bad grammer (Full Version)

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lechat -> bad grammer (1/16/2005 7:00:15 PM)

where did the education system fail?

onceburned -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 7:06:44 PM)

grammar [;)]

OMC -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 7:47:46 PM)

Too funny!

Atavist -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 7:58:03 PM)

Oy vey. This should go in the archives.

proudsub -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 8:05:43 PM)



damn you beat me to it.[;)]

INSIDEYOURMIND -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 8:09:37 PM)


This site is part of the Internet, and it encompasses the whole wide world.

Some of the people that post here are actually from other countries, and English may not be their first language, or even their language at all.

Open your eyes, and mind, theres a whole planet out there!

Mercnbeth -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 8:29:02 PM)


Open your eyes, and mind, theres a whole planet out there!

Yes, but are there any intelligent life forms?[sm=lol.gif]

bumblebee -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 8:35:19 PM)

I'm only bothered by poor grammar to the extent that it makes understanding a given post difficult or even impossible to understand. In those cases, if you feel you must, ask for a clarification.

I often don't understand the acrronyms that are used online. It took me a while to figure out that IMO was "in my opinion." There are different rules here that go beyond the language barriers that INSIDEYOURMIND mentioned. People online use language as it best suits them. We write here as we would chat with our friends, not as we would write in an academic journal. The value of what I've learned lurking on this site and others like it makes criticizing the style of the posts just ridiculous when it is the substance that has been so important to me.

MadameBette -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 8:40:47 PM)

Some of the people that post here are actually from other countries, and English may not be their first language, or even their language at all.
~ ~ ~ ~
I missed the beginning of this, but I certainly have received many messages from people who are American, who grew up and live in this country, yet can't write a decent note.
Actually, I don't think that it's that they can't. They won't!
Chalk it up to my age and the type of education I received, (Catholic schools, NYC '50's-60's) but I feel that today's young folks are just too lazy to proof-read before sending, spoiled by 'IM' -ing and chat rooms, which have their own 'short hand'. [:(]
It definitely affects my perception of their intelligence. And because I'm old fashioned, it makes me question their sincerity. Although as I become more familiar with these 'bad' habits, I seem to be able to better understand what they are trying to say, and overlook much more than I did in the past.

I appreciate the efforts of those for whom English is a second language, and do not criticize them. How many of us, born in this country, can speak, let alone read and write another language?

~ Bette

submom2 -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 8:52:25 PM)


where did the education system fail?

Oh my, here we go again!! As INSIDEYOURMIND stated, there are a number of reasons why people have grammer problems. Some, just aren't as intelligent as you'd like. You can't fault them.

submom2 -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 9:01:32 PM)


People online use language as it best suits them. We write here as we would chat with our friends, not as we would write in an academic journal.

Wonderfully said. Another thing, not everyone is college educated. I've actually, talked to some who use poor grammer in chat. After meeting them, they're fairly intelligent people. We all have strengths and weaknesses. I've met those who are well educated, and those who are more educated in life experiences. Diversity, makes for such a colorful world...[;)]

Suleiman -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 11:01:19 PM)


ORIGINAL: lechat

where did the education system fail?

When they decided to let ANYBODY go to school

Okay, as elitist as I am on the subject of spelling and grammar, even I'm getting a little bored with this topic.

BlkTallFullfig -> RE: bad grammer (1/16/2005 11:58:01 PM)


ORIGINAL: lechat
where did the education system fail?

Ask your teachers since you can't spell either, even as you're fixin' to complain about bad grammAr. (Yes, I did say Fixin to') M

INSIDEYOURMIND -> RE: bad grammer (1/17/2005 3:54:54 AM)


Yes, but are there any intelligent life forms?

Not sure, and based on this question, and some of the answers, I wonder...................

Mercnbeth -> RE: bad grammer (1/17/2005 8:09:59 AM)


where did the education system fail?

the education system was set up as a way to ensure that only adults would be the ones earning a wage---and the youngsters would learn the importance of obeying the sound of the bell telling them when to go back to work when they became adults and were allowed to work in the factories. It is government sponsored compulsory day-care, just as it has always been.

CTclay -> RE: bad grammer (1/17/2005 3:58:09 PM)


It definitely affects my perception of their intelligence.

I always have that same gut reaction, but I've met too many really smart people who just can't (or won't) communicate well. What's even more jolting are the ones who seem dumb as a block of wood when you meet them, then demonstrate real brilliance.

Good writing on the message boards is a bit like putting your best foot forward. If you're more exact and careful in your language, it may make a submissive feel that you'd be careful in other things, like the submissive's safety. It may make a dominant feel that you'd be careful in obedience. It doesn't really mean either of those things, but if the writing is sloppy, it makes me wonder.

Hey, lechat, don't feel bad about "Grammer" -- everyone who complains about poor language gets caught in one of those mistakes (or did a moderator rewrite that and misspell it when the post was moved?).

marino512000 -> RE: bad grammer (1/18/2005 9:50:06 AM)

Bad grammar only bothers me when it's obvious that the person didn't care enough about what they were writing to make it readable for everyone else.

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