RE: another sicko making us look bad (Full Version)

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LordBennett -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/30/2006 4:27:46 PM)

It may be true that some vanilla are becoming more accepting of some BDSM activities.  This can be because when they were raised their parents were allowed to spank them and now they can not spank their children.  Or maybe they are the children who never have been spanked and are wonderring what if anything did I miss.  To me the laws forbidding corporal punishment by parents or teachers have changed society as a whole and some of it is good for us because otherwise vanilla people want to do what they are not allowed to do.

JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/30/2006 5:29:07 PM)

He was definately a sick, perverted man and what that woman had to endure was horrible. I hate how the media turns it into something more than what it is...[>:]

Marc2b -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/30/2006 11:14:44 PM)

Morigel said:

Yep. He's a sicko. Yep. Makes anyone with similar fantasies/games look pretty bad--always makes it look bad when people do this non-consensually, which is why I really loathe the jackasses who dismiss consent as being for "pussies" or something equally insane.

Amen. If BDSM isn’t ultimately about people finding fulfilment and/or simply having fun, what’s the point?

As for all the rest: BDSM is slowly gaining acceptance by certain segments of the population (mostly found in the Blue states) but is still demonized by other segments (mostly in the Red states). Middle-of-the-road-Americans mostly find it strange, I think. Did you ever notice that most portrayals of BDSM in the mainstream entertainment treat it as a joke? I think the fear most of us are dancing around is the fact that people like this asshole provide additional ammunition to those who would demonize BDSM. But these people are already set in their ideological ways and incidents like this are just another drop in their bucket of water. In the meantime, I don’t think that discerning, thoughtful non-BDSM people who are accepting of alternate lifestyles will suddenly change their values because of one asshole who likes to beat up women and force them to call him lord and master.

As for the charges against this man, if they are true then I hope he gets his just desserts. The part that infuriates me the most is that he used his fists on her. Call me old fashioned but I still hold with what my grandfather once told me when I way a boy: "Fists are for men settling disputes with other men, not for men settling disputes with women. Any man who uses his fists on a woman ain’t no man. He may be male but he ain’t no man."

Quivver -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/31/2006 2:24:20 AM)


BDSM is slowly gaining acceptance by certain segments of the population (mostly found in the Blue states) but is still demonized by other segments (mostly in the Red states).

Are you stating this as your opinion or do you have references you can share? 

MyMasterStephen -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/31/2006 2:38:22 AM)

Was it indeed non-consensual?

Perhaps it started out consensual, but he took it too far and went over her limits.

Perhaps it started out consensual, but the woman didn't understand what she was getting into.

Perhaps it was entirely consensual, but the woman has only claimed abuse and imprisonment to save face at having been discovered by the police.

It's just not possible to judge on the evidence presented so far.

yessir07 -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/31/2006 2:49:28 AM)

Or perhaps we should not automatically assume the woman is telling the lie.
Perhaps cases of rape and torture should be taken more seriously.
Perhaps you should read the article to see how she was beaten and chained for days and could barely speak afterwards.

Perhaps supporting rape victims instead of doubting them - in other words, shaming them -  would allow more victims to come forward.

imtempting -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/31/2006 2:50:49 AM)

I think he is a sick barstard. I do not see where bdsm was mentioned in the article though. The op said she had forgot to put in where it said about the  bdsm mags etc, Could you please link us to where it says it?

Also the law about women being hit and men getting locked up. Well perhaps there is alot of domestic violence in your area or state and this is sadly the only way it can be policed. Alot of women are afriad to come forward. For every lady that is consenting to this there would be two women not consenting to being abused by their partner. Sad fact but its true.

If people in the lifestyle were smart they would only leave marks where it can be hidden. I know with the people I chat with marks that can be seen will greatly affect their work.

BigDogs -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/31/2006 7:11:28 AM)

 [/quote] As for all the rest: BDSM is slowly gaining acceptance by certain segments of the population (mostly found in the Blue states) but is still demonized by other segments (mostly in the Red states). [/quote]

You're so full of yourself. It's Liberal Democrat Feminazis who "demonize" BDSM, and it's your goody two-shoes Liberal welfare workers who think that spanking itself kills. What's really hilarious about your confused statement, though, is the way you Leftists feel that you have to politicize everything, and how you try to suggest that this is another HUGE Bush conspiracy or whatever...when it's obvious to anyone with a mind that you don't have the first foggy clue what you're talking about.

Morrigel -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (10/31/2006 4:18:34 PM)



" As for all the rest: BDSM is slowly gaining acceptance by certain segments of the population (mostly found in the Blue states) but is still demonized by other segments (mostly in the Red states)."

You're so full of yourself. It's Liberal Democrat Feminazis who "demonize" BDSM, and it's your goody two-shoes Liberal welfare workers who think that spanking itself kills. What's really hilarious about your confused statement, though, is the way you Leftists feel that you have to politicize everything, and how you try to suggest that this is another HUGE Bush conspiracy or whatever...when it's obvious to anyone with a mind that you don't have the first foggy clue what you're talking about.

I would say that you are very correct that some feminists have very sex-negative views about BDSM and other kinky desires.

I wish that you were correct about everything in this post, but as a resident of the state of Tennessee who has also lived in several "blue states" including Washington, New York and California...I assure you, the BDSM community in blue states, although it may not be larger per se, seems to be much more public and much, much, MUCH less frightened than they are in red ones, especially Utah and the "Bible Belt".

As for the notion that Bush and his administration have not been harmful to sexual freedom and free sexual expression in this country...sadly, I can dispute this as well.  As an erotic photographer, me and many of my fellow artists have to face many new laws passed by the Bush administration, and the websites, galleries and magazines that have always provided us with publication and support are straining under some of the new bureaucratic requirements for documentation for every model depicted.

I'm still not a member of either the Democratic or the Republican party, since I don't feel either one represents my values, but I can say that the poster to whom you are responding is not completely mistaken about some things.  Compared to the active, vibrant, proud BDSM communities of many large cities in the blue states, the BDSM activities I have seen in this state have been very sparse, and, where public play was concerned, very secretive and paranoid by comparison.


Marc2b -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/1/2006 3:03:38 PM)

Quivver said:

Are you stating this as your opinion or do you have references you can share?

An opinion (and a generality at that – there are exceptions to everything), but an informed opinion I believe. It is – generally speaking – the left side of the political spectrum that supports sexual freedom. There are exceptions, of course, the biggest one probably being the way out there looney tune radical feminists who get pissed off anytime a woman willingly has sex with a man. It is the right side of the political spectrum that wants to restrict sexuality to one man, one woman, married, using the missionary position (and feeling guilty about what they’re doing). There are exceptions on that side too, not every Republican is a right-wing religious nutcase. I was using blue state and red state to mean liberal and conservative respectfully. Think of it this way, where do you think you are more likely to be accepted for who you are: San Francisco or " God Fearing Hicksville," Oklahoma (population 314)?

BigDogs said:

You're so full of yourself. It's Liberal Democrat Feminazis who "demonize" BDSM, and it's your goody two-shoes Liberal welfare workers who think that spanking itself kills. What's really hilarious about your confused statement, though, is the way you Leftists feel that you have to politicize everything, and how you try to suggest that this is another HUGE Bush conspiracy or whatever...when it's obvious to anyone with a mind that you don't have the first foggy clue what you're talking about

First things first: If you want to call me full of myself and confused and make aspersions as to the level of my intelligence, go ahead. It doesn’t bother me because I consider it the mark of someone who’s arguments are weak or lacking altogether. Do not, however, call me a Leftist. I am not a Leftist, and if you truly knew me you’d know how laughable the notion of me being called a Leftist is. Nor am I a conservative. I am a independent thinker – one who despises any kind of ideology. I’ve already stated that radical feminists would be an exception to the general rule of the Left being more tolerant of sexual freedom than the Right but as for the "Liberal welfare workers who think that spanking kills," well, I’m not against a parent giving an old fashioned hand spanking to a child in serious need of discipline. I’m also willing to bet that some of those Liberal welfare workers, after a hard day at work, unwind at the local BDSM club.

In what way did I suggest that this was a huge Bush conspiracy? I believe you are taking what I said and passing it through your own ideological filter. I can see no other way for you to come to the false conclusion that I am a Leftist. I do consider Bush to be an ineffectual leader but I am not one of those people who hate him and think he is just one step down from the Anti-Christ.

Morrigel said:

but I can say that the poster to whom you are responding is not completely mistaken about some things. Compared to the active, vibrant, proud BDSM communities of many large cities in the blue states, the BDSM activities I have seen in this state have been very sparse, and, where public play was concerned, very secretive and paranoid by comparison.

Thanks for the back up!

Quivver -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/1/2006 3:30:13 PM)



It is the right side of the political spectrum that wants to restrict sexuality to one man, one woman, married, using the missionary position (and feeling guilty about what they’re doing).

There are exceptions on that side too, not every Republican is a right-wing religious nutcase.

Then if I understand you correctly this is a semi educated conjecture on your part. 
(yes I know my spelling stinks)  Please understand that I am NOT trying to pick a side nor a fight here, but it's sterotypes like this assumption that keep the battle lines drawn.  ..........  I will agree that the civil liberties platform has usually be one promoted by the democrats, they've made themselves heard over and over again.   And in my humble opinion gone over board defending some that should have just been put out of their misery.  BUT, also in my opinion there are many kinky republicans out there, I for one have no need to scream it from the roof tops.  What I do in my home is mine............. 

Morrigel -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/1/2006 3:52:25 PM)

Actually, I don't believe the split between "left" and "right" has much to do with personal liberties.  One's philosophy on personal liberty is on an axis that runs from extreme libertarianism to extreme authoritarianism.  Left and right traditionally is more about economic models and the priorities of the state.

Just FYI.

How individual parties stand on specific issues in any specific country is a separate issue.  Personally, I find both of the dominant political parties in the USA to be much too authoritarian for my taste.


Marc2b -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/1/2006 9:05:54 PM)

Quivver said:

Then if I understand you correctly this is a semi educated conjecture on your part.
(yes I know my spelling stinks) Please understand that I am NOT trying to pick a side nor a fight here, but it's sterotypes like this assumption that keep the battle lines drawn. .......... I will agree that the civil liberties platform has usually be one promoted by the democrats, they've made themselves heard over and over again. And in my humble opinion gone over board defending some that should have just been put out of their misery. BUT, also in my opinion there are many kinky republicans out there, I for one have no need to scream it from the roof tops. What I do in my home is mine.............

I would call it a generality based upon observation and experience. I’m not stereotyping anyone. As I said before there are exceptions to everything. I don’t doubt that there are many kinky Republicans out there (Hell, there was a time in my life when I could have been considered a kinky Republican). Nor do I doubt that there are many straight laced, sexually repressed Liberals out there. Specifics instances, however, do not disprove generalities.

Morrigel said:


Actually, I don't believe the split between "left" and "right" has much to do with personal liberties. One's philosophy on personal liberty is on an axis that runs from extreme libertarianism to extreme authoritarianism. Left and right traditionally is more about economic models and the priorities of the state.

You’ll get no argument from me that the terms Left and Right are outmoded but they are the terms most people still use so I’ll usually make use of them myself. Nor would I disagree that both the extreme Left and the extreme Right are authoritarian. They have to be because that is the only way they can implement policies that are unpopular with the majority.


Just FYI.

I’ve seen this before and while I agree that it is a more accurate model I don’t think it is a one hundred percent accurate model. People can be so different from each other in so many ways I wonder if a one hundred percent accurate model is even possible. As for the test, I find some of the questions unanswerable. For example:

"A significant advantage of a one-party state is that it avoids all the arguments that delay progress in a democratic political system."

I would agree with the statement. A one party state is likely to be more efficient than a multi-party state. But that doesn’t mean I agree that a one party state is a good thing. As far as I’m concerned, power concentrated is corruption concentrated. Still, if you are interested, I scored a 5 on the economic scale, and a -1.38 on the social scale

Personally, I find both of the dominant political parties in the USA to be much too authoritarian for my taste.

And I would add to that: corrupt, deceitful and hypocritical.

Morrigel -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/2/2006 4:08:15 AM)


Still, if you are interested, I scored a 5 on the economic scale, and a -1.38 on the social scale

I'm about as far left as Nelson Mandela and more libertarian than the Dalai Lama.  [;)]  You can see why there's no one in the USA for me to vote for!


SunshineinVA -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/16/2006 12:02:25 PM)

Newbie here and maintain my ultimate level of appropriate humility, but where in all that article did it say she was even remotely open to the possibility of submission to his "authority"?  Where did I put that fingernail file.......


LaTigresse -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/16/2006 2:06:07 PM)

Is there ANY topic the nutjobs on here cannot turn into a bunch of political bullshit???

windchymes -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/16/2006 2:16:25 PM)


ORIGINAL: marieToo


ORIGINAL: sweetnurseBBW

You also forget vanilla people dont understand the difference between you tying people up as being concensual and fun and you being a deviant. 

Some of them do, I think, or are more open-minded than we realize.  I've been chatting on a friendship level with my landscaper lately and we are planning to go out and have some drinks together and hang out.  One day, when we were talking, bdsm came up.  He was telling me about a friend of his who tends bar in the area and how he gets all these wealthy unhappily married princesses at his bar hitting on him and confessing 'fetish' type desires such as being tied up and things of that nature.  I found that the perfect opportunity to tell him of my own preferences.  He didn't at all freak out about it and is quite willing to consider it and talk about it further.  Also, these women at his buddie's bar would be viewed as and believed to be 'vanilla'.  So I wouldnt say that all 'vanilla' people or even most of them would consider bdsm so deviant.  I have found the opposite, and have found that the few people (some family members and a few friends) that I've come out to , are not only understanding of it, but admit to a curiosity or desire for it themselves.

It could be that the landscaper is either into the scene or exploring and this was his way of "feeling you out", dropping a hint to see your reaction.   In fact, I have a feeling he went home thinking he'd just hit the jackpot![;)]

Lordandmaster -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/16/2006 2:56:21 PM)

You must be a liberal.


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Is there ANY topic the nutjobs on here cannot turn into a bunch of political bullshit???

LotusSong -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/16/2006 5:45:44 PM)

When the public can't tell the difference between Us and THEM.. we have a serious problem.

LaTigresse -> RE: another sicko making us look bad (11/16/2006 6:10:42 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

You must be a liberal.


ORIGINAL: LaTigresse

Is there ANY topic the nutjobs on here cannot turn into a bunch of political bullshit???

Not really, I would say I run pretty much down the centre.

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