted bukkake, fisting, and depictions of defecation, urination, and vomiting in conjunction with sex acts." The Sao Paulo man was arrested yesterday in Florida, where he was charged with conspiracy to distribute obscene material, a felony carrying a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $150,000 fine. In a revoltingly detailed criminal complaint, postal inspector Linda Walker provides a shot-by-shot description of some of the films purchased from Croce's sites by undercover investigators, who have been targeting the operation for more than three years. Some of titles carefully reviewed by Inspector Walker were "Toilet Man 6," "Bukkake 3," and "Scat Pleasures," according to the complaint, excerpts of which you'll find below. In the Croce document, Walker also includes a brief "background on fetish-type" films, in case readers (like, say, a square U.S. magistrate judge) were unfamiliar with terms such as "fisting." The Croce case is the latest major prosecution brought as a result of the Bush administration's initiative against hard-core pornography. In a communication last year to the FBI's 56 field offices, the anti-obscenity campaign was described as "one of the top priorities" of Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez and FBI Director Robert Mueller. (9 pages)

gooddogbenji -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 7:47:27 AM)

The subject of the thread would have been clever had proper grammar been used.

For the rest, tough shit for living in the land of the free.



onestandingstill -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 8:17:09 AM)

It's sad, but many do not accept ideals that don't match their train of thought. I say as long as things are consensual all they have to do is not look at it to be offended by it. It's just ridiculous to attack people who are not bothering you.
Just something else President Bush is messing with he should have left alone in my opinion.

Kedicat -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 9:16:18 AM)

One of the best ways to control a population is to make their deepest drives illegal. Then just about everyone lives in fear.
Everyone can be punished. Ratted out by those who get close to them.
The outlet of those frustrated drives can be diverted to more useful things like hatred and fear.
All are criminals, free only at the pleasure of the State.

CrappyDom -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 9:35:31 AM)

But it is okay to show any amount of violence...

Thank god for the Christians, otherwise there might be peace on earth.

ShadowMster -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 10:06:57 AM)



Thank god for the Christians, otherwise there might be peace on earth.

I must say I take objection here.  Your stereo type is overly broad.  By your same logic, you should condem all human beings as it was a human (so to speak) at the FBI who had to order the material, or to express a concern of outrage.

Your religious beliefs may specificly allow for videos of consensual fisting and such, while other religious beliefs do not.  That is not to say however that any one belief is responsible for the "community standard" that judges what is and is not pornographic.  If christians did not exist, would the holy war between muslim and jews not still exist? 

Perhaps it was originally a complaint by a morman or a jew.  Maybe the person who was offended by a fisting video was wiccan or atheist? 

The "offended moral people" here are being stereotyped by you, the same way as they would stereo type you for being  "unmorral" because you are involved with kinks such as are present on Collarme.com

Just my opinion...  But it echos back with the whole "Why can't we all just get along" view.  Personally, while I might not order "Toilet Man 6", I don't feel it is my place to prevent you from doing so. 

gooddogbenji -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 10:10:38 AM)

Yeah, and maybe the bible belt refers to a lot of people reading the "Casserole Bible," the very popular cookbook.



CrappyDom -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 10:47:27 AM)

There have been Jewish and even Christian settlements all over the middle east for centuries, it is only recently an issue.

I realize that is a concept you cannot grasp so look at the background to the Lebanon conflict and what sects were battling who, look at the fact that the arab Christians and being persecuted in Iraq which by definition means they have been there.  The whole Da Vinci Code thing has much to do with the Egyptian Christians, the Copts.  I could go on but since facts have a strong liberal bias, I am sure you will dismiss them.

The history of the Christians decimating "heathens" is unequeled on this planet by probably all other religions combined.

FirmhandKY -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 10:52:24 AM)



There have been Jewish and even Christian settlements all over the middle east for centuries, it is only recently an issue.

I realize that is a concept you cannot grasp so look at the background to the Lebanon conflict and what sects were battling who, look at the fact that the arab Christians and being persecuted in Iraq which by definition means they have been there.  The whole Da Vinci Code thing has much to do with the Egyptian Christians, the Copts.  I could go on but since facts have a strong liberal bias, I am sure you will dismiss them.

The history of the Christians decimating "heathens" is unequeled on this planet by probably all other religions combined.

I guess we should be really sad that the Aztec religion didn't become a world religion.


CrappyDom -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 11:21:48 AM)

No more so than any number of Christian sects or movements.  It was Christians who created tests to see if people were guilty where if they lived they were guilty and were only innocent if they died, they then put the guilty to death.

Kind of neat and convenient don't y ou think?

Or we could discuss the 100 year war, kind of a feat unequaled by anyone else, god knows how many died there but I forget, Christians love killing in battle and don't consider anything immoral about killing people as long as they can call it war.  So to them, killing a million in combat is moral, but making that death a ritual and only killing a few a year is a high crime.

So, on sober reflection, the Aztecs were still more moral than the Christians and which "civilization" destroyed the other? 

FirmhandKY -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 11:42:36 AM)

Ok, so you personally have had some negative experiences with some people who call themselves Christian.

Why not take your prejudices somewhere else?

I've had "issues" with an occasional black person.  What would it make me, if I then generalized to all black people?

Oh, yeah, btw:

Human sacrifice was practiced on a grand scale throughout the Aztec empire. No human society known to history approached that of the Aztecs in the quantities of people offered as religious sacrifices: 20,000 a year is a common estimate. At Tenochititlan, the principal Aztec city buried under today’s Mexico City, over 80,000 humans were sacrificed over the course of 4 days for the dedication of the temple pyramid in 1487. Excavations of the offerings in the main temple has provided some insight in the process, but the dozens of remains excavated are far short of the thousands of sacrifices recorded by eyewitnesses and other historical accounts.

From a Wikipedia about the Aztec religion.


CrappyDom -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 12:18:14 PM)

Your right, the Christians didn't kill 20,000 of the Aztecs and they are flourishing to this day...

As for who has had a bad experience with Christians, oh, just look at a globe, spin it and put your picture down, if it doesn't hit an ocean...

gooddogbenji -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 12:23:46 PM)

Also, whereas Christians imposed their religion on anyone they encountered, the Aztecs sacrificed people who were already of that religion, and their society was in line with their own principles, unlike some of the followers of Jesus "Turn the other cheek" Christ (See inquisitions, crusades, Ireland, et al)

Yes, sacrificing people is mean, but, much like Ghengis Khan's boiling prisoners of war to death, it is a different culture and time, so applying modern moral standards to them is a tad ridiculous.

I am in no way anti-religion, I am anti-hypocrisy.



FirmhandKY -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 12:33:46 PM)

Unfortunately, "hyprocrisy" is a human trait, not simply a "Christian" one.

Would either of you please show me a religion or a society anywhere in history (of any import) that didn't have hyprocrisy, murder, war, or power struggles associated with any type of belief system?

Christianity is an easy target for you, simply because you were brought up in a Christian society, and because it's what you "know".

But what you are both doing is displaying an animosity that borders on prejudice.

Did the Christian religion bring any good concepts to human society or provide any comfort and benefit to people through the ages?

Please stop painting with such broad brushes.  It can be interpreted as narrow-mindedness.


gooddogbenji -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 12:49:36 PM)

I, personally, am offended. 

That you would say my beliefs border on prejudice!  I can proudly claim that my thoughts on Christianity are nowhere near the border of prejudice.  They are inside, have work permits, and are upstanding members of the prejudice community.

I admit it, I don't like Christianity.  I have nothing against individual Christians, but the religion itself I do not like.  That having been said, I respect anyone's right to practice any religion, whether it involves human sacrifice or not.

Now, I agree.  Almost every major religion has had murder, war etc.  I don't like those either.  I'm Jewish, and I don't like Judaism.  I'm sure if I knew more Muslims, I would not like Islam.

Again, I have nothing against the people within it, I have issues with hypocrites, biblethumpers, or people who use their religion as an excuse to live their lives a certain way (Note:  Not reason, but excuse to themselves and others.  The difference is an excuse involves a lie, either from the religion itself or from the person.) without trying to find a better way.

And, as Crappy said, find me another religion that has wreaked large scale havoc on 6 continents, and is trying to translate penguin sounds to convert the 7th continent as well.



FirmhandKY -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 1:07:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: gooddogbenji

I, personally, am offended. 

That you would say my beliefs border on prejudice!  I can proudly claim that my thoughts on Christianity are nowhere near the border of prejudice.  They are inside, have work permits, and are upstanding members of the prejudice community.

I admit it, I don't like Christianity.  I have nothing against individual Christians, but the religion itself I do not like.  That having been said, I respect anyone's right to practice any religion, whether it involves human sacrifice or not.

Now, I agree.  Almost every major religion has had murder, war etc.  I don't like those either.  I'm Jewish, and I don't like Judaism.  I'm sure if I knew more Muslims, I would not like Islam.

*chuckles* Very good, benji.  I like your skewed sense of humor.  [:D]


ORIGINAL: gooddogbenji

Again, I have nothing against the people within it, I have issues with hypocrites, biblethumpers, or people who use their religion as an excuse to live their lives a certain way (Note:  Not reason, but excuse to themselves and others.  The difference is an excuse involves a lie, either from the religion itself or from the person.) without trying to find a better way.

What I think is most illuminating about Christianity is that it acknowledges that perfectablity is an illusion.  We will all fail at being "perfect", because that's our nature.  I find this to be true.

The issue that ShadowMstr reacted to was this:



Thank god for the Christians, otherwise there might be peace on earth.

To me (and I assume to ShadowMstr, but he can speak for himself) Crappy was doing exactly what you say you don't want to do - confuse the religion with each and every single individual within the religion.  Crappy appears to be using the excuse of the imperfect practice of some Christians as an attack on all Christians.  ShadowMstr called him on it, and I agreed.


ORIGINAL: gooddogbenji

And, as Crappy said, find me another religion that has wreaked large scale havoc on 6 continents, and is trying to translate penguin sounds to convert the 7th continent as well.

Perhaps the question you should be asking yourself, is why Christianity was able to successfully achieve the "reach" to be able to have an impact in such a wide area, over such a length of time. 


edited for: grammar

gooddogbenji -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 1:27:59 PM)

I think the errors of Christianity are a bit beyond "imperfections."  I mean, inquisitions spanning over 700 years, encouragement of unprotected sex in 3rd world countries, despite the threat of AIDS, and killing off a Pope for trying to expose some of their fuck ups.

I understand, power corrupts, but to have a large enough portion of the organization intersted in furthering their own power rather than Christian values should be a sign that it's time to review procedures.  Except that that's risky business, Q.E.D.



CrappyDom -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 1:49:59 PM)


I am only condeming those Christians who butchered, tortured, killed, and or maimed people on every inhabited continent and island on the planet.  Oh and those who stood by and watched but did nothing, sort of like the Pope durring WWII not doing anything to save the Jews.

That said, there are Christians who are not followers of the Supply Side Jesus and are more like Jimmy Carter or the Catholics in South America and those I have the utmost respect for.

Unfortunately, they are very much in the minority.  And on this note, I depart this thread.

Estring -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 2:56:22 PM)



There have been Jewish and even Christian settlements all over the middle east for centuries, it is only recently an issue.

I realize that is a concept you cannot grasp so look at the background to the Lebanon conflict and what sects were battling who, look at the fact that the arab Christians and being persecuted in Iraq which by definition means they have been there.  The whole Da Vinci Code thing has much to do with the Egyptian Christians, the Copts.  I could go on but since facts have a strong liberal bias, I am sure you will dismiss them.

The history of the Christians decimating "heathens" is unequeled on this planet by probably all other religions combined.

The Da Vinci Code? Lol. You are aware that that is a work of fiction?
And I am not a Christian apologist, but I would bet that there have been many more people killed in the name of some type of athiestic fascism (fascism, nazism, communism,etc.) than have been killed by religious zealots through history.

CrappyDom -> RE: Bush administration collars maker fetish films (9/8/2006 3:37:18 PM)


I would have used the name of the non fiction book upon with The Da Vinci Code is based but I thought that would go over peoples heads.  Ever time I think I have dumbed things down enough, someone proves me wrong.

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