Goodbye. (Full Version)

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nella -> Goodbye. (1/19/2005 2:20:45 PM)

i will take your all`s advice and leve the froum. If one can not start a discussion whiout being insulted and then being told to simply give it up when one defend oneself, i have no reason to post on this forum.

i shall be honest i was in tears eriler to day, i got private mails telling me to simply give it up becouse i could not win the fight i had whit Jules, that i should simply go, well i am going. This remind me to much of a schoolyeard bullying crowed and i can not take it. i come in and i polite and looking to elarn and is it then so wrong to expect some politness in return.

Thank you all of you i have had good conversations whit. i will still be coming in to chek my mail to repond whit you i am chatting whit but i will leve the forum. Be well all of you.


perverseangelic -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 2:23:24 PM)

Hey now!
Please don't leave. I like and look forward to reading your posts. You're not gonna get along with everyone. Just quit posting on the thread and leave it be. We're random internet people. What we say means exactly zero to you.

proudsub -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 3:03:49 PM)

Please don't leave nella. I enjoy your posts. I doubt if they meant for you to leave the forums. They probably meant to "give it up" with regards to trying to win an argument. You need to keep an open mind here, not everyone will agree with you and some come across pretty harsh, please just try to take it in stride and move on. Please stay.[:)]

GoddessJules -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 3:11:52 PM)


Take care. Good luck in your future endeavors and it was fun chatting with you. And just for the record *I* certainly don't harbor any ill feelings toward you.


caitlyn -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 3:26:00 PM)

I don't think you should leave either. You have as much right here as anyone else.

When someone gives you the business on a message board, try to remember that it looks far worse to you then it does to other people.

If all else fails, remember that old Texas saying, "Those that talk $hit, ain't $hit!" [;)]


mistoferin -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 3:35:41 PM)

I am sorry to see this post here. I for one, have enjoyed your input on the boards and would hate to see you go. Sometimes it can be very difficult to interact in this type of forum as there are so many different personalities here. I try very hard to take what I can use and throw away the rest.

There are many times that others views don't coincide with mine, but that is ok. If we were all alike it would be a very boring place. I just try to keep in mind that there is a very fine line between assertion and aggression and I try very hard not to cross into the latter, regardless of how others conduct themselves. They are responsible for their actions....but I am responsible for my reactions.

I hate to see when a thread disintegrates in the way yours did, as it derails the focus onto the exchange rather than the original topic. Sometimes the only real way to come out of it is to just say, "You know what, I respect your right to have that opinion....but I disagree". Then just leave it at that for sometimes all of the best intentions to try to make it "right", just tend to make things worse.

I do really hope that you change your mind about leaving the forum, I will miss your perspective, your humor, your honesty and the thought provoking topics you seem to have a knack for bringing up.

match2u -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 3:47:45 PM)

hi nella,

if that is your decision it will be honored and appreciated. everyone has the right to choose what she/he feels comfortable with.

anyway saddly to mention that you leave.

there will always exist different opinions and views - sometimes understandable sometimes not.

humans are different - humans are unique.

in being humans we all take a journey to learn and grow - beyond the journey od submission and Domination - the journey of tolerance and acceptance.

be well and i wish you all the best luck in your desire


FangsNfeet -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 3:47:58 PM)

I never said to leave the forum. Stay and have a cup of tea

Laura -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 4:13:01 PM)

Take a break and come back when you are more centred. Few things should make you cry over them. If you're that upset about an Internet chat you probably do need to take some time away and reconnect with the rest of your life. Have some fun and come back (if you choose to) fresh and brimming with new thoughts and ideas. There is a lot to discover out there.

sub4hire -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 4:32:03 PM)

I have no clue what happened. I've been reading the board's sporatically the last week or so. I go through phases. Read all of the stuff before, its being asked again. So, I back off a bit.
Sorry if you had to defend yourself. Although I do know I also enjoy reading what you have to say. If we all got along it would be a real boring existance. Don't go because of one person.

INSIDEYOURMIND -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 4:51:09 PM)

I guess its up to me to post what's really going on here.

This is just a person who didn't agree with what someone else had posted.

If she would have taken the time to actually read what she was upset about, she would have found that the person who supposedly bullied her was actually in complete agreement with her.

This is a lame attempt to get sympathy from the good people that post here.


If this board's posts brought you to tears, then maybe it is good that you go, if you cannot take this in the cyberworld, I hate to think how you could possibly handle it in real time.

Grow up, learn what you can from these forums, and get the hell over it!

smilezz -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 4:51:30 PM)

Seee...this is another case of something i just do not understand. You leave because someone upset you? because they "type" some words to you that hurt your feelings? they don't agree with something you have said or are asking? you allow someone to make you feel this way through a monitor? i certainly don't mean to sound rude ... but i know i am a cynic here and everything makes me question well..........just everything i 'spose.

You do what you feel is right for you nella....


velvetvixen -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 4:53:19 PM)


I don't know what happened, but I personally would like you to stay. I like your posts. Maybe you need a few days of a break from the boards to clear your thoughts.

I hope you change your mind and stay around for a while.

malepleases4ever -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 6:23:00 PM)

Nella, I understand the point of your post. To me it seems totally self evident. Flying off the handle is the rule and not the exception on internet message boards. Also, I think I heard somewhere that people here don't take criticism very gracefully. Don't let these parochial jerks chase you away! They more than anyone need to hear a dissenting opinion. Besides we will miss your 'werry's very much.

INSIDEYOURMIND -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 7:26:10 PM)


parochial jerks

You speak of jerks, yet you assume the role when you call people names.

nella's comment about the school yard is valid, what are you going to do next, meet me in the playground at 3?

GoddessJules -> RE: Goodbye. (1/19/2005 7:31:31 PM)


You speak of jerks, yet you assume the role when you call people names.

nella's comment about the school yard is valid, what are you going to do next, meet me in the playground at 3?


Keep in mind, this is the same poster who started a thread called "I submit to proper grammar" then deleted everything he wrote. I think that speaks volumes.


jillwfsub4blkdom -> RE: Goodbye. (1/20/2005 3:51:16 AM)

Sometimes you get caught up in the moment and just need to take a step back trying to leave the emotions out of it. There are always a few jerks around who have nothing better to say and are continually obnoxious. Just block those people so you don't have to read their responses. Everyone has a right to their opinion and if they disagree so be it. Don't leave over some bs and don't let anyone on this board control what you do.


nella -> RE: Goodbye. (1/20/2005 4:45:23 AM)

The problem whit this was an misunderstanding. i and Jules have different ways to express ourself and i took her coment as insults, when it was not, and instead of adheting to proper nettiquette and wait unthil i calmed down i wrote an angry reply back. Then i got alot of reponses and mails being angry at me and this triggerd some emotions i still have from being bullied all throug school. i got overly emotional aboute nothing and i am sorry.

This was not an atempt at sympahty, at the time i started this tread i was angry, hurt and just felt the need to run away. The mistake is mine, i blew somthing out of propotions, Jules did not insult me, but spoke in her way and i misunderstood. Others to misunderstood my post to mean that i belived all submissives should demand such and such, witch i did not mean, i was trying to start a conversaton on a topic inportant to me.

i am sorry for all problems i may have caused. i will take some days away from the forum and calm down and then come back.

sweetpleaser -> RE: Goodbye. (1/20/2005 6:13:42 AM)

good, I look forward to your posts in the future.[:)]

Destinysskeins -> RE: Goodbye. (1/20/2005 10:32:42 AM)


Glad to see that you've decided against your previous plan of action! For the record i find that it's helpful to explain what you believe the person to be saying and then ask for clarification to be given should any of those assumptions prove incorrect. This shows that you're willing to hear the other's point of view and helps open the lines of communication.

Look forward to reading your posts in the future!

Blessed Be

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