RE: how to humiliate a man (Full Version)

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mnottertail -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 11:17:08 AM)

Give him a frontal lobotomy and  remove his clitoris.


pinkkeith -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 11:31:27 AM)


ORIGINAL: liks2plzlf

Just read some of the previous posts provided for by LuckyAlbatross,(I have learned so much from the info she provides, for which I am very grateful.)

I agree, she's the resident historian. [:)] Thanks for looking up stuff for all the posters.

Bearlee -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 11:44:08 AM)


ORIGINAL: pixelslave
In general I have a problem with public humiliation for another reason in that it by necessity involves the participation of 3rd parties either actively or indirectly as witnesses to your scene without their consent.  I do not believe in non-consential play.  What is done in private with consential players is another matter.  This is something I hope the OP will take into consideration when considering requests from any subs for this kind of play. 


Lordandmaster -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 1:26:01 PM)

I don't agree with that logic.  Do you ask for bystanders' consent before you fart?  Or re-adjust your package?  A bystander is liable to object to ANYTHING.  Sure, no one believes that people should be free to do whatever they please in public, and that's why societies enact laws to regulate public behavior.  But having to attain the consent of all possible witnesses before you do anything in public is a dead end as a legal (or moral) theory.  By that argument, we'd have to censor unpopular speech, too.


ORIGINAL: pixelslave

In general I have a problem with public humiliation for another reason in that it by necessity involves the participation of 3rd parties either actively or indirectly as witnesses to your scene without their consent.  I do not believe in non-consential play.

Bearlee -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 1:31:14 PM)

< ~ ~ ~  does NOT adjust a package, scratch my butt, nor fart!!!  Sheeshhhhhhhh    Well, at least not in public. 

Still, I think he was talking about things like harsh, verbal punishment or something like wearing a collar & leash at the park; no?

...just a thought

Lordandmaster -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 1:37:37 PM)

Well, but you're elegant.  Plenty of people do, and I wouldn't cart them off to prison for failing to obtain my consent.



< ~ ~ ~  does NOT adjust a package, scratch my butt, nor fart!!!  Sheeshhhhhhhh    Well, at least not in public.

Bearlee -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 1:42:55 PM)

LOL...  mostly I don't do such things in public because I'd burn with embarrasement if someone 'caught' me!

Still, don't you see what I'm trying to say?  No, one doesn't need the public's consent for every little thing; but the stuff that could 'out' wearing a collar & leash, or making a guy wear dark bra under a light shirt or overt Domination; those seem different to me. 

In public, I prefer to be quite about WIITWD...whispers in private and stuff noone would dream was going on.  Yanno?

pinkkeith -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 2:08:29 PM)

I don't see what is wrong with public humilation. Is it also wrong for two same sex couples to hold hands in public because it is involving a third party into their lifestyle? Just because people see something that they don't approve of doesn't mean that it you are practicing non-censtual play. If someone is tugging another around by a leash, it really isn't getting a third party involved since it just the sub and the dom who are involved.

pixelslave -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 3:53:36 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

I don't agree with that logic.  Do you ask for bystanders' consent before you fart?  Or re-adjust your package?  A bystander is liable to object to ANYTHING.  Sure, no one believes that people should be free to do whatever they please in public, and that's why societies enact laws to regulate public behavior.  But having to attain the consent of all possible witnesses before you do anything in public is a dead end as a legal (or moral) theory.  By that argument, we'd have to censor unpopular speech, too.


ORIGINAL: pixelslave

In general I have a problem with public humiliation for another reason in that it by necessity involves the participation of 3rd parties either actively or indirectly as witnesses to your scene without their consent.  I do not believe in non-consential play.

Well LAM, you're certainly entitled to your opinion.  Afterall, that's what these boards are for. [:D]  A bystander could object to my spitting on the sidewalk, littering, or walking on the courtyard grass.  In many, if not most places there are laws against those things as well.  If you adjust your "package", you could also be arrested for lewd behavior whether you realize it or not.  And certain kinds of public speach are regulated as well.  People can be arrested in many communities for shouting obscenities.  If not for that, they'll arrest them for some related crime such as being a "public nuisance", regardless of how difficult that might be in your mind to define. [sm=confused.gif]

With all that said, I firmly believe in SSC - Safe, Sane & Consensual play.  When we do WIITWD, to me its important that we don't involve others without their informed consent.  Its my opinion, that public scenes which involve bystanders do EXACTLY that and therefore by definition violate the precepts of playing as SSC kinksters. [sm=frown.gif]

When that happens it hurts all in the lifestyle, not just those who created a particular problem when the police have been called or offended bystanders who observed a spectacle that was created which they have no way of understanding and to which some of us in the lifestyle might understand but wouldn't necessarily agree with anyway.  In the latter situation, it becomes a case of YKNMK (Your kink is Not My Kink), but yet you've still imposed it upon me without my consent, to which I'm going to take offense! [sm=moon.gif] 

- pixel

Lordandmaster -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 4:44:46 PM)

That's both inaccurate and irrelevant.

Regulated speech is regulated for reasons that have nothing to do with whether bystanders have consented to it.  Someone might say something that could land him right in jail, and still be praised for it by every blessed man, woman, and child within earshot.  Or you could have perfectly legal speech that happens to piss off everyone on the continent.  So it should be evident that the consent of bystanders, whether express or implied, does not determine whether speech is legal.

On a more theoretical level: yes, there are laws about lewd behavior, but those are considered legitimate because they appeal to supposed community standards about public behavior--which is NOT the same thing as the standards of the particular group of people who happen to be present when someone performs some public act.  In fact, if any other legal justification were proffered for them, I doubt such laws would be considered Constitutional.  Again, someone could do something, let's say strip naked, in a community that doesn't condone public nudity, and still be wildly applauded for it by the people who are actually present.  (This is, after all, what usually happens when people strip in public.  They deliberately make a spectacle, and most onlookers gawk and cheer until the police arrive to arrest the streaker.)

I understand your principle and its appeal: public humiliation is a bad idea because it involves other people who don't necessarily want to be part of your sex play.  But the problem is that if you extend this principle, it becomes clear that it's not only morally questionable, but also inhibits any conceivable kind of conduct.  I've already pointed out that one consequence would be banning unpopular speech just because it happens to piss people off.  And if you take the idea to its logical conclusion, then no one could do anything in public at all, because there always might be SOMEONE who disapproves.

In America, we don't believe that people's right not to be offended outweighs other people's right to free expression.  Or at least we never did.  But times may be changing.


ORIGINAL: pixelslave

And certain kinds of public speach are regulated as well.

pixelslave -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 5:46:08 PM)

I don't really care if people gawk at a someone else making a statement by going nude in public, nor do I care what kind of speaches they want to make. 

My point was and still is that I believe public scening shouldn't be done without the consent of any observers or incidental participants.  More important, when it is done without their consent, it reflects on the entire BDSM community at large.  It perpetuatates their misunderstanding of what we're all about by the actions they observe of just a few who inflict and/or impose their lifestyle on those who may not wish to have it flaunted in their face, let alone be a part of it.  Its my opinion that this is both inconsiderate and disrespectful of them.  I sincerely hope you wouldn't impose your scene upon me or someone else in the lifestyle without our consent.  Assuming that's the case, why would it be okay to do the same to someone else?  To me, the simple answer is that its not! [image][/image] 

- pixel

Lordandmaster -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/7/2006 8:34:45 PM)

People who don't want to watch are free to walk away, you know.

Anyway, this isn't a meeting of the minds.  Take care and God bless.


ORIGINAL: pixelslave

I sincerely hope you wouldn't impose your scene upon me or someone else in the lifestyle without our consent.

sophia37 -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/9/2006 4:19:46 PM)

How to humiliate a man? Start making more money than he does. That usually works.

LTRsubNW -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/9/2006 4:38:03 PM)


ORIGINAL: sophia37

How to humiliate a man? Start making more money than he does. That usually works.

Wouldn't work for me.

I've always felt that a woman who could take care of me in the style I've become accustomed to, would suit me well.

Lordandmaster -> RE: how to humiliate a man (12/9/2006 5:09:09 PM)

That actually would be a great way for ME to humiliate HER.


ORIGINAL: sophia37

How to humiliate a man? Start making more money than he does. That usually works.

olyftlvr -> RE: how to humiliate a man (3/22/2007 3:30:49 PM)

make him lick your toes till you quiver with passion

slaveish -> RE: how to humiliate a man (3/22/2007 4:17:04 PM)


ORIGINAL: Lordandmaster

By that argument, we'd have to censor unpopular speech, too.

It happens. Take a good look at any social circle.

Well. Ok. Maybe it's just mine. And maybe it's usually directed at me. But ... oh never mind.

(I stand by that first sentence though.)

missturbation -> RE: how to humiliate a man (3/22/2007 4:30:22 PM)

Ask him 'if its in yet?' [:D]

whipingherfeet -> RE: how to humiliate a man (4/16/2007 5:21:04 AM)

crack   his nuts and then have him wear  women under wear

Aswad -> RE: how to humiliate a man (4/16/2007 11:33:50 AM)


ORIGINAL: pixelslave

If you adjust your "package", you could also be arrested for lewd behavior whether you realize it or not.

Wow. Is this really the case "over there"? I'm sorry for asking, it just seems incredible.


And certain kinds of public speach are regulated as well.

In some areas, yes, public speech is regulated. But in most western countries, this is notso much related to the content, as to the nature of such speech. For instance, you can claim the holocaust didn't happen, but you can't incite violence against jews. To me, this is a sensible distinction between the freedom of speech and the management of spontaneous violence.

Freedom of speech exists for the sole purpose of defending the right to make unpopular and/or offensive statements.

Think about it, carefully. Popular and/or inoffensive statements need no protection under law, and a right to make such statements is not necessary, it is a given. These laws exist to allow us to criticise, to encourage change, and to challenge the status quo.


People can be arrested in many communities for shouting obscenities.  If not for that, they'll arrest them for some related crime such as being a "public nuisance", regardless of how difficult that might be in your mind to define.

Being a public nuisance is fairly simple to define. When you're shouting it, raving around in a threatening manner, or otherwise clearly making a nuisance of yourself, in public, you are a public nuisance. Fairly straight forward. When you're making a statement, be it verbal or nonverbal, without doing so in an agressive manner (shouting, threatening, etc.), then you're just exercising your right to free speech.

Anyone being arrested for cussing by themselves, holding a public speech, or anything like that, is being arrested in violation of the intent of the law, or lives in a country that has no respect for the individual.


With all that said, I firmly believe in SSC - Safe, Sane & Consensual play.

I believe most people on this board do, for some definition of the three terms involved. That definition shows a lot of interindividual variation, however.


When we do WIITWD, to me its important that we don't involve others without their informed consent.  Its my opinion, that public scenes which involve bystanders do EXACTLY that and therefore by definition violate the precepts of playing as SSC kinksters.

I'd beg to differ. It's a matter of degree.

When an acquaintance (I'll never go so far as to say "friend" in her case) was leading her boyfriend on a leash and jokingly tried to convince the busdriver that she should pay the fare for 1 adult and 1 pet, that was in good taste, and did not involve anyone else in their kink any more than kissing him in public would have. Indeed, I'd say far less.

Slightly stronger is the case of the Folsom Street Fair, which might be construed as being inappropriate, except that it's obviously a special event, similar to a gay rights parade/fair. In the opinions of some, this might be over the line, but I don't think so, since the community is a minority that is lacking important rights and recognitions.

In order to find things that are actually legally and perhaps ethically wrong, and require the consent of the general public, you will have to look to examples analogous to things already covered by existing laws and ethics. Displaying a different orientation in public is IMO no different for power-exchange relationships than for LGBT-relationships

I'll use discipline as an example: A stern talking-to, or a quiet "that will sting when we get home", is entirely acceptable. A face slap would be over the line in an area that would not allow you to discipline your children in a similar way (e.g. single spank to the buttocks), but not in an area that does allow that. A whipping would be over the line in either case, as it has no acceptable parallell, and would be covered under assault/battery, even if consensual (just like it is when it happens in the home).

Fetish clothing is obviously acceptable if it doesn't inherently violate the legal standards of your community. The ethics question is the potential kicker, of course, so would you consider it okay to be dressed as a punk? A hippie? A goth? How about a neo-nazi? Goths wear collars all the time, so that would seem acceptable. A leash might be considered offensive, but for most of us, the leash isn't explicitly sexual in nature, so I'd say it's equivalent to holding hands in public from an ethics point of view. As for the offense, people get to wear religious symbols that may be offensive to the religious majority, such as pentacles, upside-down crosses, or even in some areas the sun cross. The leash is no worse in this respect.

Sexual activities? Those are already prohibited, so nothing special there. They don't fly.

Crawling? Gray area. Posing? People do that all the time, so that's all good. Kneeling? Looking at it from the objective perspective, it's not any different from sitting down in an uncommon way, e.g. the lotus position, which is how I wait for my bus and something that occasionally draws a glare. If you're considering it from the content/context/meaning perspective, it is no different than couples staring adoringly at each other, which most people find outright positive. Hence, nothing new here.

Foot fetishism or similar might be questionable, since it's hard to define the camp that this fits in. If you think of it as sexual, it would be equivalent to public sex, which may be illegal and/or unethical, depending on laws and ethical standards, respectively. Personally, I'd equate it to LGBT couples "french" kissing with similar intensity in public. The French call it "english" kissing, btw.

Many people dislike public breastfeeding (of babies, I mean), yet most places seem to allow this. A toddler sucking a breast can hardly be said to be objectively better than an adult sucking a toe, to put it bluntly. That said, I wouldn't consider either to be suitable in a very public area like, say, Burger King, although I'd say it's okay in a less public area, such as a remote corner of a park or somesuch.

Legal and ethical standards apply equally to vanilla people. Nothing special here.

If it's illegal, don't do it unless you want to get arrested. If it would be unethical for a vanilla person to do it, without the meanings we put into it, it's unethical for you to do as well. If vanilla behaviour with equivalent emotional or sexual content, or equivalent meaning, would be unethical, then it's unethical for you.

Obviously, there are limits to what is appropriate in public, as for anyone, but I don't think our lifestyle requires any considerations that wouldn't be the case for the vanilla population as well.

I noticed you are from Texas, so it might be useful, in order to understand your position, if you elaborate on how far it would be okay by you for an LGBT couple to go in public. That might give grounds for comparison, as many people find that offensive, yet it arguably is ethical, IMO. People have a right to display their relationships and their affection in public, and the manner in which they may do so is really the question.


When that happens it hurts all in the lifestyle, not just those who created a particular problem when the police have been called or offended bystanders who observed a spectacle that was created which they have no way of understanding and to which some of us in the lifestyle might understand but wouldn't necessarily agree with anyway.

A lot of SSC play has hurt the lifestyle. Or, to be precise, the public and media response to a lot of SSC play has been harmful.

With any kind of alternative relationship, it will take a lot of time to get it accepted as legal, and even more time to make it socially acceptable to the majority. And some people will always take offense. LGBT couples have only recently received this status in Europe, and it seems it will be a while before they get such status in the USA.

BDSM, of any kind, is either an alternative relationship form, alternative sexuality, or both. Social acceptance does not come from hiding it away and treating it as something "dirty", "shameful" or forbidden. It comes from standing up, fighting for recognition, and demanding equal rights.

Womens' suffrage did not come about because women passively talked about it among themselves, it came about because they fought for it. LGBT rights did not come about from pretending to be straight, hiding one's relationships, and so forth; it took a lot of activism and lobbying, and is an ongoing process.

And for both of these cases, there were people who claimed that what these avant-gardes were doing was wrong, that it was harming those that kept their lives secret, that they were breaking the surface. Yet it was necessary for progress.

I don't play in public, just as I don't have sex in public. But I have no issues with displaying my relationship in public, except insofar as doing so might inconvenience myself, my partner, my friends or my family. "Coming out" is still a sensitive thing, but this remains the case for LGBT as well, and the reason is not that it's unethical, illegal or somesuch; the reason is that people aren't comfortable with the reactions they will receive. If you don't care about these reactions, or the people your care about already know, there's no reason why you shouldn't have the same variant freedoms as vanilla people: expressing non-sexual affection, etc.

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