Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (Full Version)

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Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"?

I prefer my submissive or slave look "soft" and very feminine.
  53% (15)
I prefer my submissive or slave look more "vampy and dangerous"
  14% (4)
I like it all!
  25% (7)
I don't have a preference.
  7% (2)

Total Votes : 28
(last vote on : 2/4/2008 3:57:08 AM)
(Poll will run till: -- )


SusanofO -> Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 4:43:29 AM)

A question for the heterosexual Dominants (and to whomever else this question might apply, I guess) - but submissive and slaves, as well as Dommes, and others, please feel free to comment (just don't take the poll itself, please, it's for Dominants only)

I realize that the "vamp" or more "dangerous" look is more prevalent, perhaps, for FemDoms, but  - some heterosexual men like it when submissives and slaves dress this way as well.

Question: If you have a female submissive or slave (or are seeking one, or just have a general preference in regard to this question), do you prefer they dress -

1) In a very "traditionally" feminine way (soft, fuzzy angora sweaters, for example, with a georgette or chiffon skirt) - Or would you rather see them in, for instance, wearing 

2) A black, tight leather skirt and black leather bustier wearing 4-5 inch high heels?

Or, don't you have a look you prefer for your submissive or slave? (either because it doesn't matter, because you like both "looks", or perhaps you don't care for either one (you weirdo)!?...

I am speaking of whenever you'd request they dress a certain way (whenever that might be - if ever).

Just wondering...thanks for any responses.

P.S.  - If submissives or slaves want to comment on which look they prefer to dress in, go right ahead (but the poll itself is more for male heterosexual Dominants). 

But I am interested in comments from everyone - and hoping for them.
Me? I like both "looks" - but definitely lean more toward the "soft, traditionally femeinine" look (but can get "vampy" on occasion).   

Thanks for any comments...

- Susan  

LW3 -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:11:06 AM)

a female should be soft and femenine showing all her beauty in every move she makes. that, of course, includes her clothing (or lack of clothing)

now I'm sure a lot of dommes will be angry with me for saying that. [:D]

SusanofO -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:12:02 AM)

You are a born diplomat! Thanks for the response. Hopefully, more folks will follow your example and post a response.

- Susan

LW3 -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:17:15 AM)

no. I'm not a diplomat.
I'm a simple mortal that knows it's impossible to make everybody happy so I don't care who gets angry about my ideas. they are mine. if they don't like them they don't need to share them. if they think theirs are better thay can try to explain and show me they are right and I'm wrong.

SusanofO -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:19:50 AM)

I hope you didn't think I was being insulting. I like the "traditionally feminine" look also (and don't care what anyone else thinks, either - that's why it's a poll). I did appreciate your reply (truly). Hopefully, others will post, too (although it is still early in the day).

- Susan

LW3 -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:25:31 AM)

no. I didn't think you were insulting.
it's only that I don't consider myself a diplomat.

SusanofO -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:32:29 AM)

Oh. Okay.

- Susan

SilentHunter -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:35:10 AM)

Personally, i like my slave, to act, look and feel like a woman, but it depends on where we are going, if we are going out to a nilla place, i lke skirts, low cut top and boots/heels, if its bdsm/D/s related, then we change with the time.

SusanofO -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:42:13 AM)

Thanks for the reply.

- Susan

odalisqueslave -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:45:45 AM)

submissive or slave?...a way of dressing?
this must have come from a 'male' perspective.
surely the 'difference' lies within ones
attitude, ones mindset...the level 'service'.


maleinmaryland -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:45:56 AM)

I like her attire to fit the mood.  There are times when I'm in the mood for her to feel and look like a woman.  There are other times I want her to feel and look a little more on the slutty side.   Long skirts or pants don't work too well when I'm in the mood for some public play, but that leather mini does just fine.

SusanofO -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 5:47:41 AM)

odalisqueslave: Okay - I agree. But it was more or less just a "wardrobe question" regarding female submissives and slaves. I appreciate the spirit of your generous response, though (truly). I agree someone's heart and level of devotion are what truly count.

maleinmaryland: Thanks for the reply.

Nobody is taking the poll!!  Please don't forget to check your preference if you are a (hetero) male Dominant. Please? Pretty please? Thank you.

But - I really do appreciate everyone's comments (truly). Thanks.

- Susan 

Midearthtrainer -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 6:39:16 AM)

Yes susan, you would be required to express your feminine side at all times.
At a BDSM event, a leather mini works fine; so does a button front or wrap dress. Accessibility is a key ingredient, in what is chosen to wear.

SusanofO -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 6:40:20 AM)

Thanks for the reply.

- Susan

amlonging -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 6:48:22 AM)

Nice question Susan.....
I voted.  I prefer my girl soft and feminine.  Because that is how I enjoy looking at her. 
Personally, I dont like the vampy look unless at a holloween party, then do  it up good (hehehehe).
On the other hand, I am required to be totally accessible at all times in my feminine, slightly slutty attire.
Am looking for more responses from your chosen posters.

RedSavageSlave -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 6:59:09 AM)

<fast reply>

I tend to go with both looks myself all depends on the mood I am in at the time or the preference of my partner.

Petruchio -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 7:09:02 AM)

A challenging or dangerous sub can be fun conquering, but for long-term use, there's nothing like soft and warm.

ShreveportMaster -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 7:42:25 AM)

I much prefer soft and warm, cuddly and loveable. Clothes should be feminine, and allow easy access or removal. Long skirts are fine, but prefer ones with elastic waist that can be removed easily. Of course wardrobe is but a tiny part of One's girl being soft and feminine, but an interesting part as well, and that's My vote.

LuckyAlbatross -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 7:43:23 AM)

I do both.  I am both.

agorwarrior -> RE: Your submissive or slave - "kitten" or "vixen"? (12/16/2006 7:54:46 AM)

I like mine to look proper for the event we are attending, in private I lean towards the "vixen" look, or nothing at all. [8D]

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