RE: Wrestling Domme (Full Version)

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SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/18/2005 5:29:45 PM)

I prefer the roll-em-over-n-pin-em to the body slam ... although I have been known to toss the skinnier ones onto the bed [:D][;)]

jock888 -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/19/2005 6:19:59 PM)

WE all loved to be tossed around a bit........................I would imagine you have enjoyed tossing around your share!!!

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/19/2005 9:14:29 PM)

Of course [;)] It's one of the reasons that I'm probably attracted more to those who are small enough that I can pick them up and toss them around (which doesn't really have to be all that small, but someone the size of our first boy ... yeah, that ain't gonna happen, unfortunately *sigh*)

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/26/2005 4:32:28 PM)

I just thought that I'd bump this up to see what input others had ... (safe methods of tossing a boy who is larger than the Domme, etc. would be nice ... LOL)

WulfMan -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/26/2005 5:26:44 PM)

You could study up on some judo, or Krav Maga.
My instructors in both are 5'4 women, weighing about 110 pounds, and they can throw good 250 pound men around without any trouble at all. it's mostly all just through technic. I would attempt to instruct in both over the internet but I do not have the teaching skills to do so.

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/26/2005 5:33:39 PM)

heh, that's not gonna happen, unfortunately - even if I had time to take classes, I am in no condition to take a class like that at this point in my life (working on it, but still).

I'm just looking for any tips that Dommes might have that have worked for them in the past.

WulfMan -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/26/2005 5:51:17 PM)

Sorry I couldn't be of more help, I could have my instructors give me some recomended reading that may give you a hand.

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/26/2005 5:53:47 PM)

*grin* now that would be helpful [;)]

WulfMan -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/26/2005 5:58:44 PM)

Just something to wet your whistle, it's a half decent website, some basic technics, nothing too hard. Granted some of it requires your oppents to be wearing the proper gear to grab on to.

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/26/2005 6:25:22 PM)

woohoo! thanks wulf [:D]

jock888 -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 4:58:07 AM)

How big is that slave boy that you have tossed around? You sound like you are strong enough to more than toss around just a "little" boy. I am glad you share the "wrestling" interest it is fun for both parties and a true variation.

topcat -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 6:00:47 AM)

M. Karen -

Krav Maga and Judo are good suggestions, but I'd suggest Aikido, particually. It is an 'old man' style, more based on convincing someone to throw themselves across the room, than trying to power tham through the air on your own.

Ikkyo ( the first technique, the best technique) can be learned in an hour or two with a friendly Aikidoka, and is very versitile, and powerful, and allows one to control the subject long enough to bind them- makes for a very sexy takedown<g>.

Stay warm,


SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 6:02:18 AM)

The ones that we have tossed around were both about the same size - about 5'10" or 11" and about 160-170# ... so pretty scrawny (in my opinion). The one that we have right now is about 6' and 300# ... so he's a bit more difficult to toss around ... Now, when it comes to pinning someone down ... I have tons of experience as a nursing assistant pinning them down long enough to get restraints on them (I was the "big guy" at work when they needed someone LOL) ... but throwing/tossing them around - that's not quite the same.

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 6:03:33 AM)

hehe, I (Karen) am pretty much the only one who posts here ... to my knowledge she hasn't even been to the site yet. I just always forget to sign my posts LOL, sorry.

topcat -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 6:08:11 AM)

M. Karen-

Thank you- I di mean to add that this is not something that can be learned from a book- it's power is in the details, and it just won't come across in print...

Stay warm,

jock888 -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 6:21:05 AM)

Ms Karen,
Tell us some of your more memorable moments pinning your patients down while on the job. Now that is when work must be fun!!! Ohhhhh, to be a patient of yours!!!

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 6:24:22 AM)


ORIGINAL: jock888

Ms Karen,
Tell us some of your more memorable moments pinning your patients down while on the job. Now that is when work must be fun!!! Ohhhhh, to be a patient of yours!!!

Actually, there wasn't a single one of them that was fun. That is work ... and work is ... well ... work.

Fun was when I was at home and one of our boys decided to be a brat so I pushed him down and crawled on top of him for awhile (just sat there for awhile ... drove him nuts cuz I didn't actually do anything LOL)

WulfMan -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 9:15:10 AM)

I'm pretty sure that the work part of it's not fun. Hopefully you've never ran into me. Took 5 nurses to hold me down to draw blood, I have a phobia of needles by the way lol.

SweetDommes -> RE: Wrestling Domme (2/27/2005 10:28:22 AM)



I'm pretty sure that the work part of it's not fun. Hopefully you've never ran into me. Took 5 nurses to hold me down to draw blood, I have a phobia of needles by the way lol.

LMAO, probably not ... I worked on a cardiac intensive care/stepdown intensive care floor most of our patients were car accidents, drug overdoses, and post-heartattacks ... and if they made it past the heart attack, we got them back after openheart surgery.

jock888 -> RE: Wrestling Domme (3/5/2005 9:30:10 AM)

You two must have a lot of fun showing your strength to your slaves. Has any ever even challenged either of you? Sounds like that would be a big mistake!!!

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