Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (Full Version)

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timeoutgurlie -> Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 8:41:56 AM)

In a thread I read a poster saying that inserting a capsule into the vagina cured a yeast infection, does anyone know if this is true?

If so, I wish I'd known this when I was antibiotics a while ago (some may even remember my thread asking if the yogurt would help, etc.,) because there I was using the yogurt soaked tampon, and taking these capsules orally.

Aparently if this is true, I could've saved myself an awful lot of mess and icky feelings at night wearing this torture device of a preventative measure [:(]

Good news though, never did get a yeast infection despite the antibiotics, makes it seem worthwhile [:D]

Sweet1Maybe4U -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 8:46:52 AM)

Never tried the capsules..Sue Johanson stated that a turkey baster filled with plain yogurt works..never tried that either..i do however, eat yogurt on a regular basis..and i havent had any yeast infections..[:D]...hugs and kisses

katie7 -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 8:54:52 AM)

If you have a yeast infection or thrush,  as is more commonly called, then you need to use a specialy formulated thrush cream.
Yogurt containing accidophilus or the capsules of the same ingrediant are only taken to regularly  to prevent such infections and NOT  treat them.I am qualified Pharmicist so please check at your lacal drugstore or pharmacy for the appropraite and CORRECT  treatment. A yeast infection is an uncomfortable, itchy fungul condition  that is extremely common and most if not all women have got it at one stage due to diet or also, taking antibiotics can cause can be passed onto your partner if left untreated.
Here in Oz we use Canesten cream,or generic equivilent...

timeoutgurlie -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 9:16:28 AM)

Thanks, I thought it sounded offbase, and now re-reading he's saying lactisommasomething acidophilus and not the one I posted about actually, so either way really I had it wrong *smacks self* lol

I still take the capsules, figured why not, so if they're prevnting then that's great too [:D]

Thanks for the replies both of yas [:D][:D]

mistoferin -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 9:53:04 AM)

I believe that the other post was referring more to maintaining good levels and prevention, not cure....or at least that was how I read it. There have actually been a few studies done that would support that.

adaddysgirl -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 9:58:09 AM)

i take them orally, daily, as a prevention, but i've never heard of them being vaginally inserted.  i was wondering if that was true too  [8|]

ownedgirlie -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 10:15:21 AM)

I take them orally.  Never heard of inserting them and would probably never try that. 

timeoutgurlie -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 11:13:47 AM)

I'm the try it kinda girl, as you could gather from the gooey tampon remedy/prevention trick I found online from what seemed a 'reputable' site.  And since I never got an infection, I'll never truly know what it was, the oral capsules or the gooey cotton concoction, but I didn't much care, I just wanted to avoid the infection really, women would all understand, even men I'd assume *giggles*

Thanks for clearing it up, it's altogether possible I did read what he had posted wrong and it was meant only as another way to prevent one.

In any case it's something I will no doubtedly try since I feel they're safe enough to take orally, so will let you all know if I sprout a penis or anything else unexpected [X(] lol

JerseyKrissi72 -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 4:40:03 PM)

I take them orally to prevent yeast infections as well ...Also, eating alot of yogurt helps

timeoutgurlie -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/3/2006 7:13:46 PM)

I really have a love/hate relationship with yogurt.

Unfortunately, I love to hate it.  I'm like a baby who hates a certain food, it's almost an involuntary tongue push right out when I try and eat it.

Something about the texture combined with the tang -- I think it's mainly being germaphobic and God knows this one is a *good* bacterial active culture, but culture for me is first represented by the image of botulism in a petrie dish and it just puts me off.

Or I could add tonnes of sugar and fruit and granola until it only contains a tablespoon of yogurt per 1/2 pound *giggles*

Ah well, thanks for the mention of eating it though, I hear that's very good for the entire body really [:)]

Celeste43 -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/5/2006 5:27:57 AM)

timedoutgurlie, try yogurt in a homemade smoothie then. Put it in a blender with a banana and some frozen berries, sweeten to taste with honey. It won't be so tangy but it will still contain all the goodness.

timeoutgurlie -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/5/2006 6:19:11 AM)

Celeste - I'd read that then the sugar is cancelling out the naturally 'good' properties, maybe that's wrong?

I'll bring it up with my doctor next time I go in, if I could add to it without detracting from what makes it such a fantastic food, that would be great, thanks [:)]

BRNaughtyAngel -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/8/2006 5:27:34 PM)


ORIGINAL: timeoutgurlie

Celeste - I'd read that then the sugar is cancelling out the naturally 'good' properties, maybe that's wrong?

I'll bring it up with my doctor next time I go in, if I could add to it without detracting from what makes it such a fantastic food, that would be great, thanks [:)]

Sugar feeds the yeast (bad bacteria), so sweetened/fruited yogurts aren't good for that.  It's best to take a preventative stance by regularly taking Probiotics (catchall for all of the friendly strains of good bacteria that inhabit the various areas of your digestive tract). 

Read the label as some are designed to be taken on an empty stomach and others with food.

darksdesire -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/9/2006 7:42:03 PM)

i have had great success with tea tree essential oil mixed in an olive oil base.  It's got a strong, antiseptic sort of smell, but that stuff worked wonders.

whisperedsighs -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/9/2006 8:02:48 PM)


ORIGINAL: timeoutgurlie

In a thread I read a poster saying that inserting a capsule into the vagina cured a yeast infection, does anyone know if this is true?

If so, I wish I'd known this when I was antibiotics a while ago (some may even remember my thread asking if the yogurt would help, etc.,) because there I was using the yogurt soaked tampon, and taking these capsules orally.

Aparently if this is true, I could've saved myself an awful lot of mess and icky feelings at night wearing this torture device of a preventative measure [:(]

Good news though, never did get a yeast infection despite the antibiotics, makes it seem worthwhile [:D]

it's the boric acid capsules, about a third of the way down.

TheShadows -> RE: Acidophilus w/ Bifidus Capsules (12/10/2006 3:57:49 PM)

In the past, I tried taking acidophillus capsules (with live bacteria) orally to CURE an existing yeast infection, because I didn't have any yogurt on hand to eat, and it worked.  Different for everyone, maybe?

As always, YMMV...

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