RE: weeding out the fakes (Full Version)

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phoenix52 -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/16/2005 6:44:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: sfgrrl

If by "real lifestylers" you mean people that agree with you, then no, I'm certainly not a "real lifestyler" by that mysterial definition. I'm guessing that you're going to find that most people here fall short of that lofty goal.


lol... i have read many, many "criteria" that would mean i am not a "real" sub. Strangely, Master disagrees... [:)]

DiamondDiva -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/16/2005 8:41:27 PM)

Unfortunately I am just reading this post for the first time but I would like to respond to you lady. First of all I have been on this site since about October and the one thing that I have learned just by reading is to participate in conversation, create conversation and try to commune and learn.

This site is a tool for learning and resource. There are various types of people on this site, very new people to BDSM, Experienced Kinksters and those that are learning and doing to name a few. Yes, we all know that there are fake people out there and although we all know that they need to be stopped in their tracks we are not the "Fake Dom/Domme poser Police". I see this more of a resourece to educate those that are unknowig so that they can become knowledgeable.

Your post rubbed me wrong as well because of how you presented the information and perhaps if you had taken a little bit more time to research the context of this community you would have seen that that is not what we are about.

Suggestions are good just as long as they are viable and apparently "Exposing" people that "YOU" think should be exposed is not viable. I would hate to see someone come up on that list that really does't belong and I agree, just because you are making the suggestion does not mean that you are legitimate yourself.

Welcome to the forums and I look forward to reading your post. I have a feeling they just maybe interesting.

die4urpleasure -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/16/2005 11:38:07 PM)

Making a serious committment to someone is indeed just that, a serious thing. It takes exploration and getting to know people in order to focus in upon whom one feels right with. Should anyone be called a fake because they did not choose to make a commitment to any specific person for whatever reasons?

Furthermore, on too many other forums not related to lifestyle, I find it schoolyard cliquish how too often fine, innocent people are branded as undesirable or fake by those whom don't even take the time to really get to know them, but rather are only running with other lemmings.

People may have faults or different perspectives, but very few are actually fakes.

Suleiman -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/16/2005 11:41:19 PM)

I've been put on all sorts of lists. I'm a fake faggot, a wannabe warlock, a BDSM simpleton, and an all around troll. I have found that those who make such lists are frequently high-strung, insecure, and desperate to cling to some sense of authority which they show all the simptoms of believing they do not deserve. I would not, of course, pronounce any such judgement on specific persons, having never met any of them face-to-face, but it is a trend I have observed.

Suleiman -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/17/2005 5:39:17 PM)

Awwww... ladylady deleted her profile. I didn't get a chance to charm her with my witty banter. She must not have liked the warm reception she recieved, or the fact that her thread got moved to the "random stupidity" section. Shucks, and she seemed like such a nice lady person.

MiladyElaine -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/18/2005 4:17:11 PM)

I think it's a website thing.
I also didn't think "flaming" was allowed over here!
whew - got hot there for a minute.

Suleiman -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/24/2005 11:52:20 PM)

It's been getting hot a lot lately, I notice. I've been busy with delusions of a real life, and when I come back I find that it's turned into the silly season (to use the old newspaper term).

usecbtonme -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/28/2005 6:04:18 AM)

I am real and seek r/t meetings. I added you to my hotlist on submalephil. Also here as usecbtonme.

DiamondDiva -> RE: weeding out the fakes (1/29/2005 7:37:00 PM)

I have actually heard both. Dommes and lifestylers. It just depends on who you are and where you are. Symantics really.

DRoseThorns -> RE: weeding out the fakes (2/4/2005 10:33:24 PM)

I find it amusing to see ones talk of the real and true Lifestyle and who we tend to want to be within it. One needs no prove to show what they are nor their standings here. Never have had the desire to be a PRO, for that would tend to make it a job and may take the pleasure of of the play. But never in 20 years has one questioned me of my position. Now involved in switch, I am still no less the one I am due to being the bottom of the top.
All you really need to do to weed out the others here is to chat with them. They tend to tell on themselves......

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