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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spineless?

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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spine... - 9/21/2006 6:38:19 PM   

Posts: 955
Joined: 6/21/2005
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How many of these posts are we going to have?

Anyone else care to start a post about 'weak and spineless' subs?


< Message edited by joyinslavery -- 9/21/2006 7:27:16 PM >


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(in reply to Sylph)
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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spine... - 9/21/2006 6:40:57 PM   

Posts: 270
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I think we should have some posts about weak and spineless Dom/mes.

The ones who do it to overcompensate. PUFF PUFF PUFFFFF!!!!!!!! The split seems about even on both sides.

(in reply to joyinslavery)
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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spine... - 9/21/2006 6:59:35 PM   

Posts: 2768
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What fun is it to dominate some one spineless... If the person is spineless they arent giveing anything up to the Domanent so what fun is that... There is no real power exchange at that point!!

Magik's Slave


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you might get out
before the devil even knows your there.

-Rodney Atkins-

(in reply to Sylph)
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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spine... - 9/21/2006 7:01:34 PM   

Posts: 1533
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is it possible for a brat to be spinless?


Are we having fun, yet?

(in reply to MagiksSlave)
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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spinl... - 9/21/2006 7:11:30 PM   

Posts: 1158
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From: Goondiwindi ( Qld )
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No not at all Infact to Us someone with inelegance and strength is always desired above some one weak and spineless.
We desire to have some one who can sit and talk with us and negotiate for them selves and be able to talk on any subject We wish to and also able to teach Us on new ones as well and able to carry out these conversations with bright even witty use of their brain who also is strong enough to help in things when they are able to and add to Our knowledge  in this Life style and in the vanilla world.
They can think for them selves and know when to say that to them such and such is not  going to work or will know how to act for their own safety and good health.
Not a person who is so weak or so useless that they could not even get out of the way of their own shadow with out having to be told to. 


HoRoo for now from Us both and enjoy all you read even if you don"t agree with us or others.
Knowledge is no Burden to Carry

(in reply to 23TampaMsub)
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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spine... - 9/21/2006 7:17:47 PM   

Posts: 60698
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Well, (laughably).....this is what it is all about, there are many come here and while it is not restricted to all male subs (not all males and not all females) that is rather the whole point.

The fantasy of life is all well and good, as far as it goes..........

But anyone of petite mein can behest (means riding a horse, really (a side note)) the profoundly stupid to do honor or fulfillment in that.

If you want to smell farts and lick dirty feet and so on, you better have a lot of bling-bling going on, because that is an indulgence...and I think that it is not one so freely given.

i gotta LAUGH............
When I read all these profiles of young women who want to live in a cage and have these disgust fantasies about never being able to clean up or  evacuate in the proper place and so on..........

Do you seriously think I want a blowjob from someone who's  stench is going to make me pass out, or puke at their intimate proximity?

So, while good partners may be indulged time to time, there are some really concrete issues to consider, and it isn't so  much all the time of topping from the bottom or those kind of shop-worn issues, there is a limit to humans, and  pretty much every dominatrix here will agree with the fact that I and they, by inference don't have the werewithal to own  profoundly disturbed shit.

If constant weak, spineless, groveling and helpless is your life mode 24/7 you need to dig up the Oracle of Delphi or some shit.

You will be told when to do so, by my leave.  Otherwise you better be able to fend a little, know what I mean?



Have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two? Judges 5:30

(in reply to MagiksSlave)
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RE: Does being a sub mean you have to be weak and Spine... - 9/21/2006 8:00:18 PM   

Posts: 270
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That's going to depend on the depth of depravity of the tops Ron.

I'll go there for someone who'll swear fealty-nothing less. And I don't screw around. Only one thing they have to remember- the fantasy will become MINE in short order-my game, my rules.

The rest stays outside.

(in reply to mnottertail)
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