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Section Guidelines - General BDSM Discussion

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Section Guidelines - General BDSM Discussion - 2/20/2005 11:53:58 AM   

Posts: 935
Status: offline
As the description for this section states, this is a forum for the open discussion of topics pertaining to BDSM and related subjects. All members are welcome to join in the conversation here regardless of experience or interest.

Subjects which are unacceptable regardless of circumstance include, but are not limited to - minors engaged in sexual activities, bestiality, incest involving minors, necrophilia, snuff and criminal activities. Any other questions of acceptability will be determined based on the content of the given essay.

Keep the discussions civil and mature, and do not insult the kinks, preferences, lifestyles, etc. of others.

There is an Off Topic Discussion category elsewhere on this board if you wish to bring up subjects other than those intended here

When posting please consider the following as well.

Font size and color - I shouldn't have to say this, but please do not abuse the privilege of having larger font sizes. They should be used on rare occasions to perhaps emphasize a point or wish happy birthday. Entire posts should not be made in very large fonts. If we find you are abusing this privilege, we will take it away. We expect people to behave maturely. This same rule applies towards colors. Please do not use font colors that are difficult to read or have rainbow colored posts. Colors are permitted for emphasis on certain words and to add personality. If we find your post difficult to read due to color, we will change it all to black. We don't expect this to happen, because we trust that everyone here can behave like a mature adult. An exception would be in the random stupidity section. Use all the color you want there. These rules also apply to capitalization. Please use responsibly or your post will end up missing or in random stupidity regardless of content.

Overview of the forums - Here is what we are working towards with the forum sections. Please become familiar with our forum and try to place your post in the appropriate section. If you are uncertain where it belongs then please use your best judgment and pick a single forum to post in. Do not post the same or similar thing in every forum. If it does not belong there a moderator will move it. Please keep in mind that this is added work for the moderator so we ask that you please look over the other areas before posting.

Introduction - Where you introduce yourself and greet others
Positive Experiences - Where you post about your positive experiences meeting other collarme users in person.
General BDSM - Genuine and more serious discussion of BDSM. This is NOT a garbage pail or a catch all forum.
Alternative Lifestyles In The News - News Articles and Other Media Attention given to Alternative Lifestyles
Bondage Gear and Apparel - Questions, opinions and information on toys, clothing, equipment etc.
Ask A ('s) - Self explanatory
Health and Safety - Questions, suggestions, and advice on responsible participation in BDSM activities.
Creative Writings - Stories, poetry, and personal thoughts by members of the community.
The Lounge - This is a place to relax and have lighthearted BDSM related chit chat that is more playful than serious. If it were serious it would be in General BDSM Discussion.
Off Topic Discussion - This is where you can discuss politics, religion, astrology, cooking or anything else non BDSM related.
Humor - ha ha
Polls and Other Random Stupidity - Your garbage pail for all the junk you need to get out of your system (yes, general forum content guidelines still apply).
Sought or For Sale - The advertising of items for sale, and requests for objects sought.
Artisans - Listing of craftsmen offering their services and wares.
Professional Services - Links to professional dominants and submissives.
Scene Related Links - place to post links to other BDSM sites
Test Area - Test your signature, avatar etc.

Duplicate and Repeat posts - Please do not make posts bringing peoples attention to another post in the same or a different area. If you have something to contribute to the topic then please post to the original topic. Please do not start a duplicate or similar thread if there is an active thread on the subject already or was fairly recently.

Personal information - Please do not give out any personal information about another user. This includes but is not limited to any other names they may/may not have on collarme or on any other websites, their personal name, phone number, email address or instant messenger ID.

Images - Images are permitted.  Please do not post illegal images.  If you see illegal content please report it to our support department.

Criticism - Please keep criticism to a minimum. While disagreement is okay inflammatory comments aka flaming, humiliating and belittling other users is not acceptable.

One Liners - Please keep your one liners in the appropriate section (Polls and random stupidity or the lounge) Please do not bump threads with one liners that contribute nothing to the topic. This also includes emotes.

Thank you,


< Message edited by Admin -- 2/16/2016 11:17:33 AM >
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