RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (Full Version)

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FirmhandKY -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 6:40:28 AM)


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



1.  Please point me to a reputable source that lists the number of American military personal currently stationed in Saudi Arabia.

The US military was in Saudi Arabia at the time of 9/11 which is the key point. Events have since taken over from there but it was their stationing there that was one of the provocations listed by many Islamists.

Let's see ... one of their major complaints at the time was Christian soldiers near the "Holy Places".  Those Christians are gone ... yet it made no difference in  Islams crusade against the West.

'Course, weren't a lot of complaints when those same Christian soldiers fought and died for other muslims ...


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver


2. "The Crusades" was a reaction to constant Islamic imperialistic actions for hundreds of years.  It's used as an excuse to castigate the West, when, in reality, if Islam hadn't been imperialistic and taking over Christian (and Jewish) lands, it would likely have never happened.

You really should read up on the crusades, you will find out that christians were far more blood thirsty than the muslims and this has had an enduring effect on the psyche of muslims.

So ... it was "perfectly fine" for Islam to conquer and enslave Jewish and Christian peoples in Egygt, north Africa, all the way over to Spain ... and in Israel, and into the Christian Anatolia ... and either kill, convert or practice dhimmitude with the Christian peoples?

But when Christians come back, and fight for those same lands ... they are in the wrong?

Skewed sense of right and wrong there, looks like to me.


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver


3. When you hijack civilian airlines and crash them into civilian buildings of a super-power, you should expect to lose your country, and be attacked and subdued by force.  That's reality.

You attacked the wrong country in Iraq. Wrong country, wrong enemy, wrong war! When a superpower is so inept to attack the wrong country it deserves what it gets.

Though we all know it didn't invade the wrong country because we have all read The Project For The New American Century and the invasion had nothing to with 9/11 or WMD. It's just so sad and something of an indictment that so many Americans still believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11.

(Aside: meatcleaver, is there anything ... anything at all ... about the US, Christianity, or capitalism that you might have a positive comment or feeling about?)

No, when it comes to Islamic excuses to kill Westerners (and Americans in particular), they can make all the claims they wish, and you can support their desire to kill Americans however you want, but the real reason has little to do with historical "wrongs".

The real reason is that the West stands for everything that they hate:  freedom, democracy, women's rights, human rights, secularism etc.

Like you, they have a basic misapprehension about the West (well, the US, anyway).

They believed that we were so weak and decadent that a slight push would make us collapse economically and politically.  That is why they attacked us.

Everything else that you, and they, spew are rationalizations, justifications and excuses.

As for Iraqi being the "wrong country, wrong enemy, wrong war", I think that is yet to be seen.  Your sense of history is short-sighted, and I suspect not very deep.

If the war accomplishes even some of what it was designed to do, there is the possibility that it will be seen as a turning point in the societies and nations in that part of the world.

So long and thanks for all the fish.


meatcleaver -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 7:57:51 AM)

This is utter nonsense. You view every attack on the US that kills innocent civilians as unprovoked yet see no moral problem in the US atracking other countries and killing innocent civilians. This reminds me of the Jacksonian discussion you've been having with Dtesmoac.

The real reason is that the West stands for everything that they hate:  freedom, democracy, women's rights, human rights, secularism etc.

Have you thought that attacks on the west might be because people want freedom to live the way they want to live? It is the west that has imposed its rules on other countries, not the other way round. Now other cultures might want to live in a way you/we find abhorent but that is their choice as long as they don't impose their values on us. I repeat, we imposed our values on them. A Jacksonian philosophy would give them the right to attack the west and that is what is absurd about the Jacksonian view of the world.

meatcleaver -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 8:25:56 AM)



So ... it was "perfectly fine" for Islam to conquer and enslave Jewish and Christian peoples in Egygt, north Africa, all the way over to Spain ... and in Israel, and into the Christian Anatolia ... and either kill, convert or practice dhimmitude with the Christian peoples?

But when Christians come back, and fight for those same lands ... they are in the wrong?

Skewed sense of right and wrong there, looks like to me.

It is your logic that creates the endless circle of violence that needs to be broken.


No, when it comes to Islamic excuses to kill Westerners (and Americans in particular), they can make all the claims they wish, and you can support their desire to kill Americans however you want, but the real reason has little to do with historical "wrongs".

The real reason is that the West stands for everything that they hate:  freedom, democracy, women's rights, human rights, secularism etc.

Like you, they have a basic misapprehension about the West (well, the US, anyway).

They believed that we were so weak and decadent that a slight push would make us collapse economically and politically.  That is why they attacked us.

Everything else that you, and they, spew are rationalizations, justifications and excuses.

There are no rationalizations or justifications. I have no argument with the fact that the terrorists were psychopaths and better dead. My argument is that the west is complicite in creating the conditions in which these psychopaths can get support in a host population. Punishing the host population doesn't stop terrorism but increases it which is what the policies of the 'coalition of the willing' is doing.

All we hear from people with your view is more of the same which created the problem in the first place. A little self reflection and not repeating the mistakes of the past is not weakness, its called intelligence.epeating the same actions as though there will be a different result is madness and that is what you appear to propose.

Marc2b -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 1:15:59 PM)


Well as far as the property tax goes, that is sorta the logic, in that if it's cheaper long-term as much as possible to buy more people would be apt to buy there own home. And since the tax would only be investment/income properties I don't see a contradiction. I would think for this to properly work one would have to open up more loan programs for the lower class, maybe. I do think home ownership is the most basic aspect of building a strong middleclass though, and some way should be devised to encourage it as much as possible.
If there are no property taxes though on commercial property, then the owner in that case would not have an incentive to utilize the land and in theory could sit on it indefinitely waiting for a housing boom or development, to the detriment of pretty much everybody. As long as there is some kind of tax on property solely used to derive income it will more than likely be sold, or used in most cases.

I don’t disagree with most of what you said. My point is that it is ultimately the consumer who pays taxes levied on businesses, corporations, etc., wether it be through higher prices for products or higher rent or what have you. The tax bill is just passed on as a cost of doing business (with additional costs for doing all the record keeping). I think the only thing that should be taxed is personal income at a flat rate for everyone. That way those who earn more do pay more. I would also allow deductions for health care, tuition, and mortgage/rent payments.


As far as the work availability, that is pretty easy. The work may not be necessarily effective, or even completely necessary. But creating work for money is not the hardest thing, and the parks always need cleaned, Sidewalks swept, walls painted, etc.... The point is really that the concept of work for money should always be present, not money for sitting on butt... Basicly if the government can give money out already, does it really much matter if the work being done is technically the most efficient or needed work? It wouldnt cost much more. And one wouldn't have to deal with the approval process present today.

What you are describing is sometimes referred to as "workfare." I have no real dispute with it (the able bodied shouldn’t get free handouts) just so long as we realize that it is another form of welfare, another form of redistributing wealth with the added benefit of the discipline of work and some on the job training that will be (hopefully) a stepping stone to a real job. Only the private sector can create real wealth producing jobs, the government can only spread around (and waste) wealth under different guises of wealth redistribution.

Marc2b -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 1:37:50 PM)


"The Crusades" was a reaction to constant Islamic imperialistic actions for hundreds of years.  It's used as an excuse to castigate the West, when, in reality, if Islam hadn't been imperialistic and taking over Christian (and Jewish) lands, it would likely have never happened.

Amen (pun intended).  The Crusades were not an attack - they were a counter attack.  I am sick and tired of hearing about how evil the Crudsaders were and how noble and innocent the Muslisms were.  I won't dispute the fact that the Crusaders did some nasty things but so did the Muslims (not that this excuses either side).  Saladin was not the merciful general that he is protrayed as - the man butchered and enslaved thousands including some of the Christians he supposedly let go when they couldn't pay the ransom he demanded.

Either way it's been over seven hundred years since the Crusades.  I think it's time for the Muslims to get the fuck over it already. 

Marc2b -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 1:46:42 PM)

Well, that's enough for today.  Time to ring in 2007 via the traditional Western custom of getting really shit-faced.

Happy New Year eveybody.

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 5:10:59 PM)

if islam is responsible for all this terrorism wtc etc why hasnt the fbi charged him with it?  After all he is the reason we are at war is he not?

luckydog1 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 6:05:28 PM)

Real ---The FBI does not charge anyone with crimes, that is not their function.  The FBI investigates and arrests people.  From your own link   "The Rewards For Justice Program, United States Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $25 million for information leading directly to the apprehension or conviction of Usama Bin Laden. "

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (12/31/2006 10:47:56 PM)


ORIGINAL: luckydog1

Real ---The FBI does not charge anyone with crimes, that is not their function.  The FBI investigates and arrests people.  From your own link   "The Rewards For Justice Program, United States Department of State, is offering a reward of up to $25 million for information leading directly to the apprehension or conviction of Usama Bin Laden. "

poor choice of words then, the point however remains the same, how come he is wanted for being in connection with everything "BUT" the 911 incident since we are at war killing the islamic people over his supposed masterminding and execution of the greatest atrocity ever conceived so date against this country?

luckydog1 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/1/2007 2:45:40 AM)

What exactly are you asking Real?  He is the FBIs most wanted terrorist, and the State Dept has a 25 million dollar bounty on him.  That page does not have an exhaustive list of his possible indictments, There is no need for it? 

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/1/2007 10:48:02 AM)


ORIGINAL: luckydog1

What exactly are you asking Real?  He is the FBIs most wanted terrorist, and the State Dept has a 25 million dollar bounty on him.  That page does not have an exhaustive list of his possible indictments, There is no need for it? 

you are so predictable.  yeh i agree with you totally, adding the greatest crime of the century to that list is nothing more than an insignificant oversight LOL

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/1/2007 11:17:14 AM)




ORIGINAL: meatcleaver



1.  Please point me to a reputable source that lists the number of American military personal currently stationed in Saudi Arabia.

The US military was in Saudi Arabia at the time of 9/11 which is the key point. Events have since taken over from there but it was their stationing there that was one of the provocations listed by many Islamists.

Let's see ... one of their major complaints at the time was Christian soldiers near the "Holy Places".  Those Christians are gone ... yet it made no difference in  Islams crusade against the West.

'Course, weren't a lot of complaints when those same Christian soldiers fought and died for other muslims ...


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver


2. "The Crusades" was a reaction to constant Islamic imperialistic actions for hundreds of years.  It's used as an excuse to castigate the West, when, in reality, if Islam hadn't been imperialistic and taking over Christian (and Jewish) lands, it would likely have never happened.

You really should read up on the crusades, you will find out that christians were far more blood thirsty than the muslims and this has had an enduring effect on the psyche of muslims.

So ... it was "perfectly fine" for Islam to conquer and enslave Jewish and Christian peoples in Egygt, north Africa, all the way over to Spain ... and in Israel, and into the Christian Anatolia ... and either kill, convert or practice dhimmitude with the Christian peoples?

But when Christians come back, and fight for those same lands ... they are in the wrong?

Skewed sense of right and wrong there, looks like to me.


ORIGINAL: meatcleaver


3. When you hijack civilian airlines and crash them into civilian buildings of a super-power, you should expect to lose your country, and be attacked and subdued by force.  That's reality.

You attacked the wrong country in Iraq. Wrong country, wrong enemy, wrong war! When a superpower is so inept to attack the wrong country it deserves what it gets.

Though we all know it didn't invade the wrong country because we have all read The Project For The New American Century and the invasion had nothing to with 9/11 or WMD. It's just so sad and something of an indictment that so many Americans still believe Saddam had something to do with 9/11.

(Aside: meatcleaver, is there anything ... anything at all ... about the US, Christianity, or capitalism that you might have a positive comment or feeling about?)

No, when it comes to Islamic excuses to kill Westerners (and Americans in particular), they can make all the claims they wish, and you can support their desire to kill Americans however you want, but the real reason has little to do with historical "wrongs".

The real reason is that the West stands for everything that they hate:  freedom, democracy, women's rights, human rights, secularism etc.

Like you, they have a basic misapprehension about the West (well, the US, anyway).

They believed that we were so weak and decadent that a slight push would make us collapse economically and politically.  That is why they attacked us.

Everything else that you, and they, spew are rationalizations, justifications and excuses.

As for Iraqi being the "wrong country, wrong enemy, wrong war", I think that is yet to be seen.  Your sense of history is short-sighted, and I suspect not very deep.

If the war accomplishes even some of what it was designed to do, there is the possibility that it will be seen as a turning point in the societies and nations in that part of the world.

So long and thanks for all the fish.


thats the governments spin on it anyway

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/1/2007 3:42:26 PM)


Let's see ... one of their major complaints at the time was Christian soldiers near the "Holy Places".  Those Christians are gone ... yet it made no difference in  Islams crusade against the West.

'Course, weren't a lot of complaints when those same Christian soldiers fought and died for other muslims ...

The enemy of my enemy is my friend...hey?  Who again becomes my enemy when the larger threat is gone.


So ... it was "perfectly fine" for Islam to conquer and enslave Jewish and Christian peoples in Egygt, north Africa, all the way over to Spain ... and in Israel, and into the Christian Anatolia ... and either kill, convert or practice dhimmitude with the Christian peoples?

But when Christians come back, and fight for those same lands ... they are in the wrong?

Skewed sense of right and wrong there, looks like to me.

That gets really sticky.  Its due to the way they think.  If you conquered a certain territory which was claimed by any group at any time throughout history, they feel it it their rightful ownership throughout time.  So if christians become squatters and decide to claim land, get driven out then try to reclaim it... you see?  It gets messy.


No, when it comes to Islamic excuses to kill Westerners (and Americans in particular), they can make all the claims they wish, and you can support their desire to kill Americans however you want, but the real reason has little to do with historical "wrongs".

That is incorrect.  Its because amrica is a bully.  We plop our asses down and do things, especially with their resources that they disagree with, and no one can move our butts out.


The real reason is that the West stands for everything that they hate:  freedom, democracy, women's rights, human rights, secularism etc.

Like you, they have a basic misapprehension about the West (well, the US, anyway).

They believed that we were so weak and decadent that a slight push would make us collapse economically and politically.  That is why they attacked us.

Everything else that you, and they, spew are rationalizations, justifications and excuses.

The real reason is that the west is trying to push our belief system on nations and peoples of those areas.  Like it or not they are happy with the way life is and their way of doing things regarless of how enlightned we may be.  legitimately or illegitimately.

They hate isreal because isreal is behind most of the bullshit that goes on in the region.

They hate us because we are aligned with isreal and they cant do anything about it because we come to aid isreal.

They hate us because they feel isreal belongs to them not the jews.

They hate us because we build bases in their countries and pluder their resources and try to force western culture on them.  Do you really htink the women of islam look up to the way women of the west live?  NOT

They want to change at their own pace not yours.  


As for Iraqi being the "wrong country, wrong enemy, wrong war", I think that is yet to be seen.  Your sense of history is short-sighted, and I suspect not very deep.

Actually on a larger scope of things it is an exactly and precisely times war.


If the war accomplishes even some of what it was designed to do, there is the possibility that it will be seen as a turning point in the societies and nations in that part of the world.

Never happen.  That is both the short sightedness in your whole argument as well as the government of this country.  We might enslave them with military might but we will never change the religion of th emost stubborn and pigheaded people on this planet and it is as it always has been.  a religious war.

Its easy to sit back and talk about the "way life ""should"" be", how women should be treated "freedom" etc,etc,etc. however as you see the bombs fall, i think you need to a moment to realize that your version of freedom is their version of slavery.

luckydog1 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/1/2007 4:31:10 PM)

you are so predictable.  yeh i agree with you totally, adding the greatest crime of the century to that list is nothing more than an insignificant oversight LOL
Ok what does it mean?  You asked a question not grounded in reality in any way( the FBI doesn't charge people) then switch to a different question, which Again I dont get?  IF we catch him he wont get a Civil Criminal trial, he will get a millitary trial of some sort, and it will probably be done in secret, never announced at all.  He is not commiting Crimes against America, he is committing WAR against America.  Its part of the Conspiricy( that Ironically you can find out about through the Web and mail order books they controll and monitor) some how, please explain it to us. 

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/1/2007 5:08:58 PM)


ORIGINAL: luckydog1
You asked a question not grounded in reality in any way( the FBI doesn't charge people) then switch to a different question,

So why dont you do both of us a favor and click on that little red block icon in the lower botton left hand corner if you have such difficulty understanding my posts.


ORIGINAL: luckydog1
which Again I dont get?

fine we can leave it at that then.

luckydog1 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/1/2007 5:46:20 PM)

I enjoy pointing out your falsely framed questions, and fake polls, ect.  Why would I block you?  I am just asking you a question.  you asked a false question in an attempt to insinuate something.  I am asking you to just state it.  IF my questioning and pointing out holes in your assertions bothers you so much you can block me out, I consider that to be rather cowardly in debate however.

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/2/2007 10:41:34 AM)


poor choice of words then, the point however <snip>

Now i certainly did try to be nice didnt i...


ORIGINAL: luckydog1
I enjoy pointing out your falsely framed questions, and fake polls, ect.  Why would I block you?  I am just asking you a question.  you asked a false question in an attempt to insinuate something.  I am asking you to just state it.  IF my questioning and pointing out holes in your assertions bothers you so much you can block me out, I consider that to be rather cowardly in debate however.

You asked a question not grounded in reality in any way( the FBI doesn't charge people) then switch to a different question, which Again I dont get?  

Please cite the sources supporting your claim that the polls are "in fact" fake.

Date: August 9, 2006
FBI - Portland Division

The FBI charged MOORE by criminal complaint with one count of bank robbery for the robbery of the Wells Fargo <snip>

If you need my further help to look up all the above words and explain their usage or if you have any more holes that are in need of assertions by all means let me know and i will be happy to assist you.

luckydog1 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/2/2007 5:02:05 PM)

well, actually a flawed local press release does not make your case.  Here is a quote from the FBI's home page..

What are the primary investigative functions of the FBI?
The FBI's mandate, the broadest of all federal investigative agencies, authorizes it to investigate all federal criminal violations that have not been specifically assigned by Congress to another federal agency. The FBI's investigative functions fall into the categories of applicant matters; civil rights; counterterrorism; foreign counterintelligence; organized crime/drugs; violent crimes and major offenders; and financial crime.

Where is the FBI's authority written down?

The powers of the FBI are derived from congressional statutes. Title 28, United States Code, Section 533, authorizes the Attorney General to appoint officials to detect and prosecute crimes against the United States. Title 18, United States Code, Section 3052, specifically authorizes Special Agents and officials of the FBI to make arrests, carry firearms, and serve warrants. Title 18, United States Code, Section 3107, empowers Special Agents and officials to make seizures under warrant for violation of federal statutes. The FBI's authority to investigate specific criminal violations is conferred by numerous other congressional statutes. In addition, Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 0.85, outlines the investigative and other responsibilities of the FBI, including the collection of fingerprint cards and identification records; the training of state and local law enforcement officials at the FBI National Academy; and the operation of the National Crime Information Center and the FBI Laboratory.

Then the FBI actually must work through U. S. Attorneys?
Yes. Although the FBI is responsible for investigating possible violations of federal law, the FBI does not give an opinion or decide if an individual will be prosecuted. The federal prosecutors employed by the Department of Justice or the U.S. Attorneys offices are responsible for making this decision and for conducting the prosecution of the case.

you can check it here

As to the polls, do I really have to explain why a web poll is not real?  Are you that uninformed?  Ok polls with out a regulated sample mean less than nothing, and as we already discussed and you admitted, groups were trying to stack it.  To you that does not make them fake, ok

Real0ne -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/3/2007 10:23:44 AM)


ORIGINAL: luckydog1
well, actually a flawed local press release does not make your case.  Here is a quote from the FBI's home page..

That page does not have an exhaustive list of his possible indictments, There is no need for it?

Please show your references that aupport your claim that wanted posters are not exhaustive.

you have provided absolutely nothing to illustrate a hole in my assertion or that my assertion is false or falsely framed. 


ORIGINAL: luckydog1
As to the polls, do I really have to explain why a web poll is not real?  Are you that uninformed?  Ok polls with out a regulated sample mean less than nothing, and as we already discussed and you admitted, groups were trying to stack it.  To you that does not make them fake, ok

Again please show your references or cite the links that prove that the polls i posted are in fact "fake".

Again you have done nothing to qualify your claims beyond conjecture.

luckydog1 -> RE: Failure of the world-wide capitalist system ... kinda. (1/3/2007 1:27:27 PM)

But I did, you are claiming the FBI charges people with crimes...I gave you  the link to the FBI page where it states thier responibilites.  Here it is again  Then the FBI actually must work through U. S. Attorneys?
Yes. Although the FBI is responsible for investigating possible violations of federal law, the FBI does not give an opinion or decide if an individual will be prosecuted. The federal prosecutors employed by the Department of Justice or the U.S. Attorneys offices are responsible for making this decision and for conducting the prosecution of the case.
   here is the link (again) go check it if you want

You require a site to understand why a web poll is not valid/fake?  No wonder you fall for this stuff.  a web poll is a poll of people who choose to vote in the poll(and as we already assertained Alex Jones was sending his supporters there to vote in it...stack it), it is not representative of the Nation in anyway shape or form.  When you claim it is you are presenting false information .You already admittted thast Jones was stacking the invalid poll top begin with.  You made the claim in the Headline of your other thread that 89% of people think the 911 was a gov conspiricy...they don't ...the Scrips poll you also posted shows that.  You should look up what conjecture means.

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