RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (Full Version)

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happypervert -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 10:40:18 AM)

[fast reply]

I think this thread has set a new record for having 2 1/2 meltdowns (1/2 meltdown awarded to the OP for getting sooooo bent out of shape over Fudd speak).

Siwwy wabbits!

LaTigresse -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 10:46:01 AM)

I think drugs are needed, lots and lots of happy, chill your ass out, drugs. Or, barring that, some that promote maturity. Lord knows I am all for being silly and acting like a kid at heart but......damn.

darkinshadows -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 11:14:14 AM)

Isay Isay Isay...
How do you catch a unique wabbit?

What do you get when you cross a rabbit with a leaf blower?

What is a rabbit's favorite dance style?


...shall I stop yet?
Seriously though... my love goes out to erin... I know she is an incredibly strong and passionate woman.
It really isn't her fault that people decide to have meltdowns and abuse her thread for their own agendas....
....(or bad wabbit jokes)
Peace and Rapture

Sinergy -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 12:35:41 PM)


ORIGINAL: Iskander

You *must* have been bored.. [sm=biggrin.gif]


My own personal opinion (whatever that is actually worth) would be"obsessive" or "obsessive-compulsive."  But then, I dont claim to be a psychiatrist nor have I laid hands on any of these in a therapeutic setting.  While it is nice to consider that somebody is nuttier than a fruitcake based on what they post on an internet site, many of the people I meet on a daily basis are blissfully unfettered by the capacity to self-evaluate.  In other words, the person may actually be entirely different in real life than how they present themselves to other people.

What is amusing to me is the recitation of "mob mentality" guidelines and then we get to watch this poster's own "mob" get into lock-step behind him/her/it as if the
rules just listed dont actually apply to them.

But this is just me, and I could be wrong.


Arpig -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 1:12:59 PM)

Hear, hear!!! Well said MisPandora, couldn't have said it any better myself, so I won't try.

Level -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 4:27:49 PM)


ORIGINAL: twicehappy

Occasionally this type of talk was used for humor but most often it was used to attack those they did not agree with, even if what the poster being attacked for had not said or implied what they were being attacked for but rather because one member of the group assumed something was implied or just did not like the poster. At that point I also noticed all efforts by said poster to rectify the issues only led to more ridicule.

I don't believe my name was mentioned on any of this, but I still want to say that any use of "Fuddhism" on my part is for humor; twice, you know I like you and Scooter and Jewel, and those positive feelings remain.

Level -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 4:28:51 PM)


ORIGINAL: darkinshadows

Me - I would rather tango with Level in the middle of the floor...
Peace and Rapture

That, lovely lady, sounds wonderful to me as well [;)].

Level -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 4:30:29 PM)




Me - I would rather tango with Level in the middle of the floor...

That's fine and good.  But I get to sit on his lap and watch football.    [8D]

Hut Hut!! [:D]

twicehappy -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 4:34:05 PM)



I don't believe my name was mentioned on any of this, but I still want to say that any use of "Fuddhism" on my part is for humor; twice, you know I like you and Scooter and Jewel, and those positive feelings remain.

Dear sweet Level, we know much like Mnottertail or many others you use it in humor which is fine( though my taste tends to lean towards Carlin), it is the other usage that was being so strenuosly objected to. I too liked the old Looney Tune cartoons though my favorite was Speed Racer, go figure.
I have just decided much as Scooter suggested that the block button can be a very good tool, lol.

KatyLied -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 4:50:16 PM)


Hut Hut!!

Only if you are a twue football fan.  And only you can decide if I'm using that word to "attack" you!  lol 

Level -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 5:05:53 PM)


ORIGINAL: twicehappy



I don't believe my name was mentioned on any of this, but I still want to say that any use of "Fuddhism" on my part is for humor; twice, you know I like you and Scooter and Jewel, and those positive feelings remain.

Dear sweet Level, we know much like Mnottertail or many others you use it in humor which is fine( though my taste tends to lean towards Carlin), it is the other usage that was being so strenuosly objected to. I too liked the old Looney Tune cartoons though my favorite was Speed Racer, go figure.
I have just decided much as Scooter suggested that the block button can be a very good tool, lol.

*grins at Speed Racer*...... yeah, that one isn't hard to figure out [;)]. And Carlin is wonderful, I agree:
"If God had intended us not to masturbate he would've made our arms shorter”
"Don't sweat the petty things and don't pet the sweaty things"
“You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar”


Level -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 5:10:01 PM)




Hut Hut!!

Only if you are a twue football fan.  And only you can decide if I'm using that word to "attack" you!  lol 

I am, and watched Dawwas whip the Texans yesterday [:-].....

Bearlee -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 5:13:11 PM)



“You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar”

Uhhhhhhh okay, I'm just gonna jump right in here.  IMHO...sitting on the toilet and eating ANYTHING sorta squicks me altogether...
I'm sayin'  !!!

Level -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 5:16:44 PM)





“You know an odd feeling? Sitting on the toilet eating a chocolate candy bar”

Uhhhhhhh okay, I'm just gonna jump right in here.  IMHO...sitting on the toilet and eating ANYTHING sorta squicks me altogether...
I'm sayin'  !!!

LOL beverly..... I agree, I've never been so hungry that I couldn't wait until my pooping was done.

SadistCpl4fslv -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 7:34:37 PM)




ORIGINAL: SadistCpl4fslv



The Barber of Seville was my favorite one and the most memorable one to this day.

This is just for you Aine, so that you can sing it to ron as he rests on your breast:

Largo al factotum della citta.
Largo! La la la la la la la LA!

Presto a bottega che l'alba e gia.
Presto! La la la la la la la LA!

Ah, che bel vivere, che bel piacere (che bel piacere)
per un barbiere di qualita! (di qualita!)

Ah, bravo Figaro!
Bravo, bravissimo!
Bravo! La la la la la la la LA!

Fortunatissimo per verita!
La la la la la la la LA!
Fortunatissimo per verita!
Fortunatissimo per verita!
La la la la, la la la la, la la la la la la la LA!

Pronto a far tutto, la notte e il giorno
sempre d'intorno in giro sta.
Miglior cuccagna per un barbiere,
vita piu nobile, no, non si da.
La la la la la la la la la la la la la!

Rasori e pettini
lancette e forbici,
al mio comando
tutto qui sta.
Rasori e pettini
lancette e forbici,
al mio comando
tutto qui sta.

V'e la risorsa,
poi, de mestiere
colla donnetta... col cavaliere...
colla donnetta... la la li la la la la la
col cavaliere... la la li la la la la la la la LA!!!

Ah, che bel vivere, che bel piacere (che bel piacere)
per un barbiere di qualita! (di qualita!)

Tutti mi chiedono, tutti mi vogliono,
donne, ragazzi, vecchi, fanciulle:

Qua la parruca... Presto la barba...
Qua la sanguigna... Presto il biglietto...

Tutti mi chiedono, tutti mi vogliono,
tutti mi chiedono, tutti mi vogliono,
Qua la parruca, presto la barba, presto il biglietto, ehi!

Figaro... Figaro... Figaro... Figaro...Figaro...
Figaro... Figaro... Figaro... Figaro...Figaro!!!

Ahime, (ahime) che furia!
Ahime, che folla!
Uno alla volta,
per carita! (per carita! per carita!)
Uno alla volta, uno alla volta,
uno alla volta, per carita!
Figaro! Son qua.
Ehi, Figaro! Son qua.

Figaro qua, Figaro la, Figaro qua, Figaro la,
Figaro su, Figaro giu, Figaro su, Figaro giu.

Pronto prontissimo son come il fumine:
sono il factotum della citta.
(della citta, della citta, della citta, della citta)

Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non manchera.
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
Ah, bravo Figaro! Bravo, bravissimo;
a te fortuna (a te fortuna, a te fortuna) non manchera.
Sono il factotum della citta,
Sono il factotum della citta,
della citta, della citta,
Della citta!!!
La la la la la la la la la!

But what part was "Kill the wabbit!"?? And if anyone can get me one of those magic helmets for Christmas, I'd appreciate it. [sm=sleepy.gif]

Actually Level, "Kill the wabbit" is from the episode "What's Opera Doc!" and the music is not the Barber of Seville Largo al factotum but rather Wagner's "Ride of the Walkurye" from Gotterdamerung.  As far as the magic helmet.......not sure if I can find you one of those, but depending on where you live I am sure you can call down wind, lightning, and SMOG!!!  without it......LOL

Level -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 7:48:57 PM)


ORIGINAL: SadistCpl4fslv

Actually Level, "Kill the wabbit" is from the episode "What's Opera Doc!" and the music is not the Barber of Seville Largo al factotum but rather Wagner's "Ride of the Walkurye" from Gotterdamerung.  As far as the magic helmet.......not sure if I can find you one of those, but depending on where you live I am sure you can call down wind, lightning, and SMOG!!!  without it......LOL

[sm=ofcourse.gif][sm=ofcourse.gif][sm=ofcourse.gif]........we had wind, lightning, but no smog today lol.... but I'm sure it'll come [X(]

Emperor1956 -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 8:38:21 PM)

It is truly sobering to realize the power I have over another, even if I absolutely do not want that power.  Who knew that by mentioning 4 online friends in a post, I would set in motion hours of cyberstalking, twisted cogitation and simply whack-job behavior?  holly, MisPandora, julia and katyLied, I apologize for My part in bringing down on you whatever it is that was brought down on you.

And in the future, here's a list of the members of My personal WOLFPACK (we call ourselves the Twue Dom Posse):

Kim Jong Il
Osama bin Ladin (Hey, NO ONE ELSE can find him, maybe SHE can?)
George Bush
Sam Walton's heirs

please, feel free to cyberstalk any or all of them.

Emperor (for the TDP)

MisPandora -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 9:47:09 PM)


ORIGINAL: twicehappy


ORIGINAL: MisPandora


ORIGINAL: twicehappy

[quote] Emperor1956

but I will say that those that "get it" (holly, Julia, Katy, MisPandora) are as usual right, and the others...well...breeding does tell.

Doing a search on that list of names of folks who "get it" then reading quite a few other posts and going thru the two pages of deleted posts that I had copied to Word to reply to and then did not, by the same group and a few others who are usually involved I discovered one thing they had in common. The point where the words "twue" and or most other "w" speak or baby talk seemed to be when as a group they were posting to the same topic or appeared to have no rational reply.
So it appears Emperor that your wolf pack or lynch mob(my word there) analogy was correct.
This group of posters taken individually often post intelligent well thought out polite posts, but together under the scenarios I described above their behavior alters rapidly.
A classic example of mob mentality.


ORIGINAL: MisPandora

WTF -- quit with the hurling unsubstantiated accusations.  I haven't said shit that was out of line or subject for this post!  Perhaps you need another hobby other than mindlessly stalking people's forum posts for topicality?  Ewwww.

And if you go back and reread that post that you are quoting from you will note two things; the first is that the original list belonged to Emperor1956. The second is the quote below taken from the post you are quoting.

ORIGINAL: twicehappy

Now the group listed below was Emperor's original list though having also went through HollyS and MizPandora's posts I did not see the same behaviors.

So in other words, your "research" means nothing because only half the people involved did the expected behavior.  Great.

MisPandora -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 9:48:09 PM)




Perhaps you need another hobby other than mindlessly stalking

The entire stalking thing is very creepy.

Yep.  I'm weirded out that someone would even bother to do something so utterly ridiculous.  I have better things to do with my time in life.

MisPandora -> RE: It's true NOT "twue"!!!! (10/16/2006 9:49:53 PM)

(fast reply)

Anyone else twuely sick to death of this thread?

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