RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (Full Version)

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DomRaymond -> RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (6/14/2004 7:51:27 PM)

[:-] Face it eveyone is submissive. It all comes down to how you define being submissive. Bowing down and kissing your masters feet is being submissive but so is saying please and thank you.

TallDarkAndWitty -> RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (6/14/2004 9:08:48 PM)

Hmm...being polite isn't being submissive. I rarely give a slave command without saying please and thank you, but those words are never mistaken for submission.

I would agree that we all submit to some things to some degree. The cop that pulled me over could have had me do the Mexican hat dance if he so desired. Yet I don't believe there is a single strand of submissve DNA in my entire body. (Credits to Lady Beckett for the DNA metaphore.)



ORIGINAL: DomRaymond

[:-] Face it eveyone is submissive. It all comes down to how you define being submissive. Bowing down and kissing your masters feet is being submissive but so is saying please and thank you.

Estring -> RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (6/15/2004 1:07:52 AM)

Saying please and thank you is not submissive. It is being polite and courteous. There is a difference. Everyone is not submissive, and unfortunately not everyone is polite or courteous either.

ShadeDiva -> RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (6/16/2004 2:51:29 AM)


and unfortunately not everyone is polite or courteous either


Ain't THAT the truth!


Sinergy -> RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (6/16/2004 8:00:02 AM)


Saying please and thank you is not submissive. It is being polite and courteous. There is a difference. Everyone is not submissive, and unfortunately not everyone is polite or courteous either.

I once volunteered at my kid's kindergarten for some event or other, and during the day my kid asked somebody for something. I told her something along the lines of "Ask nicely by saying "please"" and then "You want to say thank you after the person gives you what you are asking for." One of mothers asked me "Why are you teaching your child to beg? I would never insist my kids do that"

We got into a long discussion about courtesy and politeness, which I ended up coughing up a dead relative to escape from since this woman was so hopelessly innured in her belief that basic courtesy equates to grovelling.

On a related note, her nose miner was one of the most obnoxious, boorish, bullying, angry, lacking in self control and self discipline twits it has ever been my sad misfortune to have in a (martial arts) class I taught.

As usual, I didnt say anything...


Jasmyn -> RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (6/16/2004 9:25:27 AM)

Aint that the truth! Was out with vanilla friends a while back, we were organising a party and were shopping for gifts and novelties to give away on the night. I happened to carry some bags when asked to and later was floored to be berated by one of my vanilla friends in front of a group of people at a bbq that I was not dominant because I did as I was told earlier that day. Given this friend had her tired, cranky three year old in her arms, and the other friend knew the store owner and was negotiating some more deals, I was more than happy to play packhorse.

Why on earth Raymond do you think being courteous and helpful is an act of submission?

Knees2you ... the simply answer to your question is yes....many people are inherently submissive, but most would have no idea we have a label for it, rather see themselves as being less assertive than the next person.

In a D/s relationship sense...I believe submission should be exactly what it is, chosing and being subservient to a dominant figure and shouldn't be negated.

However being submissive in terms of respect of a certain someone or a certain label, without a personal agreement of power exchange, has no element of 'submitting', but courteousy based on how you wish to interact with someone/people.



lostangel -> RE: Being submissive and submitting?? (6/29/2004 1:44:31 AM)

Yes, you can be a submissive without submitting.

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