Body Shaking during scene (Full Version)

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AncientSub -> Body Shaking during scene (11/7/2006 7:45:32 AM)

I am new to BDSM and recently had my second session.  It was certainly more intense than the first.  On two occassions my body started to shake before going into very rapid and very deep breathing.  I was scared by the body shaking since this is a new experience.  Later, the mistress told me she thought she was working me too fast for my body to adjust to the pain.  Another dom suggested the session was going "too far, too fast".  She also wondered if I was trying to go into sub space but my body was fighting it.  Any thoughts?


akisha -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (11/7/2006 8:23:55 AM)

There are many reasons why you could be shaking. It doesn't neccisarrily mean you are having an adverse reaction.

I shake alot during certain play. I also shake when getting a tattoo. But only when my artist leans back to rest. I can control it when needed.

What causes me to temble and shake sometimes, is the adrenaline rush. If i'm nervous because we are trying something new that pushes me I shake. When he has a knife in His hand, all of me trembles except where the knife is. If he has a cane in his hand. All of me trembles badly lol 

The second reason I shake after a scene is over is because one, I'm coming down and calming and that is how my body reacts. The other reason i shake badly after a intense session is because I'm hypoglycemic. My blood sugar plummets. Daddy makes sure there is a juice and usually makes me eat something light after a session so that my blood sugar is re-stablized. lol After the first time i was caned i shook so bad I couldn't even hold the glass of juice. [8|]  I kept saying I was fine and it would calm down but he made me eat anyway.

It's always a good idea to make sure you have something like juice or atleast water to drink after a session. You get dehydrated even if you don't think you are.

Hope this helps with a couple of ideas *S*

edited because one day i'll actually learn how to spell [:D]

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (11/7/2006 8:44:03 AM)

I shake when building up to an intense orgasm, when really cold, when coming up and when coming down from a scene.

Shaking is basically your body's way of trying to stabilize itself during a "traumatic" activity (basically something that's throwing your body chemistry off its normal state).  This isn't necessarily a bad thing.  Most forms of subspace are a form of low-grade shock, which definitely has shaking to it.  Whether it's endorphin or adrenaline rushes, shaking is very common to them.  Shaking is also common when you're tiring out your muscles and straining to stay in place.

Don't get scared just because something is new...although it's understandable since you're still so new to everything.  And you've had your first experience of how everyone can have an opinion on something and still somehow all be right and all be wrong at the same time.

Next time, be prepared with blankets, juice, and ready communication if/when the shaking happens again.  As long as you communicate how you feel and what you are experiencing to the others in the scene, you should be able to handle it just fine.

Oh and your body doesn't fight going into subspace- it fights getting thrown out of whack.

CandleInTheWind -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (11/7/2006 9:47:40 AM)

I shake as well....
I sometimes shake during...but most often shake uncontrolably is part of my coming down  its an endorphin thing...basically my body goes into a shock like situation...when i have had a particularly deep session  i am goingto shake...i tremble after amazing sex is just who i am...and nayone that i sinvolved eith me and well...i know i have to treat it by using blankets and snuggling and time....Im physically fine so...i just need time to come down
little red

Rayne58 -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (11/7/2006 2:11:55 PM)

I shake after intense G spot play - after several orgasms and gushes in a row all I can do is lay there and tremble. I have a sadistic[;)] Master who loves to bring out the tickle feather or the cold water at that time[sm=hewah.gif] Then after a cuddle I'm left to come down under the duvet and often fall asleep.

When it first happened I was quite shocked at my reactions but 3 years later I know it's just the way my body reacts to intense stimulation and I'm fine after about half an hour or so.

ladylexington -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (11/7/2006 5:53:13 PM)

Shaking is common. Get a physical. Then, once the doctor verifies that you're healthy, go and play to your heart's content.

diamonddreamlove -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (11/7/2006 10:16:22 PM)

I don't necessarily shake everytime but do have involuntary jerks of the body after intense orgasim.  It annoys me when that happens and Sir loves it so i guess i will need to learn to love it as well.  The shaking happens after intense session when my body is readjusting to reality.

Quivver -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (11/8/2006 2:53:54 AM)


ORIGINAL: diamonddreamlove

I don't necessarily shake everytime but do have involuntary jerks of the body after intense orgasim.  It annoys me when that happens and Sir loves it so i guess i will need to learn to love it as well.  The shaking happens after intense session when my body is readjusting to reality.

Ditto, but I've yet to find it annoying!  [8D]

AncientSub -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (12/7/2006 5:52:16 PM)

Thanks for the various comments.  After having a third session at a definitely slower rate (and maybe a bit less intense), I think I have a better understanding of what was going on.  Lucky Albatross's comments were probably the closest to what was going on. 
     During the session I had the body shaking, I was breathing much faster and deeper than when I take my heart rate to its maximum on a hill climb on a bicycle.  The breathing took several minutes to begin to slow down whereas on the bicycle it takes less than a minute after reducing power to 70 percent of maximum.  Both Mistress and I were concerned about the breathing.  It appears that the shaking was a signal that the breathing would go wild unless the intensity was reduced (or stopped) immediately.  So I think it was shock or a signal of shock.
    During the third session either I safed when the breathing got heavy or Mistress eased up.  Both methods kept the breathing in check with quick recovery.
    Thanks for the comments.
Ancient Sub

DreamWizardNJoy -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (12/7/2006 6:35:44 PM)

[sm=flowers.gif] Your posts seem right on the money so often, and have so much info to share... just the kinds of experienced voices we attract to balance out the questions of the new in our group (which is the purpose of our group after all). Good to know that there are people like you everywhere! Please feel welcome to join our discussions at any time as well. You'd be more than welcome :)

MmakeMme -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (12/8/2006 12:52:17 PM)

I had those uncontrollable shakes when I was in the first stages of labor and not again until recently. I had just had an orgasm, was talking to Sir, and found it interesting. I think it has to do with hyper-emotion combined with extreme physicality. At least for me.

ThinkingKitten -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (12/10/2006 6:52:46 PM)

Considering your comments, and your original post, it sounds like you started to hyperventilate, which is not the same as heavy breathing due to physical exertion. The latter is the body's response to compensate for increased oxygen consumption and to blow off acid buildup in the muscles (think of carbon dioxide as being acidic), whereas hyperventilation, which can occur in response to any other number of strong physical or mental stimuli (e.g. fear) actually causes an acid-base imbalance in your body. Remember that old take a few deep breaths into a paper bag trick - used to combat hyperventilation, but my poor old brain can't remember the physiology behind it. I think it occurs in anticipation of having to use the old flight or fight response. You need to think nice, peaceful, calming thoughts..... yeah, right!

onestandingstill -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (12/12/2006 12:29:01 PM)

Like the others mention it could just be adrenaline, or endorphins, or shock that caused you to shake.
I too shake some even if I'm not cold.
For example I love Needle play, but the thoughts of undertaking it right before I start to do it has me shaking like a leaf before I even start the scene.
I'd also like to suggest you eat something within an hour of scening to prevent blood sugar levels dropping & something with sugar in it afterword as it helps with sub drop  the next day.

Over all my big question is if these others think your Dom is playing too hard too fast with you is that an issue for you?
Do you think He's playing too hard or going too far for you?
If you are happy and comfortable with the level of play then more power to you, but if you think he's pushing too hard too fast maybe you need to address that with him.
Being a good submissive does not mean you have to allow a new Dom in your life to beat you in ways or at levels that you are not comfortable with.

grlneedstolearn -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (2/17/2007 12:38:54 PM)

i agree with the adrenaline rush. For me i tend to tremble a lot so it looks like i'm having spasms, but in reality i'm having the time of my life. And afterwards i may breathe heavly depending on the scene and how long the scene lasts.

sweetnurseBBW -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (2/17/2007 9:13:45 PM)

The adrenaline surge sometimes makes me shake like that and sometimes I just breathe harder. It is your bodies flight or fight response. It is just increased epinephrine and noriepinephrine reponse in your body. 

BabyNyla -> RE: Body Shaking during scene (2/17/2007 9:18:00 PM)

I shake during orgasms ... as well as when I am nervous, scared or really excited.  Sometimes I can control it and sometimes I can't ... but I have learned not to freak out when it happens ... which seems to make it happen less.  I just had to learn how to mentally relax.

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