RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (Full Version)

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OWNER02818 -> RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/19/2006 10:22:15 PM)

i was wondering how to test these submissives to decide if i want to meet then then decide if i want to play with them because i am sick of wasting time

any tips?   any links?

  thx Becky

SweetDommes -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/19/2006 11:56:41 PM)

talk to them - there are no short cuts, sorry.

OWNER02818 -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 12:00:17 AM)

i am not looking for short cuts. i want ways to guage thier character and sincerity

MrKite -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 12:16:58 AM)

Guageing character and sincerity is a natural part of the human to human interaction experience.  You talk, get to know each other, build a relationship and in  time come to trust an believe what people say.  If you go at it like some sort of business, cold and impersonal thats's what you are going to get, the cold shoulder.  Subs are humans first, with feelings, likes and dislikes.  Take the time to get to know who they are besides being sub and you'll figure it out.

SweetDommes -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 12:28:01 AM)

As Mr. Kite said (in a longer version than I did) - the ways to gauge a persons sincerity is by communicating with them.  The only way to do it is to talk to them, get to know them - that is what I meant by "there are no short cuts" - you have to take the time to talk to them, and risk wasting your time on fakes/players/posers/etc. to find the ones who have character and are sincere.

What you are asking for is a short cut to figuring out if someone is a player ... they don't exist.  Every time we think we have a sure fire way to spot one, they change their methods.

LadyEllen -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 3:55:16 AM)

as others have said, you have to get to know them, which means spending time with them. Proper time - not in a "job interview" type situation, where lets face it, everyone is on their best behaviour. You need to make that time be of sufficient quantity and quality that they cant hide what they really feel and want, and how they really are.

All I'd say on top of that is
1) make it clear from the off that there will be a getting to know you period before anything else happens
2) make it clear from the off that there will be no sex either, until/unless you initiate it
3) remember, you are in control, not him, and make sure he knows it

The reaction of the proverbial wanker to this, will be to walk away. The proverbial wankers are those who dont really want a relationship, but are looking for a quick fix without having to pay for it. If you let a wanker get what he wants, I almost guarantee you wont ever see him again.

Anyone who is really, actually interested in you will put up with all that I'd think.

Its not much different to ordinary, everyday dating/relationship stuff. Playing hard to get is important, as it weeds out those who are just casual so you can see the one who is definitely interested, by his pursuit.

Voltare -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 4:04:10 AM)

Online, I'd start with a spelling and grammar test.  Followed by checking her sense of humor.  Then I'd move on to topics that are interesting to me - music, literature, computers, philosophy, history.  If she's holding herself well, I'll see about her personal situation - relationships, background, etc.

Most of this would preferably be done on the phone.

MstrssPassion -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 4:35:34 AM)

Take a look at your question from (some of us) our side

You want us to do for you what we are doing for ourselves
....figure out & find a sincere partner

Many of us are already doing this & guess what, we've been painstakingly doing so for years in a lot of cases

Why do you think this is going to be any easier for you?

Heck we don't even have a clue as to what kind of person you are looking for. You are your own best source for finding a suitable partner. Keep in mind, you're only going to get out of this what you're willing to put into it & anything worth having is worth working to get.

I've been knocking around in this "whatever you prefer to call it" for many years (nearly 20) Most of these years I was single.

Best tip I can offer. Look within first (just what the heck are you all about & where are you going with all of this?) Identify what it is that you truly wish to achieve in your life, define the criteria that one should fit comfortably in & then go for it.

People are only time wasters when you allow them to waste your time. Only you can refine your own screening process but first you must be firm on exactly what you looking for in this screening process.

corysub -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 6:00:09 AM)

Dear Mistress,

  With all respect, i think it might be helpful for you to think of the person on the other end of the leash. While it is true that too many online are playing and get kicks from emails, some of us are also sincere and have a true submissive nature and want only to serve and please. 
   A subbie has no different question on their mind than you do and, after all, the risks to which a submissive puts their body to basically an unknown stranger causes a great degree of concern.  This is particularly true when the dominant is inexperienced and could easily go over the edge between safety and significant injury.  I once found myself bound and being beaten badly by a drugged out Mistress and was only saved from significant injury when her roomate arrived. 

   As others have said, there are no shortcuts.  Starting with online chats, webcam views and testing, proceeding to a vanilla meeting over coffee should give both you and the subbie some idea if there is common ground and chemistry.  Obviously, you never know until you actually have a relationship how it will turn out.

   Wish you well in your search.


pixelslave -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 8:02:17 AM)



i was wondering how to test these submissives to decide if i want to meet then then decide if i want to play with them because i am sick of wasting time

any tips?   any links?

thx Becky

Perhaps your first clue should be their initial letter and any further correspondence you've had with them.  Was the first letter about you and your personal interests or about what they wanted from you in terms of their sexual fantasies?  If the latter, you've identified someone who is probably a player.  If the former, you've identified someone who is likely to be a submissive who is interested in you as a woman first who is also a Dominant.  In the further correspondence, does the person wait for you to discuss his D/s interests or does he bring them up on his own?  If he doesn't wait for you, you've identified someone who probably should also be cut as they've not waited for you to initiate that discussion.  They should have continued to discuss your and their mutual interests as a woman and a man in a vanilla sense getting to know each other, unless of course you directed the discussion in another direction or didn't include any of your other interests in your profile.  If the latter, you didn't give a sub anything with which to work with, so he had little choice without bombarding you with questions or focusing on his own personal interests.  Either way, he had little choice in the matter but to disregard what I've described above.

When you correspond or talk with him, is he straightforward with his answers?  If not, ask yourself first why he may not be such.  For example, are you the same?  If so, he may be reflecting what you are sending out as he'll be looking to you for his signals and cues.  When you move to the phone, does it flow natural with him?  Does he give you the sense that he's confident in his abilities and masculinity?  Is he able to flirt in a way that you like?  Can he compliment you and make you feel important without denigrating himself?  After all, he might eventually wind up being your sub, but don't you want to be proud when you take him in public to meet with your friends? 

You might say, the bottom line is does he make you feel like the attractive and sensuous woman that you believe yourself to be?  If not, then it sounds like perhaps, he may have failed to make this round or else he needs further training from you on how to behave in the way that you wish.  You'll need to determine for yourself if the desire is there and the chemistry is real if you decide that he's worth meeting in R/T for coffee or such. 

As the ladies have said, this is not the time to play with him as potential Mistress and sub, but instead date as a woman and man to determine if his desire is genuine to serve you as his Mistress or not.  If you feel it is real, then after a period of time, you can choose whether or not to engage in some play.  Remember that he too may need a minimum amount of time to feel as though he knows you well enough that he can trust you with his submission in order to play beyond a certain level of comfort at this time in your relationship with him.  I say this because I am that way.  For some of us, giving our submission is directly tied to what we feel in terms of love.  The more of the former we give the deeper we fall.  For me I've learned its not something I can just casually play with whenever I a woman wants.

I hope this helps put more words and specifics into what the others have described in more general terms.  As was implied by the others, I suggest you start with your profile and think about what you really want and actually need from the man you'd have as a sub or a slave.  At present, your profile tells me nothing about YOU as a person or a woman.  The little it does say, I hope is about the persona you wish to convey.  Its not a profile that I personally would respond to myself and is the kind I always avoid.  When I read profiles like yours, I never know if you're for real or just trying to put out something you think will appeal to a certain kind of submissive male that you'd like to have serving you.  In doing so, you've only given men fantasy material to reply to, so I can totally understand your need try and sort through what you've likely received.[sm=brush.gif]

Would you really want a man who is truly less than a doormat?  For me, its something I'd never want to be! [:-]   I have far more to offer a woman than any doormat you will ever buy at the hardware store! [8|]  No doormat will ever give you a footrub or massage like I can.  Nor will it ever be able to think for itself about your needs and plan ahead to anticipate them, something you may want to think about before you go to ACO or ACE. [;)]

- pixel

OWNER02818 -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 8:06:14 AM)


ORIGINAL: corysub

As others have said, there are no shortcuts.  Starting with online chats, webcam views and testing,.....

what is this testing

OWNER02818 -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 8:12:21 AM)

pixel with the informative answer

actually i do want a beat bag. having someone bound and begging and in pain turns me on more then i can put into words

pixelslave -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 8:32:40 AM)



pixel with the informative answer

actually i do want a beat bag. having someone bound and begging and in pain turns me on more then i can put into words

Nothing wrong with getting turned on by having a sub bound, begging and in pain, particularly if that's what really pushes your and his buttons, but are you up to that 100% of the time??  Assuming not, what are the two of you going to do the rest of the time? [8|]

- pixel

OWNER02818 -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 11:43:48 AM)

i will do what i want and he will be locked in my closet (that happens to be equipped with a toilet and sink) and he will wear restraints 24/7

MercilessMarcy -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 12:36:51 PM)

owner02818  You don't want a relationship.  You want a thing, an it, an object. Be certain you put that in your profile.     Believe it or not, there are poor souls out there who want just to be an object.    I prefer a real relationship myself.   To each their own.

OWNER02818 -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 2:59:30 PM)


ORIGINAL: MercilessMarcy

owner02818   ..Be certain you put that in your profile.    

maybe you better be checking peoples profiles befor you be telling them what they better be putting into thier profiles

DiurnalVampire -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 3:12:37 PM)

Id say dont hold your breath.  There are very few sincere submissves on here that will see what you want and actualy desire this for a long term arrangement.  You will have a lot of fantasy players who think this is what BDSM realy is, and who wil realize that that is not much of a life and back back out before you get far.  You are dealing with human beings, and they will expect to be treates as such eventualy. Yeah, entertining the idea of bieng completely objectified might be great for a littl while, but I doubt either of you wil stay interested in it long term. Online, knowing how serious they wil be is hard.  You are looking for something very specific, so getting to know them for who they are doesnt seem to be helpful for you.  I am sure there are a few out there that want to be nothing more hana  closeted piece of meat, but they are few and far between.  Most would at best try it and want out quickly.
Good luck, you probably have a rough search ahead of you.


cloudboy -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 4:06:33 PM)



i am not looking for short cuts. i want ways to guage thier character and sincerity

Don't worry, your quote, "my doormat will have more rights then you" is sure to lure in a lot of quality guys, especially the ones you can trust.

givemyall -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 4:14:10 PM)

Maybe she would be better advertising for a bathmat rather than a doormat..... got to be honest and say that when I heard the description of the cupboard it just sounded like this person she is searching for, was going to be locked in the bathroom lol.

But I wish her luck finding someone, I can imagine that they will have lots of inspiring times together [;)].  Then again the mind is a very powerful thing and sometimes people can mistake fantasy for reality.

pixelslave -> RE: RECRUITMENT HELP: testing potential submissives (12/20/2006 4:16:40 PM)



i will do what i want and he will be locked in my closet (that happens to be equipped with a toilet and sink) and he will wear restraints 24/7

Lovely!  I'll bet he'll smell wonderfull after a week or two. [X(]
Just curious, do you plan to feed him on occasion, let him brush his teeth and take him to the veterinarian, err, umm, doctor that is for his shots and a check-up every now and then?  Have you given any thought to allowing him some exercise and a little sunshine from time to time?  Even when I put my dog in the kennel, they let her run a couple times/day for the exercise and to help her bowls move more freely.  At any rate, I'd hate to see him die of scurvy on you or because his sores from your frequent beatings became infected. [:-]
 - pixel

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