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forced feminization - 1/22/2005 9:44:35 AM   

Posts: 44
Joined: 6/15/2004
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I'm not gay but I do love to be forced to look like a total slut. Is this common? I'd love to find a Mistress to be me in total bondage then shave my eyebrows all the way off and draw on some really thin high arched brows
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RE: forced feminization - 1/22/2005 9:46:24 AM   

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I'm not gay but I do love to be forced to look like a total slut. Is this common? I'd love to find a Mistress to be me in total bondage then shave my eyebrows all the way off and draw on some really thin high arched brows

Not uncommon at all. But if you like something, if it's a desire, how exactly is it forced?



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RE: forced feminization - 1/22/2005 11:54:34 AM   

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proably because in his mind he is too weak to do that himself.


A switch gal that needs a little special help now and then and is stuck in the southeast.

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RE: forced feminization - 1/22/2005 2:06:37 PM   

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and why the "I'm not gay" caveat? just because a male gets in touch with his feminine side, doesn't imply innate homosexuality.

Ms. Eden


"If I didnt define myself for myself, I would be crunched into other peoples fantasies for me and eaten alive. - Audre Lorde"

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RE: forced feminization - 1/22/2005 2:31:51 PM   

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No, a feminized male isn't necessarily gay - most crossdressers are as straight as an arrrow. Sadly, boys in our culture are raised to be homophobic. And many emotional and gender issues are crushed by this self-dread and hatred.

So perhaps feminization that is 'forced' relieves some of the guilt and anxiety for the guy.... which makes him relax and finally enjoy some peace of mind.

So cheers to 78787878! Be all that you can be.

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RE: forced feminization - 1/22/2005 5:44:20 PM   

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I had a sub one time that deep down enjoyed dressing up, but "needed" to be forced and then chastised for it. Just some deep seated psychological need that is in all of U/us over here...


A crazy quilt is warm but oddly put together.


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RE: forced feminization - 1/22/2005 5:44:48 PM   

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From: Ontario, Canada
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I've always had a distaste for forced feminization, it's as if being feminine is something bad or unwanted, only to be forced. I don't feel that way about being female. However, I do understand about crossdressing, at least better than I used to. I still wouldn't participate in forced feminization but I'd be open to a man who wanted to dress up. After all, I've seen men that look really good in kilts, why not take it further if that appeals to them.


Bait & Switch - Adult column

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RE: forced feminization - 1/22/2005 8:57:35 PM   

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While not a big fan of crossdressing...i find forced fem appealing from the humiliation aspect of it...being totally taken out of my comfort is in this vein that i enjoy forced scenes...but only if it makes the Domme happy...though i can't imagine a Domme doing that sort of thing if She didn't get enjoyment from.

As always, your mileage may vary.


(in reply to Laura)
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RE: forced feminization - 2/8/2005 10:09:50 AM   

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As a crossresser myself i can tell you that the forced thing has several components to it. One is certainly the guilt behind it. There is also a factor of effort. i know myself that i would like to have to live my daily life as much as possible and as realistically as possible like a girl 11-14 years old. That takes a tremendous effort and often times it is easy to fall out of changing outfits for just an hour or skip doing my ballet or stand to pee. The little things. With someone present on a daily basis checking up it makes you adhere to the routine when you don't want to or are cycling. Finally, it can take some forceful encouragement to shave all your body hair or be locked in a chastity device. Anyway.......that is why i always put forced femme. i like it and want it, but i still need it forced:-)

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RE: forced feminization - 2/8/2005 12:07:14 PM   

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Anyway.......that is why i always put forced femme. i like it and want it, but i still need it forced:-)

ballet - hi there.

If I am hearing you correctly (and I'll be the first to admit that what I hear may not be what you're saying), then you see a dominant as someone who is going to pick up your slack.

We could always be more politically correct and say "you see a dominant as someone who is going to work with you to help you achieve your personal goals in kink" and I suppose that would be true too.

The difference in the viewing is that one person may see it as my first example, while another sees it as the second example. I can see how one would seem attractive and the other not and much of that depends on what you're looking for.

I'd say the right dominant for you probably would respond to your statement with something along the lines of my second example; and the wrong dominant for you may see it as something like the first statement.

Either way, you're looking for someone to do something for you. My experience says that's a tough place to approach a domina from.

Good luck to you with it.


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- Robert Heinlein

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RE: forced feminization - 2/8/2005 1:55:06 PM   

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ORIGINAL: 78787878
I do love to be forced to look like a total slut. Is this common? I'd love to find a Mistress to be me in total bondage then shave my eyebrows all the way off and draw on some really thin high arched brows

Yes, I believe is is common; I asked a similar question a day or 2 ago (is is humiliation if you love it) to other Dommes...

These in my view are your needs/desires, and all you need to do now (in just my opinion) is find a Dominant who enjoys this type of thing period.
I personally don't enjoy it in this circumstance.

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RE: forced feminization - 2/8/2005 4:34:03 PM   

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I think it's considered forced even if it's desired, because it's not something that he would go and do himself. I bet all of us have fantasies that we're not brave or strong enough to act upon. But i could be wrong. I too have wild fantasies of being femmed and forced to look like a total slut, but i've never taken the first step towards it. There's nothing wrong with being feminine, but we as boys are programmed from birth to be masculine, not feminine. There lies the hidden desire to explore what is taboo. Having a Domme femme you would be another form of total submission to a Dominant. To totally take away your manhood, which sometimes is all you have left to give.

(in reply to ProtagonistLily)
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RE: forced feminization - 2/8/2005 4:55:34 PM   

Posts: 2117
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From: Iowa
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I bet all of us have fantasies that we're not brave or strong enough to act upon. But i could be wrong. I too have wild fantasies of being femmed and forced to look like a total slut, but i've never taken the first step towards it

No doubt we all have fantasies of one kind or another. But the fantasy of you or me may not be shared by our partners. The feminization which you describe is more of an assisted change. It is done to please you (or any of the other many subs who desire this). I see that type of 'forced fem' to be a reward to the sub.

But what fun does it provide your partner?

Many other dommes do not enjoy this type of play. Instead, for them 'forced fem' is a something done to embarass their male sub, not to please him.

It seems the same phrase has two very different meanings, which is unfortunate since it may lead to confusion.

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RE: forced feminization - 2/9/2005 2:29:48 AM   

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ORIGINAL: MiladyElaine

I had a sub one time that deep down enjoyed dressing up, but "needed" to be forced and then chastised for it. Just some deep seated psychological need that is in all of U/us over here...

Mine enjoys dressing up too - as do I, it's fun. It's extremely common, and there's rarely anything terribly "forced" about it. Mistresses are merely facilitating the sub's desire.

And I am COMPLETELY drooling over your delicious boots!


MissP xx

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RE: forced feminization - 2/11/2005 6:59:51 PM   

Posts: 248
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"Forced" does have a lot to do with guilt and enjoyment. If someone finds an activity that they enjoy that isn't socially acceptable, they often get more enjoyment (or at least less guilt) out of it when someone "forces" them to participate.

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