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giving a long distance sub a collar?

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giving a long distance sub a collar? - 5/2/2004 5:53:40 PM   

Posts: 2336
Joined: 3/15/2004
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Hello Dommes I was wondering I have a friend Who has been taken by a long distance Domme. She has said the She has collard him, but he has really nothing to show for it~ She is wanting him to get one of his nipples pierced. His question to me was would he be rude or wrong in asking if she would send him a collar??
I am very submissive and don't have a clue~~

I posted this in general and thought i would get better help here~

Sincerely, knees@you


The submissives mind You are trying to control is out of order!
Please check the mind and try again~~

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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 5/2/2004 6:58:35 PM   

Posts: 4
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Hello knees,
Personally with any long distance boys. as a general rule...I do not collar online. I prefer there to be a r/t meet with a collaring ceremony of some sort. It solidifys for the boy that I am real and it tends to make for a better connection. The only boys that I will collar from a distance are ones that are overseas(usually in the UK) and I try to send actual collars from Me rather than asking them to buy their own. I prefer bracelet type collars because the boy can wear them all the time rather than the traditional round the neck collar that I would use in r/t. I like to enforce the state of Ownership on My boys and a discreet bracelet tends to be easily worn in their "other" life(so to speak)
for your friend......more than likely it would be "stepping on toes" to suggest to him what is and what is not correct. Each Domina has Her Own way and as long as your friend is content with His Owner then that should be enough for you.
Be Well

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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 5/3/2004 1:35:22 PM   

Posts: 2943
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My colaring online starts with a written contract
the colaring online comes with a tag they wear that
shows they are mine. the physical one I put on
personally when We meet. Here is a sample below
of sum of My slaves onlines colars and tags:sum are online
and sum are real life but I do not distinguish which are
which online as all My slaves are equally treated.


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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 5/23/2004 7:04:17 PM   

Posts: 6
Joined: 5/19/2004
From: NW Wisconsin
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I have read this thread with great interest, as my options at this time are limited to online. I thank each of you for your input and wisdom, and look forward to learning more as I read.





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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 5/25/2004 6:11:37 AM   

Posts: 68
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I have not collared my l/d sub. I would rather wait until I see him in person. However, I have staked my ownership in him by having him change his profile to reflect that he is now owned by me and by closing out all his BDSM ad profiles.


Rule #1 - Goddess is Always Right. Rule #2 - When Goddess is Wrong, refer to Rule #1.

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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 6/18/2004 8:09:59 PM   

Posts: 2336
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Hello great answers~

Sincerely, eyesofAslave


"No I'm not affraid of Who's behind the door~"

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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 6/19/2004 11:10:46 AM   

Posts: 841
Joined: 1/1/2004
From: Santiago, Chile
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Having sat on both sides of the fence, I won't go into if online or real life are better/worse/same/different - that's another topic for another time.

If I were you, my answer to the submissive would be to have an honest discussion with the Domme about his feelings. If he feels a collar is important to signify the relationship, she should be made aware of this fact. If he's not happy, she should be aware of this as well. It would then be in her hands to decide how to rectify the situation - and it is in his hands to decide if the relationship, administered in the fashion his Domme chooses is acceptable or not. I suppose it works like this for submissves: (1) express your feelings, (2) try to be content with the changes if there are any, and (3) revoke consent and move on if your needs aren't met. While some people believe this makes a 'bad slave' I fully believe that in any relationship if one or the other parties is not content, then it only leads to more problems for both down the line. Like any relationship, it takes patience, time, effort, and a willingness to comprimise. Comprimise does NOT mean playing a lap dog - for either the Dom or sub.



"There is always some madness in love, but there is always some reason in madness." - F. Nietzsche

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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 6/19/2004 4:38:39 PM   

Posts: 1893
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From: Rochester, NY
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One of the things I always do with a girl I collar long-distance is send her a handmade black leather collar. This was something I started with my first online relationship, and continue to this day.



A most rewarding compliment is an insult from the ill-informed.

My slave: Kat (RainaVerene on the other side) and her website:

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RE: giving a long distance sub a collar? - 6/19/2004 6:23:11 PM   

Posts: 457
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knees, Without some form of "touch" there is nothing for either the Dominant or the submissive, if the only touch is leather or metal, then so be it. Myself as a Domme, I would have to have some show that they were real. A commitment of some sort from the male would be needed. BUT I would also want him to know I was real and committed to the relationship as well. At least by sending him some item, depending on his profession, that would allow him to touch while he had the piercing. Sundew


~~~~~Enjoy the ride, the landing could get painful~~~~

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